Steam | November 2016 - Rally to Restore Fear and/or Sanity in the Steam Community

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Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.


Ask Mike Pence


Tyranny - November 10th
Tyranny is a new RPG from Obsidian and Paradox. Tyranny explores a unique narrative in which the war between good and evil has already taken place, with the evil overlord Kyros reigning victorious. What's more, you fought along side Kyros' armies and now serve Kyros as a Fatebinder - judge and executioner of Kyros' Law.

Unlike Pillars of Eternity, there is much more of a focus towards choice, reactivity and replayability, as well as a shorter game expected to be at least 25hrs long. This is demonstrated right off the bat, where character creation also involves "Conquest", that allows you to decide the choices you made during the war that has passed - resulting in changes to alliances, how different people treat you, your own abilities and even the world of the game and its history.


Xanadu Next - November 3rd
Tizoc said:
Originally released on the N-Gage in 2005, Xanadu Next is among Falcom's well regarded Action RPG games. Finally getting an official English release in November, expect the trademark Falcom gameplay, awesome boss fights and kickass soundtrack.


Call of Duty Infinite Warfare - November 4th
The most innovative FPS game has returned for another sequel, but this time it's in space! I don't if you heard but this COD is gonna be the best yet with skins and extra gun modifications with later DLC down the line. Forget other games this year if there's one game people will be playing this year the most then it is COD:IW. Infinity has really gone over the bar this time and has gone back to it's roots with the franchise and MP is sure to be great.


  • Do not solicit/trade/sell/beg for games in this thread. But if you do, you're smarter than everyone else for doing it.
  • Do not post your tax returns
  • Examples of good posting behavior





gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Ubi's foray into F2P PC games hasn't exactly worked out well. All of the following are now dead:

- Might & Magic: Duel of Champions
- The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot
- Tom Clancy's EndWar Online
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Phantoms (both the NA and EU versions)

This leaves only Anno Online, Might & Magic Online and The Settlers Online, which are probably on borrowed time as well.


Assuming Orange is dead. Here was the recommendation I sent for this month:

Tyranny - November 10th


Tyranny is a new RPG from Obsidian and Paradox. Tyranny explores a unique narrative in which the war between good and evil has already taken place, with the evil overlord Kyros reigning victorious. What's more, you fought along side Kyros' armies and now serve Kyros as a Fatebinder - judge and executioner of Kyros' Law.

Unlike Pillars of Eternity, there is much more of a focus towards choice, reactivity and replayability, as well as a shorter game expected to be at least 25hrs long. This is demonstrated right off the bat, where character creation also involves "Conquest", that allows you to decide the choices you made during the war that has passed - resulting in changes to alliances, how different people treat you, your own abilities and even the world of the game and its history.


Tyranny does sound so good. Can't wait to get an capable gaming PC again, will have a bunch of good rpgs to sink my teeth into.

So I'm playing through Baldurs Gate 2 right now and I'm considering playing Icewind Dale after that but how does it hold up?


New thread! I hope I can get away from my WoW addiction this month and play a few games on Steam again. My newly arrived GPD Win should help a little with that.


portion of RE Revelations 2 episode 3 was really good. Genuinely surprised at how how much fun I've been having with the game.

Good shit Capcpcom



shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Finished SUPERHOT. I loved how you could finish a level and think 'that was rough', then look at the replay on normal speed and you look like the most badass mofo that ever lived. Disarming enemies, slicing bullets in half, getting two kills with a katana throw... I loved it, but not enough to get into the challenges/speedrun stuff.


We're so going to regret this OP, if he wins :/

No Dishonored 2 recommendations in OP?
No recommendations for Call of Dut-- nah I won't even finish that :p


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
ModBot said:
Instructions for Rhaknar:
Press the quote button to the left of this PM, select the quoted text, copy, and paste in the thread. You can remove these lines from the version you paste.

Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 5 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
Want to make your own ModBot giveaway? Click here for a quick tutorial thread. Please give generously.

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Rhaknar, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This is a free for all! You can enter for multiple games on the list below. Send an individual PM for each game you'd like to win.
- This giveaway is a LIGHTNING raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 15 minutes after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Shutter -- MB-92B306C082D50CD0 - Taken by voodooray
Five Nights at Freddy's 2 -- MB-DFF4568C0F20DC70 - Taken by NingenJanai
Cluck Yegger in Escape From The Planet of The Poultroid -- MB-7E8B1342DBA11A72 - Taken by rainking187
Spectre -- MB-6681B367A12A1CEB - Taken by Eila. 1 entrants total.
Bulb Boy -- MB-DDB4C4788430BD65 - Taken by derFeef



Bloodlust Shadowhunter is one PC-ass PC game. Feels like an interface from MMOs almost (and not a particularly new one), and has all sorts of weird ass systems like you can sire vampires and the give them orders (like come with you, go find loot, go find someone else to sire).


So Zero Time Dilemma is the newest game in the series? I have no experience with them, but very curious to try them out. I bought it in the sale.


So Zero Time Dilemma is the newest game in the series? I have no experience with them, but very curious to try them out. I bought it in the sale.

Yes it is, but i would recommend holding off on it and play 999 and VLR first, playing ZTD first would spoil you both on the story and usablity of the past games.


Yes it is, but i would recommend holding off on it and play 999 and VLR first, playing ZTD first would spoil you both on the story and usablity of the past games.

Then thanks for the heads-up! I have a 3DS as well since a month or so, but I would rather play it on my PC if the port is good.

Also an important question, is Nabs going to change the Obamatar very soon? :-O


Oh wow, at humble store, where you can give another 5% to your own wallet, I always thought it would cost extra but something you could use again, so didn't see the point of that but when you actually get store credit just for buying at stated price... I can't other than facepalm my past selves, very hard for all the times I opted out of that.


Owlboy for $20 is tempting (Humble Monthly discount), but I'm still not completely sure what the game is.


I couldn't resist getting Owlboy, had to sell of my NAS just to get the cash haha. Being stuck on a intel GPU I am starving for really good 2D games that I can run.

The reviews and hype for Owlboy really are promising.


How good are humblebundle at sending out preorder keys? Can I expect getting the Owlboy key before it unlocks on steam?


This year's Football Manager is the best ever. There's no joy quite like taking over Man United and kicking out José. Feels great.
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