He means that the games are stored on a dictionary structure, which perse is not ordered, so its "imposible" to know how the games will be ordered (actually if I recall correctly python uses a hash table to implement the dicts, so it depends on the name of the game).
Yeah that's what I was saying before but I think this user is asking a much more basic question, not about how ModBot orders the game names, but rather about how ModBot works on a basic level.
Could you explain how it works please? Is it distributed randomly to a user? and is it luck based?
I've sent three pm's haven't got anything.
Are you asking how ModBot draws winners? It's first come first serve for anything that's a plain giveaway, and it's randomly chosen once the timer expires for timed raffles. It helps to read the rules for the thing that you're entering, which will tell you whether it's a giveaway or a raffle.
I am seeing two PMs from you:
- One entering for
MB-A6714EDE29086F99 - Taken by
Melhisedek. 3 entrants total. - This is a raffle for Fez that doesn't end for another 45 minutes, so obviously the winner hasn't been chosen
- One entering for MB-6BC428774A1A55AF - This is a raffle for The Last Remnant that doesn't end for another 90 minutes, so obviously the winner hasn't been chosen