What a useless call. He has no real connection to the incident. Does he think his celebrity status is somehow going to help the family any more than a random man saying the very same words?
Does it really irk so many people when the successful show humanity? If I were to play the title role in releasing a product and a kid got killed for it, I would feel like crap.
My brother's girlfriend's brother has already stolen 2 ipods from the gym he goes to. What a fucking asshole, he offered me one but I refused... as tempting as it is, that shit just isn't right.
My brother bought it from him though, for $50. Scum.
hey, here's a crazy thought, but instead of blaming apple for the white headphones, why not blame the fuckwads who killed some kid over something as trivial as an ipod? If it wasn't an ipod, it would have been a pair of sneakers or a nice jacket or a playstation. Fuckwads are fuckwads.