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Still in Love with the Addict who Left me


Hey GAF, first topic... and wouldn't you know it, it's a relationship thread. Well, I suppose it's not the typical relationship thread, at least I would hope not. I'm making this post because I am probably at one of the lowest points in my life... and probably need the most sense talked into me. I'm a bigger fan of telling how I got to where I am before stating where I am, so I'm going to do just that.

Brace yourself friends, exposition is coming.

At the start of my courtship, I'm a rather confident single twenty something and I'd call myself happy. After getting laid off from my big boy job, I've found work as a manager at a mall Gamestop, (get your pitchforks ready) and while I'm making less and know this no kind of permanent career for me, it's refreshing to be doing something I genuinely enjoy: talking about games. I'm pretty close to a Starbucks Coffee in said mall, which is where I met one of the most beautiful girls inside and out, in my opinion, I've ever seen. A mutual friend tells me she seems to have a thing for me, so I ask her out. We have a drink and things go well. I'm not going to regale you with every painstaking detail of our courtship, but for me it's pure magic. I actually will always remember this period no matter what, due to the scar over my right eye. She accidentally spilled the lemon water I ordered on me, causing me to slip and fall face first into the counter. This shattered my glasses, which cut into my face. I actually got carried away in a stretcher, having hit my head on the ground. Yep, had to get stitches... that was fun. It's a cute story, because I literally fell for her at that moment, you could say. I remember being in the ambulance and texting her "you forgot the lemon."We spend more and more time together, I joked it was because she had to finish the job.

Time goes on and it becomes clear to us that this isn't normal infatuation... this is what the kids call true love. Random strangers are telling us how happy we look, and like, man I'm seeing all sorts of signs. To me, this girl is the legendary one. So we start dating, and I leave this information to myself. Things are going absolutely phenomenal, but she says she has to make a confession. My heart sinks. "I'm a recovering heroin addict and I'm four months clean." Needless to say, I'm shocked and she thinks I'm going to leave, and yet I stay without hesitation. She tells me the whole story, how she had tried to leave her recent ex a year or so ago, and he turned to using heroin to cope telling her it was her fault. (He's quite the peach isn't he) She believed him, which as you can imagine wrecked her. He convinced her to start doing it with him and the rest is history...

Her story goes on, and boy is it a sad one. Essentially, he treated her like shit and ruined her life completely-- isolating her from both her friends and her family. She of course was blind to it, doing every drug under the sun with him. She didn't even attempt to stop until she hit rock bottom and crashed her car while dope sick (a withdrawal.) So her parents cornered her and somehow managed to get her to seek help, and she moved back in with them. And now here she is, twenty one years of age-- her clean date is her birthday-- working her first job: a barista. I was proud to learn how far she'd come.

I was also naive.


This is where the story takes a turn. Just around the time her five month clean hits, this girl's grandmother starts getting sick. I can tell she's having a hard time, so I decide to do something nice for her: buy her a cool necklace to celebrate her five months clean. She absolutely loves it. She says she hasn't been taking her anti-craving meds. (That stop her from getting high and cause major pain if you use) I tell her I want to come over and help her take them, throw away the needles she keeps for an emergency. She declines, saying she will do it herself when she gets home. She tells me she took the pills.

That turns out to be lie. She visits her grandmother the next day. She's supposed to hang out with me right after (In hopes of helping get her mind off things.) Instead, she hits up her ex (Easter) and they proceed to use heroin together. It turns out he had told her he was planning to get clean and he wanted to use together one last time. Pardon my French, but fuck this bastard. He knew about me and he wanted to drive her away from me and towards him with this tactic. A selfish asshole to be sure.

She calls me afterwards, crying. She asks if she could come see me. It's 3 am, but I oblige. I am furious, angry at both of them. This was my error, but I'm an emotional guy... and I didn't know how to handle this. She thinks I'm going to leave her and she's beside herself.

"So you're serious about getting clean?"

She says yes. I agree to stay, but I say she has to stop talking to her ex. She says he's going away, so he won't be an issue. I tell her next time I'm going to leave, so let's not make there a next time. Let's commit to being clean. She agrees. Now things are a bit rougher after this, but she's still really into the relationship. She has, however, lost that happy spark she had, and has become depressed as hell. I do my best to make her happy, taking her on fun adventures and weekly dates. She says no one has done anything like this, and it almost feels weird. "You expect the love you think you deserve." That's a line she often used. Oh, and speaking of using... guess what she did two months later?

Surprise, surprise. Her ex never left! And her grandmother dies... So, she decides to relapse, but this time she hides it from me... And...

I'm sorry, I'm not trying to simulate the feeling of me getting choked up, but I genuinely am here. This is where she almost died. Apparently when they used she isn't waking up, so they revive her at the hospital.

I notice a drastic change in her behavior. I ask her again and again if she's used, and she denies it. So, I decide to ask her to take her anti-craving drugs in front of me. She refuses and eventually breaks down and admits she used and tells me the whole story. This reduces me to tears and I tell her I'm going to tell her parents and that she needs help. She starts crying and blocks the door, telling me I cannot tell them, and if I do I will never hear from her again. I vow to beat the crap out of the guy, and she's not having that idea either. Somehow, she convinces me to stay... She doesn't want to lose me and I know being around and being a positive presence will help keep her away from drugs. I lay down some ground rules... I say no hiding stuff from me, block your ex and all your dealers. She actually does this! This is major and makes me think she's actually serious about getting clean. Things are pretty good afterwards, and it seems as though she's being extra nice since she's trying to make up for things.

This does not last though. We now have trust issues, and I'm not treating her the same way. Every time she wants to go out I feel skeptical. I spend more and more time with her, trying to occupy her time, so she's not bored and thinking about doing drugs. This is where I feel things start to fall apart...

Sadly, I believe I began to get clingy and smother her at this point. This drives her further and further away. Through everything that's happened, both good and bad I become extremely attached to this girl. Things only get worse when she starts taking new meds, a mood stabilizer and an anti-depressant. Between them and her constant weed smoking (which I have no problem with, since I do it too.) She's pretty much become a zombie. She doesn't seem to care to want to see me like she used to, opting to drink and have fun with her friends without me. (Something she used to love to do WITH me.) Things get to a fever pitch when I suspect her of using again. She's showing all the signs, throwing up and refusing to let me see her. I don't feel like going into the details... but trust me GAF, when I say she's showing all the signs... she really really is.Things aren't going well the past couple of weeks, and we've had two discussions about our relationship being in trouble prior to this. She had agreed to try, because I promised her I start trusting her again and ease up a bit.

So, one day soon, we have plans to hang out after work, and she suddenly cancels saying she would rather sleep. We were planning on napping and watching Netflix, so it struck me as odd. Both times she used she did the same exact thing. So I pretend to not get the text and come over anyway... just to investigate. She gets pretty mad when she sees me there, and basically says she can't do this anymore and attempts to break up with me. Through a lot of talking I convince her that it's not a great idea... and I guess she sorta gives in for whatever reason. The next day I come over and watch the finale of a show we love with her and her mom, and she asks me to leave right after... as she would rather sleep. The following day, she disappears completely. She claims to have gotten sick, and when I finally do see her at work, she totally looks like shit. All her coworkers think she's using again too. So, I confront her and she denies everything. The main reason I think she's used is because she didn't call or text back all day on the day in question, and sounded like utter shit when she finally responded... at night. (That's exactly how it happened the other two times.) I confront her and she says it's not that she used, it's that she tried to break up and I wouldn't let her so she felt weird. So tearfully I just give into what she wants... and I spiral fucking downward.

I kinda refuse to admit that it's over, having grown so attached to the idea that this girl was going to be my forever, and that I would stand by her no matter what. She's out of commission for several days, calling out of work and leaving early on the day she is there due to throwing up. I decide that it's a good idea to hang out and get my stuff. This where it really feels like she's just turned a switch and she doesn't feel like someone I'm going to be able to win back with my words and displays of affection. I do the worst possible thing, and I break down and text her and call her nonstop for 2-3 days telling her how shattered I am. I hate to admit it, but there was a fair amount of drinking involved on my part. Bear in mind, I'm still pretty beside myself thinking she used. She actually talks to be on one of these days and tells me she's talking to her ex again. She says she no longer feels like she doesn't have to since she's not with me anymore. She says she won't see him unless he actually gets clean though.

Maybe I'm an idiot, but I actually believe she didn't use this time. That line pretty much says it all. Or maybe it doesn't? Who knows at this point. Something about how she told me seemed really genuine. Now, I'm regretting all this and I decide to just cut contact. I come to realize that I'm only pushing her away with my desperate behavior and that it's for the best. I'm committing to working on myself, going to therapy and the gym. Going out and being social. All my friends and coworkers see this as a positive, saying she was no good for me, and that I'm better off without her.

... But am I?

So that's the negative story of our decline, but throughout this whole six months I had never been happier. The good always seemed to outweigh the bad, and given how bad the bad was-- that should tell you something! Never have I felt like I can be myself as much as I can around her. She makes me laugh, smile, and it's the best sex I've ever had. She's sweet to me. A golden heart that would literally not even crush a spider, yet slightly rough around the edges. I can do both everything and nothing with her. When we are happy together, we are practically enveloped by an invisible bubble that shuts everything out but us. It was us against the world. She's made a difference on me, and made me want things out of life I have never wanted before. It's fucking crazy and it makes no sense. I've had several long relationships (one even three years long) and not one of them ending made me feel this way. I have no feelings of resentment toward her, and I'm not just rushing out to sleep with someone else. In fact, I can't even fathom sleeping with someone else. It simply doesn't appeal to me. My parents, friends... everyone tells me to forget her and to let her make her own mistakes, but I made a fucking promise. I promised to stick by her no matter what for the rest of her life, because I knew her addiction was never going away. Never had I thought she was the one that would leave me. Not in a million years.

I think that's what I am so stuck on, GAF. I feel like there's something truly wrong with me, that I managed to push the love of my life away like this. I wish I handled the problem of her addiction better. I'm trying to craft myself into being that person. I'm not even close to perfect. As a product of emotional and physical abuse as a child, I have attachment issues, and I know that the stress of what happened made me slip into that controlling person. Through it all she says she still loves me, and the main reason we broke up was that she just wasn't ready for anything. It's not shocking, she told me that up front when it all started. Through I was never her official boyfriend, I became that in an unofficial capacity over time-- she would even refer to me as that from time to time. She introduced me to her extended family, and she stayed loyal to me. While her mistakes were pretty big, I'm the one who got broken up with, making me think it really is me that has to make some major changes. My friends are happy I'm making positive changes and I'm content without her, but I just want to be a better man for her.

I'm not concerned about myself guys; I'm just not. That's never been who I am. I put others first, and that's simply what I like doing. I love her, and I'm still willing to be a positive force in her life if she'd simply let me back in. I refuse to believe just because of a mistake she made while she was younger that she's not worth my time and attention. I love a recovering heroin addict that dumped me, and literally everyone is telling me to stop. Will you do the same?

I'm supposed to hang out with her today and Sunday. These are plans we made a while ago. I feel like I need a month to myself to heal and get my shit together, maybe erase the negative impressions I left on her recently with my regrettable behavior. I haven't really spoken to her in almost three days. It's two hours or so until we are supposed to chill (if she decides to wake up on time.) What do I do? My heart is churning with anxiety and my mind is spinning with uncertainty. I want to give this girl the life she deserves. She's the most amazing person I've ever met that just so happens to be plagued by a horrible addiction. I look past and accept that.

GAF, while I may not post an awful lot I see you all as my faceless friends. I read topics like this from time to time and I know I might be in for some rough responses, but I'm going through with it anyway. Can any of you relate? Should I really just cut and run? Should I try to win her over? I'm not trying to save her, Gaf. I just want to love her and support her and do it in a way that makes her happy and doesn't overwhelm her. I feel like a love like this is something I'm willing to fight for, regardless of what logic would dictate.



I hate to put it this bluntly but....she's a heroin addict that's seeing her ex-boyfriend on the side.

Do we really need to tell you what to do here?
Re-read your post and pretend that it was a friend that typed it. You'll find the answer you seek.

This is good advice. Her relapses did break your trust, as much as it was destructive for her as well. Sounds like you tried your best, although I have to admit it seemed like a bit of a misstep not to confront her about her weed usage when she was a recovering addict...

With time hopefully you'll stop seeing her as 'The One' and just as a troubled girl you really cared about. Hopefully you can move forward after this.


Unconfirmed Member
If I was you I'd cut all ties to her because this is clearly going to be unhealthy, being a friend and all, and the impression I get she was just using you if she was going back to her ex and getting high up and doing the dirty behind your back.

Don't be a sucker and give in to her twisted manipulation. Think of yourself and your health first than hers. She's had plenty of opportunities and chances and she has thrown them in your face multiple times. Only herself can sort out the hole she's heavily dug herself into and get into rehab.


Man I feel for you. But I'm also excited for you. If you find someone you are actually compatible with, which you probably will if you keep at it, you will look back and laugh at yourself.

Don't get hung up on some addict gf. Try to catch the signs of smothering sooner, and find someone worthy of your trust.


She was not and is not the love of your life.


She's using you. You were a temporary rebound and she's doing what she wants.

Do not waste another minute of your life on her.

I wasted 10 years on a woman that turned out to be very similar. PTSD, always a victim, doing drugs, and went back to ex-boyfriends and other men. I spent three years out of a 10-year marriage trying to fix her. It's her not you!

Got divorced, got full custody of my kids, and am now dating a woman that's 1000 times better than my ex ever was.

Her being "the one" is all in your head find someone worth your time.

She has made it obvious you're not worth one one-thousandth of what you value her.

Step away..forever....NOW.

Take that from a 34 year old that thought he had the one. What a huge waste of my short life that was. There are WAY BETTER things out there. Hindsight is always 20/20.
While I didn't have to deal with heroin addiction, I had a somewhat similar story to yours, OP, which was that my first girlfriend left me, and then got into a relationship with a dude she met online relatively shortly after. I fooled myself into thinking I could win her back for a while, but honestly the best thing you can do for yourself is to cut off contact with her entirely and try to remember what it's like to just be you, rather than being you and her.

Eventually you'll come around to the same thought process I did: some of what happened is probably your fault, some of what happened is her fault, neither one of you is innocent, and this is a learning experience. She wasn't "the one", but she taught you things about yourself that you would not have learned otherwise.

Take the lesson for what it is and let it help mold you into a better you. You got this, OP.


There’s 6+ billion on this planet. You’ll find the one for you that isn’t a junkie. Hop off this downward spiral.
Re-read your post and pretend that it was a friend that typed it. You'll find the answer you seek.


I thought my love for a girl who was an "recovering" alcoholic was noble and I was trying to help her. Instead I was just filling my own void with the mission of "fixing" her when she didn't really want to be fixed. Looking back on it I was a fool in love with something that was beyond the person I was with.

There's 6+ billion on this planet. You'll find the one for you that isn't a junkie. Hop off this downward spiral.

This is very true, OP.

I ended up with my wife of 6 years (going on 7) currently after that bad relationship.


Re-read your post and pretend that it was a friend that typed it. You'll find the answer you seek.

This is a really good piece of advice.

In your heart of hearts, do you really think you can 'save' this lady? could this be a bit of "Lancelot syndrome"?


Unconfirmed Member
She was not and is not the love of your life.


She's using you. You were a temporary rebound and she's doing what she wants.

Do not waste another minute of your life on her.

I wasted 10 years on a woman that turned out to be very similar. PTSD, always a victim, doing drugs, and went back to ex-boyfriends and other men. I spent three years out of a 10-year marriage trying to fix her. It's her not you!

Got divorced, got full custody of my kids, and am now dating a woman that's 1000 times better than my ex ever was.

Her being "the one" is all in your head find someone worth your time.

She has made it obvious you're not worth one one-thousandth of what you value her.

Step away..forever....NOW.

Take that from a 34 year old that thought he had the one. What a huge waste of my short life that was. There are WAY BETTER things out there. Hindsight is always 20/20.

This mean speaks the truth.

Take your time, focus on yourself and be happy for who you are. You're in a good place to meet many people with similar interests with games and so fourth so stick to your principles that you enjoy about life and you will eventually meet (naturally) someone that deserves your attention and love. Don't force it, just go with the flow and look out for number 1 first. Take it from me with experiences on being with eccentric woman from different situations.

Focus on your hobbies and other things to have your mind distance away from this experience. Appreciate the memory on it serving on to be wiser and what you can potentially have with the right girl that comes along and use it to make yourself a better and stronger person. That is what life is all about.

I thought my love for a girl who was an "recovering" alcoholic was noble and I was trying to help her. Instead I was just filling my own void with the mission of "fixing" her when she didn't really want to be fixed. Looking back on it I was a fool in love with something that was beyond the person I was with.

This is REALLY important too when dealing in relationships with people who treat you like garbage. Often you're not in love with the actual person. You're in love with the idea of what you are and what you think that person could be with you.

Be honest with yourself, OP.


Also full blown separate. I've been in situations like these before and the best way to move forward for me was to cut-off entirely. Sometimes some people are too toxic for you to keep around.


Love is not special, unique, or static. When people say "there's only one person out there for me", they're indicting the rest of the world instead of themselves, which isn't fair to anybody. Humans aren't technically supposed to be monogamous, which also means that there isn't just one person out there for you, which also also means that you shouldn't waste your time waiting or pining for somebody who doesn't make you their romantic priority. Because as of right now, you're in third (as far as you know) behind heroin and someone else (the order of which doesn't matter).

You deserve better.


As someone who's grown up with an father that is a alcoholic, I suggest you break of all contact before you get addicted to her addiction. I'm not saying you'll start using heroin, but trust me, you can and will get addicted to helping this person, and they will use you over and over again.

And if she refuses to seek professional help there is nothing you can do, you can't love somebody out of a herion addiction.


You can't help someone who doesn't want help, and you can't stay in a relationship with someone with those kind of issues. It sounds like it came down to heroin vs you, and heroin won. You just need to move on.

Just read the last part. Do not go hang out with her. Clean break. Gym, lawyer, etc.
OP, when people show you who they are, believe them.



You can't help someone who doesn't want help, and you can't stay in a relationship with someone with those kind of issues. It sounds like it came down to heroin vs you, and heroin won. You just need to move on.

Just read the last part. Do not go hang out with her. Clean break. Gym, lawyer, etc.
I was basically gonna post a "You can't save someone that doesn't want to be saved".

So yeah, pretty much.

Your story also gives me the vibe that on some level she was trying to guilt you down to her level (becoming a user) rather than wanting out.

PS: Hope you used protection 100% of the time.
Even if you did, get tested.


She was not and is not the love of your life.


She's using you. You were a temporary rebound and she's doing what she wants.

Do not waste another minute of your life on her.

I wasted 10 years on a woman that turned out to be very similar. PTSD, always a victim, doing drugs, and went back to ex-boyfriends and other men. I spent three years out of a 10-year marriage trying to fix her. It's her not you!

Got divorced, got full custody of my kids, and am now dating a woman that's 1000 times better than my ex ever was.

Her being "the one" is all in your head find someone worth your time.

She has made it obvious you're not worth one one-thousandth of what you value her.

Step away..forever....NOW.

Take that from a 34 year old that thought he had the one. What a huge waste of my short life that was. There are WAY BETTER things out there. Hindsight is always 20/20.

I like this post.


Frankly I'm shocked you tried to stop her from breaking up with you. She clearly doesn't care enough about her rehab.

EDIT: as another person said, true love and soulmates are about as real as Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy. Love is a temporary emotion and the odds of you staying with someone forever is extremely unlikly.
This is REALLY important too when dealing in relationships with people who treat you like garbage. Often you're not in love with the actual person. You're in love with the idea of what you are and what you think that person could be with you.

Be honest with yourself, OP.


Also full blown separate. I've been in situations like these before and the best way to move forward for me was to cut-off entirely. Sometimes some people are too toxic for you to keep around.

This is how we trip up in these situations. We're not in love with the person, we're in love with an idea.

If you aren't being treated as you feel you deserve by that person, there's nothing there.


OP, even though you might feel responsible because you love her, her addiction is not your responsibility to fix. You do not have to be her or anyone else's savior. Cutting contact is your best bet.


She clearly hasn't hit her bottom yet, and until she does she probably won't get or stay clean. It's just how it is.

She's been cheating on you at the very least emotionally, but likely more, and she's a junkie.

I know you feel like you can help her, but you really can't. She has to want it and she has to take the steps herself otherwise it doesn't mean shit.

She's not the one for you, stay strong.
Sorry that you're hurting, OP, but you should cancel your plans with her for today and Sunday. Distance yourself from her and the idea that you'll ever get back together with her. Continuing to hang around her will only prolong the pain.
First response nailed it. Nothing about that sounded like it would ever be a healthy relationship. You are young. You will meet someone and look back and realise the truth of it all.

Being a 20 something and "in love" with a crazy person is just something you have to go through. Its increadibly common. It also effects you in a hugely negative way. Just look at the series of events.

You meet girl
You hit it off big time
You have a fantastic couple of months
----snip this is what you are now hanging on to----
Girl admits she is addict
You trust her
She betrays you
You forgive her but become wary
She betrays you
You are holding on to the first part so much that you forgive her again.... but you dont really. You now dont trust her at all and become controlling and over baring. You want that first bit sooooo bad that you are becoming a worse person because of it. She is no longer getting the fun happy you and that just works against you further.
This will just continue to get worse.

Meeting someone and being happy with each other should not be some endless nightmare. I had a shitty 3 year relatioship when I was 18-21. I thought she was the one but she was selfish and treated me like crap. I didn't see it till it was over and I had time to meet better people. I am now 35 and have been with my wife 10 years and she is still my best friend and we are just as happy as we ever were.

Move on. Be happy.


First response nailed it. Nothing about that sounded like it would even be a healthy relationship. You are young. You will meet someone and look back and realise the truth of it all.

Being a 20 something and "in love" with a crazy person is just something you have to go through. Its increadibly common. It also effects you in a hugely negative way. Just look at the series of events.

You meet girl
You hit it off big time
You have a fantastic couple of months
----snip this is what you are now hanging on to----
Girl admits she is addict
You trust her
She betrays you
You forgive her but become wary
She betrays you
You are holding on to the first part so much that you forgive her again.... but you dont really. You now dont trust her at all and become controlling and over baring. You want that first bit sooooo bad that you are becoming a worse person because of it.
This will just continue to get worse.

Meeting someone and being happy with each other should not be some endless nightmare. I had a shitty 3 year relatioship when I was 18-21. I thought she was the one but she was selfish and treated me like crap. I didn't see it till it was over and I had time to meet better people. I have been with my wife 10 years and she is still be best friend and we are just as happy as we ever were.

Move on. Be happy.

It's a sad story as old as time. Not exactly your situation, but reminds me of this song:


You pick up this working girl
Who's hooked on smack
You figure you can save her
You sell your color TV
That keeps her off the streets a whole day
You hawk your typewriter for one jobe
Then your shotgun, your watch
A week later you say, listen I'm a little short
But she says, no scratch, no snatch
You say, look, it is better to give
But she says, beat off, creep
One night they spot you on the street in your skivvies
Trying to sell your shoes
You tell them who you are
But they nail you
Then she happens by
And she says, Christ you look fucked
She says, hang tough
But you don't say anything
You just think, what a bum wrap for a nice sensitive guy like me [x4]
You are sleeping
You do not want to believe 

Don't let it happen to you OP.


Re-read your post and pretend that it was a friend that typed it. You'll find the answer you seek.
Great first post.

Also, just because I still love someone doesn't mean I have to be with them or involve myself in any horrible situations. There's lots of great women out there.


First post nails it.

Anyway just abort the situation entirely OP there is no benefit in trying to get her back. It will be a hard time for a while but after that i promise you will feel better. Just try to do things you enjoy or go out etc. So that you don't have your mind 24/7 on it wich could destroy yourself mental stability wise.

It will be hard but if a love situation gets like this it's not worth it anymore. You deserve better OP.


Your friends and coworkers are right. You probably feel so attached because this girl put you through some extreme emotional highs and lows but there are infinitely better and healthier ways to form those types of bonds with people beyond lying about drugs and then making it up to you.

You can't be a emotional and physical and mental crutch endlessly for someone who isn't willing to work on their own problems. She needs more help than just you.

Please take the advice in this thread to heart.
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