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Stormfront developing PSP game, “major” movie tie-in


The Demon Stone studio is hiring designers for two high-profile projects, hints work on next-gen titles will start soon.

With the release of Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone less than a month away, Stormfront Studios is starting work on a new project. Two new projects, actually, according to a series of job listings on the San Rafael, CA developer’s Web site.

While each listing is for a different position--Lead Designer, Level Layout Designer, and “Game Designers”--they all begin contain the same line: “We are currently in pre-production on a console action-adventure game based on a major new Hollywood film, and we’re about to start our first PSP title. “

While two projects would be enough for most independent studio, Stormfront is also laying the foundation for bigger and better things. The same ads also contain this tantalizing teaser: “We’re also preparing the strategic groundwork for the transition to the next generation console platforms.” GameSpot will have more information on this rising studio’s next big things as they become available.
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