Snaildog: I got my PS2 back when it was around $6-700 (release of GT3). I remember having the exact same problem witht eh ratio setting! Common issue. You'd think they'd sort it out by now (or atleast provide a warning when you try to change while playing.
Also, the PS2 seems ot be pretty dodgy in terms of layer changes. A combination of particular disc and particular player cna cause skips, or disc-read-errors at the layer change point (typically about 1:17ish into a movie). It's not really a disc thing, but it can help to get different copies of discs. It's not really a player thing, either, but rather acombination of poor disc/poor pleyer. It's REALLY frustrating for me - everytime I get a new DVD, it becomes a stressful experience to see if it has layer change issues with my PS2 (my only player at the moment), seeing as it's particularly difficult to return DVDs. I still do though. A few movies have issues and I try to return them (whitcoulls). The scenario is nearly always like this:
Me: Hi, I got this DVD yesterday, and it skips/stops playing at around this point.
(I know it's not really the disc, and is kind of because I use a PS2, but having a new disc can sometimes help, so it's not entirely the player problem either)
Them: Ok, let's see.
*puts the disc into a flash DVD player on display and fast forwards to the point I say*
(naturally, I get scared, because the skip NEVER shows up on other players)
Them: Doesn't seem to be a problem here.
Me: Well, I've had issues before, and getting a new disc normally solves the problem.
Them: IF there's no fault, we can't accept a return for piracy reasons.
Me: Well, I've just bought a disc from you that I can't watch then. What am I supposed to do with it? It's not like I'm asking for my money back, I jsut want anotehr copy of the disc. If I were to have copied it, why would I want the same movie again?
Them: *stares at me*
Me: *stares at tehm*
Them: Ok, we'll get you a new one.
God, I hate having to go through that. I should just suck it up and get a proper player some time.
Snaildog: Did you get an old PS2 or a new PSTWO? Curious, because I was wondering if later models improved the layer prob.