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Street Fighter AC for Xbox: Japanese version FULLY playable on U.S. Systems!!

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Want to play Street Fighter Anniversary Collection online, but you live in the U.S. and have to wait until February to play the game?

Now you don't have to. It has been confirmed by posters on Shoryuken.com, as well as Phatsaqs, that the game is REGION-FREE and will play on a normal unmodded system. This also means that you can play the game on Xbox Live without any problems against European and Japanese gamers.

The game should be selling for $49.99 or less at most import stores. You can get it from www.ncsx.com (they should have it tomorrow or thursday) or from www.play-asia.com.

Forget Dead or Alive Ultimate now. :D

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Mrbob said:
*Wonders why anyone would even care about this game with the stacked amount of games hitting in the next 6 weeks*

You mean other than the fact that this is going to be the best fighting game available for Xbox Live?

Get the hell out of this thread, HATER. :)


Im sorry Bob, but you're off your rocker here. 3rd Strike online is second to only Halo 2 for me. (kicks bob out of thread).


Forgive a fighting, Xbox Live and online play noob here, but... Are these online 2D fighters enjoyable to someone growing ever more anal about framerates and arcade perfection and the like? I'm thinking of lag and stuff, of course.

I'd love to get more into fighters on a "hardcore" level, but have no friends with the same wish. :(

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Mrbob said:
Hey, hey, easy now. Why are you ganging up on me Lyte and PhaaaaaaaatsAQz? :(

Dissing Street Fighter is a sin. A SIN, REPENT NOW SIR.
Holy shit! I just picked up SVC Chaos tonight and now you're telling me I can play the real old-school Bison (SF2CE) in HSF2T and Akuma in 3rd Strike and whup PhatSaqs' ass in both games this weekend? Lyte Edge, you made my day. :D


DJ Demon J said:
Holy shit! I just picked up SVC Chaos tonight and now you're telling me I can play the real old-school Bison (SF2CE) in HSF2T and Akuma in 3rd Strike and whup PhatSaqs' ass in both games this weekend? Lyte Edge, you made my day. :D

Still wearing the tattoos I gave your ass in CvS2 eh? :p
PhatSaqs said:

Still wearing the tattoos I gave your ass in CvS2 eh? :p

;) Fuck Eagle!

You been playing SVC Chaos at all? I can't play charge characters at all online. I don't know if it's lag or if the game is very strict on special move timing, but if I get 3 sonic booms out in one match it's a miracle. :(

You suck SNK!
I'll wait till next year and buy the U.S. version (cheaper). Too many games to buy this holiday so SFAC was a welcome delay for me :-\

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Mr_Furious said:
I'll wait till next year and buy the U.S. version (cheaper). Too many games to buy this holiday so SFAC was a welcome delay for me :-\

This is too good NOT to pass up on. :)


And even i am moderately surprised
i really like playing 2d fighters, but i totally stink at them.

See me on line and kick my ass at your leisure! :)


Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
DCharlie said:
i really like playing 2d fighters, but i totally stink at them.

See me on line and kick my ass at your leisure! :)



GGXX #Reload
SvC Chaos
MK Deception
DOA Ultimate




And even i am moderately surprised
i played the FIRST streetfighter and got ... okay....

i hardly touched any of the others, so i'm going to be cannon fodder for everyone.

Combos? Isms? Eagle? Whatsatt? (and in some cases, i really ain't joking!) lol



Lyte Edge said:

GGXX #Reload
SvC Chaos
MK Deception
DOA Ultimate




Kumiko Nikaido

Now that we know SFAC for Xbox is out and region-free, the next question is how does the Xbox version compare to the PS2 version technically?

How are the load times for both Hyper SFII and SFIII: 3rd Strike? Did Capcom add new options to them (like picking your stage in versus mode in Hyper SFII, etc.)? How clean is the video of the SF anime movie? How is the image quality of both games? Do both games have all the animation frames intact? Is SFIII: 3rd Strike based off Ver. 1 of the arcade version (like how the PS2 version is)?

Inquiring minds want to know... ^_^

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Mrbob said:

See, editing your post doesn't work when we all have your blasphemous post quoted in the beginning of this thread.


I will never forget that you posted that. I weep for you. :)

Kumiko Nikaido said:
Now that we know SFAC for Xbox is out and region-free, the next question is how does the Xbox version compare to the PS2 version technically?

How are the load times for both Hyper SFII and SFIII: 3rd Strike? Did Capcom add new options to them (like picking your stage in versus mode in Hyper SFII, etc.)? How clean is the video of the SF anime movie? How is the image quality of both games? Do both games have all the animation frames intact? Is SFIII: 3rd Strike based off Ver. 1 of the arcade version (like how the PS2 version is)?

Inquiring minds want to know... ^_^

The game is virtually the same as the PS2 version. I can't comment on the movie, but I'm sure it's also just as crap in terms of image quality. :)


Well no matter, I just placed my order with play-asia. Damn, now I gotta pickup an arcade stick that the Monk recommended to me. I was gonna wait until next year when the actual game came out here, but if I'm getting it in a week, I'm gonna have to find something quick. Hopefully MAS shipping to Canada isn't too expensive.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
DJ Demon J said:
;) Fuck Eagle!

You been playing SVC Chaos at all? I can't play charge characters at all online. I don't know if it's lag or if the game is very strict on special move timing, but if I get 3 sonic booms out in one match it's a miracle. :(

You suck SNK!

You playing with a pad? I haven't played a fighting game with the xbox dpad and I'm not trying to crusade for sticks, just that with the PS2 version of SVC, I found it impossible to charge a sonic boom at the same time as a flash kick... everything else was fine though. I had myself convinced that not being able to charge both at once was just a quirk of the game. Then when I got an arcade stick and tried playing it again it felt like a whole new game, pulled off everything fine including Guile's super. So either the game is hyper sensitive about the back/down diagonal or the PS2 dpad SUCKS MONKEY BALLS!


GameFan Alumnus
Just ordered a copy from Play Asia. My friend Dream Theater was playing it tonight without me. :(


My order shipped out today so I'll be ready to play in about a week. Oh man, school was tough enough as it is >_<


GameFan Alumnus
"Oct 27, 2004 21:19:06 HK CHEK LAP KOK EXPORT SCAN"

My copy should arrive within 3 days. It's currently in Hong Kong. I guess MK Deception has 3 days left before collecting dust.


rastex said:
Well no matter, I just placed my order with play-asia. Damn, now I gotta pickup an arcade stick that the Monk recommended to me. I was gonna wait until next year when the actual game came out here, but if I'm getting it in a week, I'm gonna have to find something quick. Hopefully MAS shipping to Canada isn't too expensive.
Trust me, you'll pay 90$ in customs only with MAS shipping. Happened three times for me. Everytime, I said to Lynn (the girl answering for MAS) that I didn't want the receipt on the box, and to declare something like 20$, and everytime, I've been screwed. Anyways, I like their sticks, so I'll pay.....


Well, if things go as they should, then I should be living in the States again in about 3 months or so, so I *could* wait and not spend the extra dough now... and probably just get a stop-gap solution until I go to the States. Plus, I'd then have a second stick for any unlucky saps that want to play with me. But none of my friends ever do so uh... that probably won't happen.
levious said:
You playing with a pad? I haven't played a fighting game with the xbox dpad and I'm not trying to crusade for sticks, just that with the PS2 version of SVC, I found it impossible to charge a sonic boom at the same time as a flash kick... everything else was fine though. I had myself convinced that not being able to charge both at once was just a quirk of the game. Then when I got an arcade stick and tried playing it again it felt like a whole new game, pulled off everything fine including Guile's super. So either the game is hyper sensitive about the back/down diagonal or the PS2 dpad SUCKS MONKEY BALLS!

Yea, I'm using the Xbox Controller S dpad. CVS2 worked fine! WTF SNK?! :(

Non-charge characters (shotos, etc.) play fine online and off. I guess this game is just hyper-sensitive for charges...lame. :(


DarkGiygas said:
SCII Hori stick for $50 CDN > *
I thought the SCII stick doesne't work with any adapters (eg PS2-to-DC and PS2-to-Xbox). At least that's what the faq on lik-sang said. That's the only reason why I"m hesitant to get one.



Been playin all night. No friends list (sucks ass) and no one else is on :(. I havent played ANY fuckin games online yet.

Yall need to hurry up and get ya damn orders :D.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
PhatSaqs said:

Been playin all night. No friends list (sucks ass) and no one else is on :(. I havent played ANY fuckin games online yet.

Yall need to hurry up and get ya damn orders :D.

Is the game officially released in Japan and the UK yet? If not, I guess that's why you're not finding anyone yet. :)

But that is thr drawback to importing this game; there will be far less people online until the official release. Still more than worth it though. And hey, you guys will be able to kick leguna's ass all over Xbox Live since he's getting a copy too.


PhatSaqs said:

Been playin all night. No friends list (sucks ass) and no one else is on :(. I havent played ANY fuckin games online yet.

Yall need to hurry up and get ya damn orders :D.
Huh ? do you mean that you can't access the friend's list or that you got nobody on your friend list playing the game ?


Hellraizah said:
Huh ? do you mean that you can't access the friend's list or that you got nobody on your friend list playing the game ?
I mean there is no friends list to access within the game. The only options are QuickMatch, Optimatch, Create Match, Rankings & Sign Out.


PhatSaqs said:
I mean there is no friends list to access within the game. The only options are QuickMatch, Optimatch, Create Match, Rankings & Sign Out.
Seriously, even the shittiest of the shitty Xbox Live games that came out featured the friend list. I really hope this will be adressed before the game hits North America, it sucks.


GameFan Alumnus
That's bizarre. No Friends option in the game? WTH? I'll beat you down in a few days, don't worry. Your coffin is in the mail... or hopefully on a plane right now.


Eggo said:
That's bizarre. No Friends option in the game? WTH? I'll beat you down in a few days, don't worry. Your coffin is in the mail... or hopefully on a plane right now.

Sweet. Bring it. Friend me up.


I want online impressions with parrying. If it's not good to firggin great, then forget it. I need parrying. :(


GameFan Alumnus
If your name is Ryu, you have a Ken avatar, and your tag deals with Street Fighter, you should be giving US impressions, not the other way around.


Alf said:
I thought the SCII stick doesne't work with any adapters (eg PS2-to-DC and PS2-to-Xbox). At least that's what the faq on lik-sang said. That's the only reason why I"m hesitant to get one.

I've have an SCII stick that I use regularly with every adapter type (PS2>GC, PS2>DC, PS2>XBox) and all work flawlessly. It's completely dependent on the adapter itself. You just need an adapter that works with pure digital sticks only and does not require that the stick have analog support.


Does anyone know if Laguna is buying a copy? I am not very good, but I would like to take on one of the best SF3 players in the world!
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