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Street Fighter Anniversary Collection - IGN review


works for Gamestop (lol)

8.0 Presentation
Quick loading times, the inclusion of a full-length animated movie, and character-specific voice-overs and portraits relative to their mode types are a great touch. But where are the art galleries?
6.5 Graphics
Both Street Fighter games have terrific character designs and art direction, but look dated by today's standards. 3rd Strike boasts some killer animations but has suffered in the porting process.
8.0 Sound
Five different sound effects spread out between the two games and various voice-overs from throughout the series' history really hits home. The sound effects are bona fide classics.
9.5 Gameplay
Street Fighter III is a strong fighting experience, but Street Fighter II is arguably the greatest of all time. Being able to mix styles is a definite plus too; even if some of them aren't necessary.
7.5 Lasting Appeal
The upcoming Xbox version has online play but this one doesn't. That's a big loss for an otherwise powerful two-person party game. Because of this, the less fanatical may not stick with it for long.
(out of 10 / not an average)

It's amazing to me how well the Street Fighter series holds up after all these years on the shelf. As despite a few tweaks and adjustments to their basic operation (especially Street Fighter II), they can still compete with any of today's fighting titles punch for punch -- and in some ways, even surpass them. Street Fighter Anniversary Collection goes a long way towards proving this shows just how these beauties became legends in the first place; while still finding a couple of new ways to refresh the experience.

After playing Mega Man Anniversary Collection to death, however, and having enjoyed all of that game's many bonus options, it makes me long for the same kind of content in the Street Fighter disc. I would have gladly given up the feature length SF2 animated movie in exchange for the original Street Fighter game and the two missing Street Fighter III's. Bonus material like art galleries, old commercials, or other such things would have been a lot more welcoming as well, and the absence of this kind of stuff really left me feeling a bit of void.

Even so, Street Fighter Anniversary Collection is still a pretty kick ass little bargain title. At a suggested retail cost of less than thirty bucks and a whole lot of memories going on in here, it's definitely worth the price of admission. The only real quandary is for multi-system owners who have both a PlayStation 2 and an Xbox. As the Xbox version of the game includes online play (while the PS2 doesn't), which really diminishes the value of picking up Sony's version when gamers know they can go head-to-head with one another cross-country in just a few months. For players with only one system or no interest in online play, however, SF Anniversary Collection should be in hardcore fighter's collections as of yesterday.


GameFan Alumnus
Scores are fair, but I don't understand some of the things Jeremy said. He calls the game Western-exclusive, but the Japanese version has been out for a long time now... what, 5 months?

Jeremy also says there is no incentive to play the characters from the early games, but they deal more damage and have longer throw range (some of them, like Dhalsim and Zangief). Also, Championship Bison kills 95% of the characters in the game for free.
The guy tried twice to sell me one of those six button gamepads when I paid in advance. I'm not joking.

I'm going to get T-shirts made up or something so this doesn't happen again.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
kevm3 said:
Is it Street Fighter the movie that's being included or just an episode from one of the series?

Street Fighter II: Animated Movie


But why? Why do they still call me a warlord? And mad? All I want to do is to create the perfect genetic soldier. Not for power, not for evil, but for good. Carlos Blanka will be the first of thousands. They will march out of my laboratory and crush every adversary, every creed, every nation! Until the world is in the loving grip of the Pax Bisonica. And peace will reign and all humanity will bow to me in humble gratitude.


Isn't it wonderful how games are now losing points because they aren't online? There's something that doesn't sit well with me about that.


Eggo said:
Scores are fair, but I don't understand some of the things Jeremy said. He calls the game Western-exclusive, but the Japanese version has been out for a long time now... what, 5 months?

Actually, Japan got the two games separately. SFAC will be western exclusive until its released for Xbox in Japan this November.


M3wThr33 said:
Isn't it wonderful how games are now losing points because they aren't online? There's something that doesn't sit well with me about that.
I can see it in this case because Xbox will have online, and (at least from the gamer perspective) PS2 should have had online.


Yep... I mean so many potentially great battles are missed out on now that you have to have someone right next to you playing. But I guess it's ok since Capcom is one of the companies allowed to skip out on features because it's going to cost money. Heh.
kevm3 said:
Yep... I mean so many potentially great battles are missed out on now that you have to have someone right next to you playing. But I guess it's ok since Capcom is one of the companies allowed to skip out on features because it's going to cost money. Heh.

Those sprites don't port themselves, you know.


How is that an excuse for omission of online play? Is porting sprites harder than creating a game from scratch? Yet many of those seem to have online play. Anyways, it's useless complaining about it. They aren't going to add it in, so fuck it.


Unconfirmed Member
9.5 Gameplay
Street Fighter III is a strong fighting experience, but Street Fighter II is arguably the greatest of all time. Being able to mix styles is a definite plus too; even if some of them aren't necessary.
What? Just cause SFII is "old school" doesn't make it better. SFII really got the series rolling, but Street Fighter III is undeniably far evolved beyond its predecesor and is a far superior fighting game.

SFII = classic. SFIII = greatest of all time.

So IGN pretty much got that backwards.


The high point of the film.
I prefer when Raul Julia screams: GAME OVER !!!!!!!!!!!

I bought HSF2 a month or two ago and I can say that I was surprised at how I still love this game so much. It's a great fighting experience even after years and years of alphas and IIIs.
However, I enjoy much more playing the evolution of the series.

That's a thing IGN and CAPCOM don't seem to understand and that has made them took the decision to not release 3rd Strike on Europe for PS2.

It's very weird since even the official magazine states that the game is coming...but then you enter to the official Capcom-Europe forums and you read the opposite from Capcom reps.

A pity...Please CAPCOM, reconsider it !


Waiting for the xbox version too. I already own several ports of sf2 on different platforms, but they are offline only

Stupid capcom/sony

evil ways

Can't wait for tuesday, as for the guide, I was going to buy it but I'm not a fan of SF III's soundtrack, it just sounds lame. Plus I already have all the tracks from SF II through Super SF Turbo burned unto a disc courtesy of Nebula.

For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me... it was Tuesday!

Hehe, I liked when Bison discusses his plans for Bisonopolis, like where he's going to put the food court and all the concession stands.


What's supposed to be special about the strategy guide? Will it have a lot of artwork or something in it?
Same, waiting on the Xbox version. I already have SF3:3S and SSF2X for DC to hold me over. The wait will give me a chance to save up for an arcade stick.


Eggo said:
Scores are fair, but I don't understand some of the things Jeremy said. He calls the game Western-exclusive, but the Japanese version has been out for a long time now... what, 5 months?

Jeremy also says there is no incentive to play the characters from the early games, but they deal more damage and have longer throw range (some of them, like Dhalsim and Zangief). Also, Championship Bison kills 95% of the characters in the game for free.
I haven't seen an entirely fair or accurate English-language review of a 2D fighting game since 2000..


XS+ said:
I haven't seen an entirely fair or accurate English-language review of a 2D fighting game since 2000..
Same goes for any "hardcore" genre.



kevm3 said:
What's supposed to be special about the strategy guide? Will it have a lot of artwork or something in it?
It's possibly the most in-depth fighting game strategy guide ever published in the US ... and from Brady no less. A very refreshing surprise.

And yes, it actually does have a bit of nice art.


force push the doodoo rock
Games like these are why number scores are retarded. Giving a number grade to an old game seems a little(very) silly to me. Why are they even mentioned in the review? Unless they are glitchy who the hell cares?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
6.5 in graphics...for a anniversary collection...

I guess that score is good enough, but why even bother with the graphics score? I don't know, thats just how I feel.


Most fighting game reviews suck anyway.

Oh yeah,

Cammy: Cammy here, are you alright?
Guile: Yes. I'm just half dead.
Cammy: And Bison?
Guile: All dead.


I was thinking of the part where all of the bad guys were looking at a television showing that a truck full of explosives was rolling towards their tent and Zangief says, "Quick! Change the channel!" And everyone stops in mid-panic to turn and look at him.

Too bad remembering that film still gives me hives.


Grizzlyjin said:
6.5 in graphics...for a anniversary collection...

I guess that score is good enough, but why even bother with the graphics score? I don't know, thats just how I feel.

3rd Strike is still the best looking 2D fighting game. 6.5 my ass. This review was written by a dumbtard, anyway.
DarkGiygas said:
Funny how everyone likes 3S now, after seeing the Daigo video. There were what, 3 fans on here before?

I've been playing since Second Impact was released. But anywho, whatever gets people playing. SFIII has been ignored for far too long.


DarkGiygas said:
Funny how everyone likes 3S now, after seeing the Daigo video. There were what, 3 fans on here before?
The most dramatic thing is how EVERYBODY completelly ignored the SF III when they were released on arcade circa 1997, starting with New Generation, following with Second Impact and ending with Third Strike.
All the hype was on the Alpha/VS series and not in "those stupid games that don't have the geat characters"...
Time has showed us that people was unfair when it comes to SFIII and that they were a trully fantastic series.

Now people complaints because CAPCOM doesn't release a SF IV...
WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU EXPECT ? Did you support the new games ? NO ! Did you continue playing the fucking old SF II ? YES ! Did you jump to the SNK bandwagon ? YES ! Did you jump to Tekkens/VFs/DOAs ? YES !

When CAPCOM announced the release of the DC home versions I was 100% skeptical. I couldn't believe they would have guts to release the games that everybody completelly ignored...It was a great move T_T.


What's the matter? You come to fight a madman, and instead find a god? Do you still refuse to accept my godhood? Keep your God! In fact, now may be a good time to pray to Him! For I beheld Satan as he came down from Heaven!

evil ways

DarkGiygas said:
Funny how everyone likes 3S now, after seeing the Daigo video. There were what, 3 fans on here before?

I've always liked SF III, I like all fighters with the exception of the Dragonball games and Bloody Roar, but it's just that I like the SF Alpha series much better than III and it's upgrades.
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