TO SEE UPDATES AND BETA STATUS: Official SF Twitter & Combofiend's Blog
10/21/15 18:00 PST (10/22 02:00 BST/10:00 JST) The second SFV beta begins for PS4 users. Characters available: Ken, Necalli, Vega, R. Mika
10/22/15 14:00 PST (22:00 BST/ 10/23 06:00 JST) Servers down for scheduled maintenance for 12 hours.
10/23/15 02:00 PST (10:00 BST/18:00 JST) Servers back online. Rashid unlocked.
10/23/15 09:00 PST (17:00 BST/ 10/24 01:00 JST) The second SFV beta begins for both PC and PS4 users (cross-platform play).
10/23/15 17:00 PST (10/24 01:00 BST/09:00 JST) Karin unlocked.
10/24/15 04:00 PST (12:00 BST/20:00 JST) Servers down for scheduled maintenance for 10 hours.
10/24/15 14:00 PST (22:00 BST/ 10/25 06:00 JST) Servers back online.
10/25/15 16:00 PST (10/26 0:00 BST/ 08:00 JST) Beta 2 concludes.
There will be 6 characters in the beta, with 4 immediately available (Ken, Necalli, Vega & R.Mika), and Rashid and Karin being added according to the schedule above. This is a closed beta intended to test the game before launch, with this specific beta focusing on cross-play, and Capcom explicitly warns that you may experience issues as part of your participation. This is the second of three betas before launch, however if you have access to one beta you can keep the client downloaded and be automatically able to access subsequent betas. The update size on PS4 is 1.703 GB.
Useful links:
Beta #1 Thread
FGC-GAF Thread
Current Roster Discussion Thread
10/21/15 18:00 PST (10/22 02:00 BST/10:00 JST) The second SFV beta begins for PS4 users. Characters available: Ken, Necalli, Vega, R. Mika
10/22/15 14:00 PST (22:00 BST/ 10/23 06:00 JST) Servers down for scheduled maintenance for 12 hours.
10/23/15 02:00 PST (10:00 BST/18:00 JST) Servers back online. Rashid unlocked.
10/23/15 09:00 PST (17:00 BST/ 10/24 01:00 JST) The second SFV beta begins for both PC and PS4 users (cross-platform play).
10/23/15 17:00 PST (10/24 01:00 BST/09:00 JST) Karin unlocked.
10/24/15 04:00 PST (12:00 BST/20:00 JST) Servers down for scheduled maintenance for 10 hours.
10/24/15 14:00 PST (22:00 BST/ 10/25 06:00 JST) Servers back online.
10/25/15 16:00 PST (10/26 0:00 BST/ 08:00 JST) Beta 2 concludes.
There will be 6 characters in the beta, with 4 immediately available (Ken, Necalli, Vega & R.Mika), and Rashid and Karin being added according to the schedule above. This is a closed beta intended to test the game before launch, with this specific beta focusing on cross-play, and Capcom explicitly warns that you may experience issues as part of your participation. This is the second of three betas before launch, however if you have access to one beta you can keep the client downloaded and be automatically able to access subsequent betas. The update size on PS4 is 1.703 GB.
- PC players join the fray! - PC users are going to be able to play SFV for the first time. Check out the minimum and reccomended specs here.
- New characters! - Out with the old, in with the new; the second beta features none of the characters from the old beta and 6 new characters, including Ken, Necalli, Vega, R.Mika, Rashid and Karin.
- Ranked Matchmaking - Huzzah!
- Combined Leaderboards! - PC and PS4 users will share leaderboards, for an optimal platform wars experience.
- Player Search! - You can search specific players to check their status and fighter profiles.
- Replay Functionality! - The presence of the Capcom Fighters Network in the beta brings with it replay viewing and searching functionality.
- Unlockables! - Fight Money is back, and Capcom will be testing it's use with purchasable items such as titles, the Kanzuki Estate stage, and who knows what else.
Useful links:
Beta #1 Thread
FGC-GAF Thread
Current Roster Discussion Thread

If you already have the beta installed on your PS4, you are good to go and will simply download an update for the second beta upon it's arrival.
If you are an EU user:
If you are a PC user in any region, you must pre-order SFV on Steam to get access.
Check here to see how you can access the second beta in your specific region.
If you are an EU user:
I'm sorry if someone already posted it but nothing came up when I searched. If you are in the EU and haven't gotten your code yet, you can sign into https://psnbeta.eu.playstation.com/ and your code should be there provided you got in.
If you are a PC user in any region, you must pre-order SFV on Steam to get access.
Check here to see how you can access the second beta in your specific region.

Street Fighter V makes tweaks and adjustments all across the board, from the Variable System and it's 3 mechanics to many small changes that differentiate it significantly from other games in the series. I would highly reccomend watching this video to get a grip of both the bigger and smaller mechanics, but below we'll detail the biggest ones for reference:
Stun Bar
Critical Art
Crush Counter
The V-Gauge replaces the Revenge meter from Street Fighter IV. You can fill it up in two different ways. The first is by taking damage (blocked or connected), much like in SFIV, and the second is through V-Skills, which are described below. The size of your V-Gauge differs from character to character, ranging from 2 to 3 stocks in the characters that have been announced thus far. This is for balancing purposes, and characters with more bars take longer to fill up. The V-Gauge can be used for doing V-Reversals and activating V-Trigger. The V-Gauge does not carry between rounds.
V-Skills are moves unique to each character, performed using medium punch medium kick, that help build your V-Gauge with their use. They do not cost anything to use, and are intended to provide an offensive alternative to gaining V-Gauge meter in comparison to just taking hits. Some V-Skills need to connect in order to build meter.
- Ken - Quick Step - Ken dashes forward a short distance, which he can then cancel into a step-kick or other moves to gain forward momentum.
- Necalli - Culminated Power - Necalli pounds the ground, creating an explosion on the ground at a distance the player can select using the joystick (left/close, neutral/mid, right/far).
- Vega - Matador Turn - Vega performs a dodge attack with the option of cancelling into a counterattack that knocks down.
- R. Mika - Mic Performance - R. Mika pulls out a microphone and starts giving a monologue, powering up her normal and special throws more and more as it's held down. R. Mika can absorb one hit of damage while in this mode, and can let go of the V-Skill input at any time to cancel the speech and throw the mic at the opponent.
- Rashid - Front Flip and Rolling Assault - A neutral V-Skill input will launch Rashid into a flip that can be cancelled into a divekick using a kick, whereas pressing down with the V-Skill input will cause Rashid to do a roll forwards into an upkick.
- Karin - Meioken - Karin lunges forward with a palm strike that can nullify projectiles and knock down the opponent. This move can be charged to receive better hit and block properties.
V-Reversals are essentially like Alpha Counters from the Alpha series of SF games, and at the cost of 1 stock of your V-Gauge allow you to perform an instant reversal while in blockstun. This is performed by holding forward and pressing all three punches with every character except Cammy, who activates it through holding forward and pressing all three kicks. They also vary slightly between characters, but mostly serve the same purpose.
V-Triggers are powered-up states, similar to the Instinct system in KI or install supers in other fighting games, activated by pressing both heavy punch and heavy kick when your V-Gauge is full. Once activated, the bar turns into a timer of sorts and slowly depletes over time and for some characters through the use of specials. If you are comboing your opponent with a normal or certain specials, you can use the V-Trigger as a cancel to extend your combo as well. Each character's V-Trigger offers them unique bonuses:
- Ken - Heat Rush - Ken's special attacks get powered up via an increased number of hits and the distance they cover.
- Necalli - Torrent of Power - Necalli powers up into a new form permanently for the rest of the round, featuring new frame data, a new critical art, and new combos/moves.
- Vega - Bloody Kiss - Vega quickly throws a rose at his opponent, and upon hit Vega hits the opponent with a combination of brutal slashes. This can be done from the air, or while crouching as well.
- R. Mika - Nadeshiko - R. Mika can call her tag team partner for assistance in 3 different variations: a body splash from above (neutral input), dropkick from the front (back + input) or a dropkick from behind (forward + input).
- Rashid - Ysaar - Rashid throws out a whirlwind that moves it's way towards the opponent, but also enhances the velocity of any moves Rashid does that move him forwards.
- Karin - Kanzuki-Ryu Guren No Kata - Karin gains access to the highly versatile Guren Ken attack, which can be immediately cancelled into an overhead, sweep, flying throw, several strikes or a backdash.
Stun Bar
You no longer need to estimate how much stun your character has, as there is now a meter below the health bar that indicates your stun.
Critical Art
Critical Arts replace Supers but are pretty much the exact same thing. The Critical Gauge now has 3 stocks, in comparison to the 4 in SFIV. Another difference is that you can no longer gain meter from whiffing normals, and must connect an attack to gain meter.
Crush Counter
Some moves upon counterhit will put your opponent into a stun state that lasts a bit longer than usual, akin to Fatal Counters in various Arc System Works games.

VesperArcade Full Systems Breakdown (Highly reccomended)
SFV Fundamentals video from Cross Counter (Great for people new to SF or fighting games in general)
Incomplete Collection of Move Lists
EVO 2015 Street Fighter V Panel - Some early beta details, overall great watch
SFV Fundamentals video from Cross Counter (Great for people new to SF or fighting games in general)
Incomplete Collection of Move Lists
EVO 2015 Street Fighter V Panel - Some early beta details, overall great watch

Q: Why can't I play Rashid and Karin straight away?
A: No given reason, but if the last beta is any indication, they're testing their content delivery system one more time.
Q: Why can't I play the the characters from the last beta in this one?
A: No given reason, but it's likely they just want to give people a palette cleanser of sorts, and who doesn't want to play with new characters anyways?
Q: Where are Zangief and Laura?
A: Not in the beta.
Q: Why don't PC users get access to the beta at the same time as PS4 users?
A: We don't know, but it's a safe bet that they want to iron out any issues beforehand from a platform they already have experience deploying the beta on.
Q: Can I play with friends or invite people to play?
A: We don't know, but it's likely as it was in the last beta with random online matchmaking only.
Q: Can I play offline?
A: No, but you can play with another friend locally while in training mode.
Q: Is there a training mode?
A: Not exactly. You can fool around in a training mode as you matchmake, but there is no dedicated training mode option.
Q: What stages are there to play on?
A: This is unknown at this moment of time, except for the Kanzuki Estate stage, which is an unlockable.
Q: How do I taunt?
A: All three kicks and all three punches at the same time.
Q: If I was in the first beta, can I get into subsequent betas automatically?
A: Yes, as long as you keep the client installed on yoru hard drive you will get access to all subsequent beta phases.
Q: Will my PS3 stick work for this beta?
A: No, you have to use a natively PS4 compatible arcade stick.
Q: Can I stream the beta?
A: Yes! Even through share functionality! YOU ARE ALL FREE NOW
Q: Does this require a PS+ subscription to participate?
A: People have reported getting into the last beta without PS+, so it's likely you can get in without it.
Q: Will Fight Money accrue at this rate in the final game as well? What about the pricing of items in the store?
A: No, they are all placeholders and are subject to change.
A: No given reason, but if the last beta is any indication, they're testing their content delivery system one more time.
Q: Why can't I play the the characters from the last beta in this one?
A: No given reason, but it's likely they just want to give people a palette cleanser of sorts, and who doesn't want to play with new characters anyways?
Q: Where are Zangief and Laura?
A: Not in the beta.
Q: Why don't PC users get access to the beta at the same time as PS4 users?
A: We don't know, but it's a safe bet that they want to iron out any issues beforehand from a platform they already have experience deploying the beta on.
Q: Can I play with friends or invite people to play?
A: We don't know, but it's likely as it was in the last beta with random online matchmaking only.
Q: Can I play offline?
A: No, but you can play with another friend locally while in training mode.
Q: Is there a training mode?
A: Not exactly. You can fool around in a training mode as you matchmake, but there is no dedicated training mode option.
Q: What stages are there to play on?
A: This is unknown at this moment of time, except for the Kanzuki Estate stage, which is an unlockable.
Q: How do I taunt?
A: All three kicks and all three punches at the same time.
Q: If I was in the first beta, can I get into subsequent betas automatically?
A: Yes, as long as you keep the client installed on yoru hard drive you will get access to all subsequent beta phases.
Q: Will my PS3 stick work for this beta?
A: No, you have to use a natively PS4 compatible arcade stick.
Q: Can I stream the beta?
A: Yes! Even through share functionality! YOU ARE ALL FREE NOW
Q: Does this require a PS+ subscription to participate?
A: People have reported getting into the last beta without PS+, so it's likely you can get in without it.
Q: Will Fight Money accrue at this rate in the final game as well? What about the pricing of items in the store?
A: No, they are all placeholders and are subject to change.
As always, please do not hesitate to PM me or post in this thread with suggestions on how to improve OP. Expect it to change as more information about the beta comes out.