The more I play Laura, the more I feel like she's a character made to work with THIS GAME'S SYSTEMS. Her normals are crappy range, but if you use the right priority, and death out other opponents versions, she's got options for days. Her chargable projectile is great for stopping jumps, throwing off counter hit pressure, or using the EX to get resets into High/low, or staggered projectile mixups. Her f+HP, HP is a great thing to punish whiffed DPs with a counter hit if you can read them. She's mobile, and her best defense is movement and offense at times.
I still wouldn't mind some more synergy for her normals, but she's great fun when she clicks. Noone expects her to grapple, back dash into an overhead, or for her AA projectile stuff to stay out as long as it does.
I can barely get 10s of practice time before another match pops.
Is there a way to stop match-finding during training?
Turn on Record for the other side (As if you want the dummy to repeat an action, not system recording.). That character should be the one you want to play. It won't put you in a match as long as you record.