"God's Beard!"
Guess I'm already doing it right.
Birdie is already ridiculous, he doesn't need many combos.
Guess I'm already doing it right.
I hope final release will see a lot of newcomers because so far I haven't won a single round.
I like this reason to want more playersI hope final release will see a lot of newcomers because so far I haven't won a single round.
Guess I'm already doing it right.
so using Laura for this beta... Her st.MP to st.MK doesn't connect to any specials or anything ? Really hard finding combos lol
so using Laura for this beta... Her st.MP to st.MK doesn't connect to any specials or anything ? Really hard finding combos lol
Yea I noticed the way that I was trying to play her wasn't working all too well. Her tick throws aren't that great (maybe slow start up on her command throw?) Not as good as Mika's at least. Doesn't have too many links either.
Mixups? We got those
Get jabbed out of it damn near every time? We haven't found an answer to those yet
Either there is an issue with the servers or people are purposely disconnecting before I can receive credit for my wins. This is coming from both PC and PS4 players. Hopefully it's a server issue.
Laura has a fireball too. She'll lose the war but can at least prevent a situation where she's forced to take chip or jump. If they're straight up spamming then jump in for big damage.whew what a morning... probably put about 3 hours into Laura, 3 hours into Birdie.
I kind of already knew Laura wasn't going to be for me... I've never liked Abel- but I really liked Poison. She gets destroyed pretty bad by fireball spam... when most of the cast has a definitive answer for that, it's a glaring hole in her moveset.
I also had a lot of trouble converting any decent damage off of blocked stuff that's punishable with with jabs. Most of the Laura's I played against were pretty gimmicky... going to V-skill dash into throw... pretty easy to shut her down if you just constantly rush her down and mash jabs.
Her anti-air HP throw is no joke though... I had a Cammy try to raw CA and I beat her clean with that move... wasn't even EX. Her combos off of V-trigger activation are also ridiculously easy and do a truckload of damage... if you open up your opponent first.
Birdie gimmicks are fun too... most people have no clue how to deal with him since he's the least played character so far. MP canceled into his close jump throw or his anti air chain grab kept people guessing all morning.
You can cancel into V-trigger off her target combo and either go for punch into hit grab or you can even CA if you have the meter.
They really like to screw up europeans with their shitty schedule, don't they ?
Laura has a fireball too. She'll lose the war but can at least prevent a situation where she's forced to take chip or jump. If they're straight up spamming then jump in for big damage.
I wish Laura had something else in her arsenal.
That something I don't know what it is but she need something to make her feel more complete.
pretty easy to shut her down if you just constantly rush her down and mash jabs.
Get jabbed out of it damn near every time? We haven't found an answer to those yet
Can't get killed by it but chip still adds up.No chip damage in this one, at least not that could kill, or has that been changed too?
whew what a morning... probably put about 3 hours into Laura, 3 hours into Birdie.
I kind of already knew Laura wasn't going to be for me... I've never liked Abel- but I really liked Poison. She gets destroyed pretty bad by fireball spam... when most of the cast has a definitive answer for that, it's a glaring hole in her moveset.
Uploaded two good Laura matches I had. I had two really good matches that I really wanted to show off but it never saved on the recent matches list :/
Laura vs Cammy
Laura vs Nash
I was trying to upload some matches that show the potential of her ex. fireball.
Yea I didn't spend enough time figuring that out yet. I'm pretty sure she has options, just gotta find em.
What're Birdie's BnBs?
She can do fuzzy guard setups on Birdie (and presumably other tall characters?) by doing jumping heavy and then jumping mk or lk which is actually kinda nice for closing out rounds since you get the additional 10 damage of gray health from the initial jump in.
Birdie is susceptible to fuzzy guards and in previous betas cammy could do instant overhead with j mp against him, not sure about the rest of the cast but I can say that fuzzy guard is in but character specific
It's on maintenance right now2100d pls
Knew I should never have logged off.
Aw shit, yeah just clocked the posts above.It's on maintenance right now
Also, if you're really close cr.lk > st. lk > st.lp > lp headbutt.
I played a couple good Ryus and a famous local player using Necalli and opening them up was tough as shit.This game is going to be rough for a lot of people. I also think its going to end up being a lot more defensive than what people thought.
This game is going to be rough for a lot of people. I also think its going to end up being a lot more defensive than what people thought.
Does that still work? I thought they got rid of any links from cr.lk (thus removing any option of comboing from a low).
Pr Rog on his stream said the same thing.
I don't think it'll be easy to open up players with strong defense in this game.
I'm okay with this lolCommand grabs
Command grabs everywhere