I gotta say, I love your Office gif usage. Always brings a smile to my face.
I gotta say, I love your Office gif usage. Always brings a smile to my face.
Hahaha thanks.
Also, I found the perfect Rainbow Mika gif in the form of Kelly.
EXACTLY!!! That could've been a mode in SFV! Look at all these cool characters and lore!
.... Whoever is doing this is like they're trying to say, "Whoa, whoa! Remember her? SF has lore! BELIEVE ME!!! Next week we're gonna show Ryu's long lost dad!"
Not before Gouken's daughter...
i like the worldbuilding tbh
It's cool world-building but some of that stuff could've been in SFV at launch as a mode to examine and look at. It's a mix of "too little too late" and "better late than never" for me. Mildly annoying and kinda cool at the same time. I would be saying the exact same for any other developer too. "Meet Mario's sister on Nintendo.com!"
"Meet Hot Goombas near you! They just want a good time!"
This is not a good direction to take this thread, I'm sorry.
Though an in-game model viewer for the characters would be dope.
A slight Elena redesign. Nice.
I wanted to give the series one final chance since the gunplay was seemingly a big step up from before, but it made clear to me that these heavily-scripted Bayhem action romps aren't for me anymore. Uncharted 4 is disappointing in how mechanically uninspired it is even by Uncharted standards, excellent presentation notwithstanding. DOOM's single player on the other hand is the exact opposite: minimal plot exposition in favor of outstanding level / encounter design - one chapter I played earlier had more firefights and actual platforming than the entirety of U4's campaign - and a satisfying gameplay loop that gets further fleshed out the more you explore these thoroughly layered areas. Even the melee has a proper purpose, rather than strictly being for show. I'm shocked how well realized it is after how Bethesda's marketing consistently put it in a negative light.Omg family...everyone take a tiny break from SFV and play UC4! It's soooooo good...
Eh, F.A.N.G has a wee bit more legroom than Dhalsim does to escape corner pressure with that EX command dash of his and less hang time on his jumps. Dhalsim has longer keep-away moves, but once he gets caught by Mika in that position he has an exceedingly rough time escaping.FANG is like the ultimate test for Mika in terms of getting in.
Once she gets in, she stays the fuck in. Characters like Ryu or even Dhalsim have some reliable ways of getting out of the corner but FANG has genuine issues with that.
It's getting in that's the real problem. I've frustrated Mikas by just keeping her out, playing more conservatively with my traps once I see they have meter for EX peach and using my command dash to get out of dodge if they're going to jump in or do a charged st.HK
This. Max's channel = "how to sensationalize 101."He acts and says whatever will get him the most views. Its hardly a mystery.
That reduced hang time also means that it's easier to AA and after a match or two, a good mika will realize that fang only has 2 reliable ways out of the corner. V-Reversal and EX Dash.I
Eh, F.A.N.G has a wee bit more legroom than Dhalsim does to escape corner pressure with that EX command dash of his and less hang time on his jumps. Dhalsim has longer keep-away moves, but once he gets caught by Mika in that position he has an exceedingly rough time escaping.
I'm aware of those pros and cons. When talking about being in the corner though, which was my original argument, they're better tools than what Dhalsim has.That reduced hang time also means that it's easier to AA and after a match or two, a good mika will realize that fang only has 2 reliable ways out of the corner. V-Reversal and EX Dash.
EX Dash is immune to normals but not to throws or command grabs.
V-Reversal can be easily baited with her jabs and then thrown out of. There's literally no reason not to go for a throw every time on FANG's wakeup.
If he jumps, you can anti air in time.
If he backdashes, he's still in the corner.
He can't V-Reversal since blocking's not in the cards.
His EX dash gets stuffed and he loses a bar of meter.
He might tech the throw but so what. He'll still probably just dash after wards or jump to get out.
Dhalsim's jump at least can give him some good escape opportunities with the hanging Vskill mixed with the teleport and air drill.
Dhalsim's teleport is a semi-reliable way to avoid wakeup pressure.
Not saying Dhalsim has a fun time of it in the corner vs Mika but FANG has just a bad time if not more so.
More like "FANG is shitty" talk.Ew, FANG talk.
When Witcher 3 Blood & Wine is out at the end of the month I'm gonna have a real crisis. How can I play SFV, Overwatch and Witcher all at the same time?
I was talking about being in the corner as well, but I see your point.I'm aware of those pros and cons. When talking about being in the corner though, which was my original argument, they're better tools than what Dhalsim has.
- EX command dash, while costing meter, is better than any escape tool (of which there are only a scant few) Dhalsim possesses in this specific context.
- Dhalsim's teleport being strike invincible as well means nothing in this situation given the massive recovery frames and you still being right next to her afterwards on either side.
- F.A.N.G's jump is better than his for avoiding and subsequently punishing grabs. Faster backdash too, on that note.
- Using a Yoga Drill / V-Skill at the peak of Dhalsim's jumping arc is also usually not a valid answer with how much time there is for the enemy to respond.
- V-Reversal remark is moot with the universal throw weakness and Dhalsim's is also relatively easily baited given the slow-ish animation. The knockback is good if it does land, but risky nonetheless.
Both characters have a horrible time in the corner indeed, but F.A.N.G realistically has the edge over him if only marginally so.
wait, ken is guile's brother in law?
deepest lore
Their parents must be extremely proud.so one sister married a millionaire
the other sister married an american hero
Ken's wife, Eliza Masters, is Guile's wife's sister.
So Ken is married to Guile's sister-in-law.
Which makes Ken his Brother-in-Law.
Why do I know this.
They're adding profiles for every character in Street Fighter history, so no, they're not much of a hint. Anyone is fair game for season two.Are they adding profiles to hint at possible character inclusions?
Are they adding profiles to hint at possible character inclusions?
Because I'm totally down for Makoto being in V. Don't give me false hope Capcom.
Cammy likes cats.
Only Sean sticks out like a sore thumb.
The rest of the names are very Brazilian.
Ryu is the second character categorized internally in SFIII (after Alex), so the theory that Sean was supposed to be the only shoto is false.I think Sean was supposed to be american but they changed to brazilian when they included Ryu and Ken in the game.
I made an argument about it here:
i think my guile is 33 now, nash 34 and cammy 28. i just can't focus in this game.
Shouldn't get info on this month's character soon
The EX one isn't that rough, you just gotta delay pushing the kick buttons for a split second but I could never do the regular instant air regular spiral arrow consistentlyAnyone got any tips on Chun's instant air legs or Cammy's air spiral arrow? Or is it tough shit get gud and input it faster?
Cammy likes cats. That's her lore and if anyone tells you anything else they're lying and you need them out of your life.
On the flip side, it's gotta nice to have a wide repertoire of characters though. I'm lost anytime I chose someone other than Laura.
probably slipping into June, tbh
The writing for Street Fighter is so good. It deserves awards. Cammy likes cats? 10/10 best detail.
Sorry. It's just really jarring sometimes to go from games with awesome writing then play SFV. Kinda hard to keep playing when you only really care for 1-2 characters. At least SFIV tried and I liked way more characters because of it.
Can Capcom, like put this in the game? I feel like 95% of the people who will eventually pick up SFV will totally miss out on these character and lore infos.