Been playing ranked most of the day in prep for a tourney tomorrow. I've actually had a really great day in terms of win ratio (which has honestly been rare for me the past few months, even though I feel like I've been improving a lot), but I've been getting a "failed to send match results to server" message after matches literally all day, probably for more than half of my matches the past six hours or so. I've seen this happen in Season 2 a lot, and like... what the fuck is going on? I don't remember seeing it happen once until the Akuma patch dropped.
I started at 6300 and I'm currently sitting at 6100 after a day of winning the vast majority of my matches 2/3. Earlier my internet died for a second and when I restarted the game I lost 400 points (pretty harsh for someone with no DC record in the past that I can remember) and almost none of my wins have been counting (and when they do, it's usually only for 1 game even though I won 2). Of course, conveniently, all but a few of my losses have affected my record and dragged me down considerably since I haven't been getting points for any of the progress I've made at all.
I know not to take ranked too seriously (and honestly this has been a pretty productive session as far as learning goes) but come on, this shit has been out for a year and there are more problems now than at launch. It's hard not to feel like the last 6 hours have been anything but a waste when my score is now lower than it was to begin with...