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Student submits exam late, Pass or Fail?

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Tagged as I see fit
So, in addition to my day job, I'm an instructor for a distance education java course. One of my students just submitted the midterm exam for the course and from first glance, it looks pretty good. However, I realized that there was an error message at the top of the page in red that states the time allotted for the exam was exceeded (ie, she submitted the exam late).

So, do I mark the exam and let her pass...or does she fail for submitting it late?

Some additional pieces of information:

-I'm feeling kinda tired right now
-Marking stuff is not as fun as I thought it would be
-It was 22 seconds late

(I'll let you guys decide which of the 3 above points is truly relevant)

So, I'll let you guys decide her fate, or at least make it look that way. Don't disappoint me.

Edit: Okay, while I thought the residents of GAF would get this as being a sarcastic post from the content and the hilariously (imo of course) flimsy reasons given for *FAILING* someone, I made a HUGE MISCALCULATION. ME = TEH UNFUNNEY

Next time I will make the humour MORE CLEAR, or as the #GA room has taught me *actually* ADD the funny.

Thank you and good night.


Online course, correct? I figure 22 seconds late is being a hard ass...let it slide

otherwise take off 2 or 3 points off the final grade of that assignment


Tagged as I see fit
Wakune said:
Online course, correct? I figure 22 seconds late is being a hard ass...let it slide

otherwise take off 2 or 3 points off the final grade of that assignment

Yeah, it's an online course, forgot to mention that.


intangibles, motherfucker
Yeah lets it slide. I could see if it was a big amount of time but 22 seconds? Shit thats nothing, its not likely the extra couple seconds were used in her exam anyway.


Is it worth giving a student an F on their transcript and have them pay again to redo the course just because you are tired? You can't do much in 22 seconds anyway, the person probably had to wait that long for the webpage to finish submitting the exam. Just mark it but deduct a little for exceeding the limited time.


Either let it slide or knock off a couple of points for being late. Maybe she has a crappy computer and it took her like 1-2 min. to submit the exam? I'd let it slide.


Tagged as I see fit
Matlock said:
22 seconds is unacceptable! Expulsion!

Yeah, that's what I figured too. Late is late. I'm going to see if I can get the FBI looking into this. I'm thinking this is not the first time this student has pulled these shenanigans.


Yeah, for all you know she hit submit with seconds to spare, but on 56k, it just didn't show up.

I'd take of 0.5 of a mark just to get the message across. Or maybe 0.22 or something like that, I dunno.


Drunky McMurder
Was it that she took 22 seconds too long in a timed exam or that she submitted it 22 seconds after the deadline? If it was the first, I would certainly grade it with little deduction but I'd have little problem failing the second scenario.


Tagged as I see fit
Archaix said:
Was it that she took 22 seconds too long in a timed exam or that she submitted it 22 seconds after the deadline? If it was the first, I would certainly grade it with little deduction but I'd have little problem failing the second scenario.

Well, I guess it's sorta both, but if I had to pick one, it would be your first description. 22 seconds is a long time though. A little deduction? Where's the threshold for failing? 1 minute? 5 minutes? Where does it end man?

pestul said:
I can't believe you even have to ask this question.. hope for teachers -1.
1. I'm not a teacher, I'm an *instructor*. Big difference. The difference? Well, for one teacher has 7 letters and instructor has...more than 7.

2. In all seriousness, most teachers are underpaid and overworked from what I've seen. It'd be nice if that changed for the better as I think students would benefit immensely from happier teachers.


Drunky McMurder
TheOMan said:
Well, I guess it's sorta both, but if I had to pick one, it would be your first description. 22 seconds is a long time though. A little deduction? Where's the threshold for failing? 1 minute? 5 minutes? Where does it end man?

1. I'm not a teacher, I'm an *instructor*. Big difference. The difference? Well, for one teacher has 7 letters and instructor has...more than 7.

2. In all seriousness, most teachers are underpaid and overworked from what I've seen. It'd be nice if that changed for the better as I think students would benefit immensely from happier teachers.

I suppose when I hear online exam, I take it to mean that there is a time period in which you can take it in general. For example, you get a week to take the test, and if it's not done by Friday at 6 PM, then you've gone and fucked yourself out of a passing grade.


Tagged as I see fit
Archaix said:
I suppose when I hear online exam, I take it to mean that there is a time period in which you can take it in general. For example, you get a week to take the test, and if it's not done by Friday at 6 PM, then you've gone and fucked yourself out of a passing grade.

Ah, yes, I gotcha now - and you're correct there is a deadline of that sort (which she did meet).


Tagged as I see fit
LakeEarth said:
Yeah, for all you know she hit submit with seconds to spare, but on 56k, it just didn't show up.

I'd take of 0.5 of a mark just to get the message across. Or maybe 0.22 or something like that, I dunno.

Don't know how I missed that, but that would be funny and spiteful. On to the list it goes! I guess it would be adding insult to injury though if I recommend her expulsion...decisions decisions.


Anything can happen online. She was probably looking over her books the entire time anyways so even if it took 22 seconds to find the right answer for one question it wouldn't have affected her grade that much. Unless it was a 50% grade to begin with I wouldn't have a problem grading it.


Drunky McMurder
Oh, if she took the exam on time but just took a long time to complete it then I think at worst mark the last correct answer as wrong. Treating it as a good ol fashioned brick and mortar test, the teacher wouldn't be likely to kick students out and rip up their exam sheets if they were a few seconds past the end of the class. Maybe kick them out and stop them where they are, which is why I say take the last answer off.


Tagged as I see fit
Drinky Crow said:
Have her commit seppuku, anything else brings disgrace to the name of online distance education

See, now this is something I can get behind and involves little work on my part. *adds to list*


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I'd let anything slide up to one min, simply cause the internet can do f'ed up things... and who knows, she may have used IE :lol

Anything more then a min i'd do dudictions on, like 5% for every extra min or something.


Archaix said:
Oh, if she took the exam on time but just took a long time to complete it then I think at worst mark the last correct answer as wrong. Treating it as a good ol fashioned brick and mortar test, the teacher wouldn't be likely to kick students out and rip up their exam sheets if they were a few seconds past the end of the class. Maybe kick them out and stop them where they are, which is why I say take the last answer off.

That sounds like the most fair plan. I wouldn't take more than a couple of points off if I was doing this.


works for Gamestop (lol)
[21:00:27] <TheOMan> IT
[21:00:28] <TheOMan> IS
[21:00:29] <TheOMan> A
[21:00:31] <TheOMan> JOKE
[21:00:35] <TheOMan> HAHAHA

gaf got owned

or did we


MC Safety

Wario64 said:
[21:00:27] <TheOMan> IT
[21:00:28] <TheOMan> IS
[21:00:29] <TheOMan> A
[21:00:31] <TheOMan> JOKE
[21:00:35] <TheOMan> HAHAHA

gaf got owned

or did we



I would have taken five points off for each second.


Tagged as I see fit
It's unfortunate so few of you get this thread, but perhaps that my own freaking fault for not delivering TEH FUNNEY (you'd think the flimsy reasons given would be enough, but obviously I suck at satire/sarcasm/etc). Although some of you did not disappoint. The rest of you....I don't know man...I just don't know. You know who you are.

Reactions to this thread sicken me.

Edit: Et tu, Phoenix?

The other thing that's becoming pretty clear is that most posters read the first few words of the first post and hit the post button. You are not getting the entire GAF experience you know!!


Not bitter, just unsweetened
22 seconds? online? Not everyone has the same time at home. I'd say 1~2 minutes grace is always the best answer :p


are you fuckin kidding me? <if this is a serious posting> why does this even need a posting.. if you dont let it slide you are the biggest ass ever.. especially since the course isnt friggin free.. and she cant come and talk to you about it personally since its online


:lol 22 seconds, who cares. I guess you could penalise her if you want.

Anyway if you think of people writing exams in a gym and they're told to stop, some kids will always get to write longer than others because whoever will start to stop people from writing but can't attend to everyone at once.

I remember back in high school I was at the first desk in the row, and the lady was trying to stop me :lol Anyway I didn't finish my essay by a sentence or whatever, but everyone behind me was like "Thanks man! You totally bought me some time!" :lol


Eh sorry about going off on a tangent there :p Anyway, 22 seconds, who cares. Put yourself in her shoes.
When doing online submissions, it's important to note that one bad browser crash/router blowup, etc. could lead to a procrastinating but honest student getting screwed over. One hour is always a good grace period, as long as you keep it under the hat so students don't abuse things.


works for Gamestop (lol)



Kills Photobucket
If you fail/penalize them, you run the risk of them making a fuss about it and resulting in messy paperwork, hearings, etc.


TheOMan said:
Well, I guess it's sorta both, but if I had to pick one, it would be your first description. 22 seconds is a long time though. A little deduction? Where's the threshold for failing? 1 minute? 5 minutes? Where does it end man?

I've seen professors give an exam taker a big fat Zero when she refused to stop writing her final after he said put down pencils. This is not an on-line course and the prof was walking up the ailse as he was repeating for the 5th time to stop writing.

Students will take advantage of every little things. An extra 30 seconds at the end of an exam could mean 1 or 2 extra points and if the class is curved, those 1 or 2 points could mean 1 letter grade and pushing someone else out of their letter grade.

22 seconds IS a long time.

Fail might be too harsh, but you need to let the student know you KNOW it was submitted late and there will be consequences.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Deku said:
I've seen professors give an exam taker a big fat Zero when she refused to stop writing her final after he said put down pencils. This is not an on-line course and the prof was walking up the ailse as he was repeating for the 5th time to stop writing.

Students will take advantage of every little things. An extra 30 seconds at the end of an exam could mean 1 or 2 extra points and if the class is curved, those 1 or 2 points could mean 1 letter grade and pushing someone else out of their letter grade.

22 seconds IS a long time.

Fail might be too harsh, but you need to let the student know you KNOW it was submitted late and there will be consequences.
Yeah, I've been through tests like that. Many of which are handed out row by row so that some people get to start it significantly earlier than everyone else.

MC Safety

fart said:
i'm honestly not sure what was supposed to be funny here.

I had a roommate who told these long and pointless stories, stories that certainly took longer to tell than the events that inspired them. At the end of these stories he would always say, "And I was rolling." That was his way of delivering humor: by telling you it was so funny, it had him rolling.

I think this is pretty much the same thing.


Sorry I just read the first post and typed my reply...

Err I'm not laughing nor do I feel pwned...

*thumbs down*


Like others have said - I'm not seeing the joke in the original post either (although it is laughable that grading would ever be fun)....

But - I'm a college professor and I have taught courses on-line.

In a case like this, you have to set strict rules and then it is your discretion as to how you apply them.

For example, if a student who normally turns everything in on time and is conscientious/responsible, runs into a situation where he/she is a little late on an exam/assignment, I don't even think twice about it. You have to give people at least one "free pass", simply because "life happens" (it could be anything, computer problem, the dog had to go to the bathroom, their grandmother called five minutes before the test was due, and so on).

But - if a student is a repeat offender on things like this - then you have to start throwing the hammer down. Granted, you're probably not going to fail even repeat offenders for being 22 minutes late, but, you can apply your late policy and apply some sort of penalty to send a message to the student.

As I always say to my classes, late policies and deductions exist for the 5-10% of the class who don't respect such deadlines. For the people who do respect them, it is always better to be merciful and understanding, since - again, life happens.


The tragedy of the funny-impaired.

Seanbaby said:
Here's a true story that might show you what I mean. I was sitting in a local Starbucks, silently kicking ass with a book, and a man came in asking for a double diet frapacheeny decaf ventie some shit. The guy behind the counter said, "Ooooh... we're out of that."
Man: "Oh. Well then I'll have..."
Starbucks: "Ha ha ha, I was being SARCASTIC. We have [whatever]."
Man: "Okay. I'll take one then."

After the man left, the people who worked there wiped their sense off on their aprons and called the guy an idiot. An idiot for believing what the coffee kid told him. If believing things that clerks say makes a person an idiot, then that makes every person on the planet an idiot, including me, and that's medically impossible. I was a little confused at the time, but I didn't ask the brilliant kid wiping the counter to explain it to me. On the ride home I realized it was funny because he said he didn't have the thing, but he really did have the thing. All that man had to do to know it was a joke was sneak in the back to check the shop's inventory, make sure all their machines were working, and get back out as silent as the night. That coffee-ordering man really was an idiot. It proves the theory that the only true geniuses we have left are the people doing inventory at Starbucks.


TheOMan said:
-I'm feeling kinda tired right now
-Marking stuff is not as fun as I thought it would be
-It was 22 seconds late

22 seconds late, it was a good paper, let her pass!

Edit: Err.. what's the joke? Jokes imply you set up some funny situation.
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