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Students Get Scholarships to Study Video Games at NYU, Scholarships funded by EVO


This September, New York University is launching a bachelor's degree program for video game aficionados and will offer scholarship money to help pay tuition. One of the scholarship programs is designed specifically to attract young women to the study of game design.

"A lot of people have a misconception that gaming separates people and it makes you unsocial, but I believe that it does the opposite, that it brings people together," Kao said. "Parents need to start thinking of games as something that's enriching people rather than thinking it's something that's negative."

Kao's scholarship is funded through the Evo, the Evolution Championship Series, which bills itself as the largest and longest-running fighting game tournament in the world and has been held annually for the last decade.

Frank Lantz, director of NYU’s Game Center, a division of Tisch School of the Arts, called fighting games "fascinating." He said they're more akin to high intelligence, strategy-driven games like poker and chess than they are similar to typical video games -- and that the school wants more talented, passionate students like Kao to create new ones.

But not every candidate can go to graduate school, Lantz said, which is partly why NYU is launching the bachelor's degree program for gamers.



While I admired TeamLiquid's and Evo's scholorship initiatives, I perceive it as detrimental to have the Evo scholarship now intrinsically tied into a school as ludicrously expensive as NYU.


If I were a junior in highschool, I'd totally apply for that program. You can't really beat the college experience that NYU offers, in my humble opinion.


That's "Dr." dofry to you.

Seems like they've been giving these out before at least on Master's level and this is a bachelors program specific.

Interesting point:
Another first for the Evo Scholarship is its unique approach to funding, which is entirely fan-based. All proceeds from gamers purchasing tickets to watch the online stream of the Evo tournament are donated by Evo toward funding the scholarship, enabling thousands of fans to support a member of their community to go pursue graduate study in the gaming field.
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