Trolls are filth! As a society we think bannings and shaming are the solutions but the problem keeps getting worse. A zero tolerance against trolling regardless of the offence punishable by death to be carried out by hand picked deputies of low enforcement at the community level is probably the most sensible options. Trolls bring frustration, stress and violence. How many billions of collective life times are lost each year because of their antics. These things aren't like cancers in the human bodies that are hard to treat. These miasma are detectable and isolatable impurities in society we can isolate and purge with extreme prejudice. We may even have the technology, given the recent advances in human genome mapping, to detect and purge these impurities at birth and use that data to go up the bloodline and free society. Does this seem a little extreme? Not really, Healthcare companies are even translating simple acts to reduce stress to hundreds of billions per year in savings. These small savings can be applied to meaningful research such as curing cancer and perpetual energy so imagine how much more advancement in human civilization we channel resources into if we deal with big stress causers like trolls. I'm no parent but I'd be quick to terminate life if a troll gene was detected. That's perhaps the best part of this, if we make it a legislation, we wouldn't have to deal with the details. It gets even better, the money we save on trolls can not only fund the extermination programs indefinitely but we may also be able to receive tax credits.