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Stuff you'd like to see in new games


Flowing capes. Flowing frikkin capes, that the character can take off and put on.

And for free roaming games, a tightly integrated story; as well as several side stories, relatively independent of the primary story featuring different characters and scenarios that exploit the sandbox world.


Hates quality gaming
One main theme I'd love to see in more upcoming games is randomization.

I want a shooter where the enemy ship and bullet patterns aren't exactly the same every time... there's a few which have done this to an extent but I'd like to see more of it, but not just necessarily dependent upon shoot-everything to get more enemies.

The whole point of being scared and surprised is from having something unexpected happening, right? So give me a Resident Evil (that doesn't have tank controls as well as one) that has 0 scripted events, in essence as impossible to write a FAQ for. I enter a room. Will the knight armor statue come alive and attack? Will the chandelier explode and start honing shards of glass on me? Will the floor open up in a vortex and suck me in? If I go in a room 100 times I should potentially see 100 different things happen at every instance.

Nethack and other rogue-likes randomly generate their levels, but why not have a traditional-styled RPG where the entire overworld is randomly generated? Have certain people in certain towns, etc, but give me an RPG where I get to explore a new world every time and I'll have an RPG I might actually want to play more than once.


Chili Con Carnage!
Zaptruder said:
Flowing capes. Flowing frikkin capes, that the character can take off and put on.

And for free roaming games, a tightly integrated story; as well as several side stories, relatively independent of the primary story featuring different characters and scenarios that exploit the sandbox world.

Untill you said sandbox world you might aswell have been writing a review of KOTOR2.


so far, all the ideas expressed greatly interest me

don't limit the clothes simulation to just capes, though...allow for clothing that isn't modeled onto a character, but placed around the character and let the clothng physics do the rest

randomly generated world that don't suck...something akin to the quality of Nethack's randomly generated worlds or Diablo II's randomly generated dungeons only better and with much more variety. So that not only do you never see the same area twice (unless returning to a previous area in your current game) but you rarely ever see the same buildings, geographical features, ect. This will probably require hundreds or thousands of pre-made pieces to be grouped together (much like how Neverwinter Nights's modules are built) but I would rather see a completely unique and rondomly generated world that can match the quality in at least average man-designed environments.

Detailed physics that pay more attention to weight and force of impact than what's currently available. Not only for characters, but cars and environmental destruction as well.

Fully interactive environments.

Amazing and unique visuals that don't attempt to look realistic unless necessary (racing and sports, etc)

Developers realizing that historical war games suck hard

AI that is never 'scripted' but can provide fluid and engaging experiences

Max Draw Distance

Locked Framerates

Post Processing effects. Some of you hate them. You have bad taste

SMOOTH animation that fluidly links one motion into the other. No more robotic movements and no more sudden jerks into another action. Couple this with animations that still have a minimal 'preload' -- that is, while still linking fluidly into the next action, the movement is performed without much delay

The death of DirectX water. Its current implementation sucks. It's an obvious texture effect on a (99.9% of the time) completely flat surface which ultimately defeats the purpose of even using it. Not asking for the effect to stop being used, just to be used in smarter ways like on surfaces that aren't flat as planes.

I'll think of more later. To be sure

Edit: Better sound design. Having at least 10 different sounds for every action so that every bullet impact, sword clash, or footstep doesn't sound like the one before


No saving the world in RPG's. Damn it all, you get paid to be creative, well here is the ultimate in creativity NOW GO FOR IT.


force push the doodoo rock
I wanna see a game where your like this mobster or a hitman or something and you go around shooting people in warehouses and stuff!

Deku Tree

Better, by that I mean, more engaging storylines. I don't care if the story is in the background and without alot of cutscenes, but give me some decent original storytelling on a regular basis.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I want a space/flight game where you can go from low altitudes over ground and cities right up into space where you can look back and see the planet getting smaller. All without any cuts in the action for loading. I just think it'd be fucking amazing to head towards a planet and just keep going. Burn through the atmosphere and then break through clouds and have an expansive land laid out, with cities and geography, all seemlessly integrated.

Also, more games need to make you feel engaged with the plot. Make you feel like you're the one progressing the story. Too many games have you do stuff and then everything occurs during a cutscene. Then you're back doing mundane stuff. Integrate it all and make the story come to life in the little things the player does, and the bigger things. If something major is happening, find a way to let the player play it.


More games that integrate simulations into them; like what Fable was supposed to do with it's simulated heroes, or what BC is supposed to do with it's ecological system and dinosaurs.


More personal stories.

I want to know more about the main characters. I want to know not just their strengths, but their weaknesses, their issues. Give depth to your characters.

...and really, Final Fantasy (since VI, minus IX) and a couple RPGs here and there are the only one's doing that.


D2M15 said:
I was a little disappointed with the breasts and explosions.
Dude, did you even see Alyx in motion!! :eek What do you think those ragdoll physics were implemented for

Explosions, I've only seen small ones so far :/


Dan said:
I want a space/flight game where you can go from low altitudes over ground and cities right up into space where you can look back and see the planet getting smaller. All without any cuts in the action for loading. I just think it'd be fucking amazing to head towards a planet and just keep going. Burn through the atmosphere and then break through clouds and have an expansive land laid out, with cities and geography, all seemlessly integrated.

Also, more games need to make you feel engaged with the plot. Make you feel like you're the one progressing the story. Too many games have you do stuff and then everything occurs during a cutscene. Then you're back doing mundane stuff. Integrate it all and make the story come to life in the little things the player does, and the bigger things. If something major is happening, find a way to let the player play it.

Elite Frontier does a pretty good job of from ground to space, through hyperspace through space back to ground. God, I wish they'd remake that game.
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