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Stupid question about faxing

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Yeah, so I've never used a fax machine before. But now I need to fax something to Hong Kong, and the number I have is 11 digits (i.e 123-4567-8900) instead of the normal 10. I took it to Staples for them to fax it, and they said the number isn't valid, but the company to whom I'm faxing says the number is correct. I have a feeling the local Staples doesn't fax outside of the U.S. too often (the person working had to get out the fax machine's instruction manual to figure out how to set the machine to fax internationally).

Any ideas?


At my old house, international and across state faxes had to be on phone numbers with that kind of coverage, I think. I remember having to use my main line to fax something to NCSX instead of the actual fax line because the fax line wasn't long distance.


Smegging smeg of a smeg!
For Hong Kong you need to dial 011-86-852 amd the number, omitting a 0 if it's the first number you have.
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