Brodequin said:
My fiance was just accused last week of having stolen stamps. The guy berated her for about 3-4 minutes, asking where she got the stamps, if some other Subway employee gave them to her, what Subway's she visits, etc. Even threatened to call the police! She filed a complaint with the national headquarters and the regional Subway manager called her today. Said there was not much he could do since it was an individual francise that he didn't own, but he would contact the owner. Anyway, she did get her sub for free that day, and the regional manager said she would get some gift certificates in the mail.
Oooohhhhhhhhh. I love confrontations like that!
Similarly, I was picking up lunch at White Castle for the office last week, and they forgot to include any of the sauces. I noticed this when I was outside, went back in, and said they forgot the sauces. I also took a bus passing at that moment as an excuse, saying "And now I have to wait 15 minutes for the next bus," even though I was going to walk anyway.
"It took you nine minutes to prepare the food, you forget the sauces, and now I've missed my bus, I think I'm entitled to some sort of coupons."
"I'm sorry sir, we don't give coupons."
I call up 1-800-THE-CRAVE. I file a complaint. The district manager calls me a few hours later, and the next time the meal is free.