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Sudeki + game soundtrack + free shipping = $19.99 @ ebgames.com


Meh. Sudeki was alright. I hope they get to make a sequel, but in this hater-filled world I guess there's no chance of that. :(

Deku Tree

I amazed that they still have plenty of copies of the pre-order bonus soundtrack. They must have expected much higher sales.

Anyone good enough with editing software to put Sudeki there above Batman's head? :D


I didn't think the game was that bad, although I'm glad I rented it instead of paying $50 for it. At $19.99 with the soundtrack it's a pretty good deal IMO.


I called my local EB about whether this deal was also in store or not. The clerk then hesitates to speak and I think I heard her giggle,I'm not quite sure really.

Wow-is the game really that bad though,cause from the videos I've seen it looks like a fun button masher,which is all I expect out of it to begin with.


Game + soundtrack is worth $20 IMO. It's a barely above average game, but fun in small doses. The music is not bad either.


Angelus said:
Wow-is the game really that bad though,cause from the videos I've seen it looks like a fun button masher,which is all I expect out of it to begin with.

It is a button masher, but you're pretty much required to perform combos that are a pain to perform, especially when surrounded by strong enemies (which does happen quite a lot).


Ailish was the only thing that kept me from selling the game after a week (WHY did I defend this game so much when it was released-oh. Right. The whiny haters bitching about the art instead of playing the game first for a credible argument against it. How silly of me to forget.)

Didn't stop me from selling it a month later though. Game had some nice ideas but needed to be more focused (and longer)
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