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Sudeki Impressions


3 hours into the game, here are my impressions:

Outstanding. The environments and locales are lush and full of life with NPC characters walking around, and ambient sounds coming from all directions. The lighting engine is quite nice with everything in the game casting shadows over all objects. There are some in-game cutscenes in the game that could be confused as pre-rendered, as it looks stunning at times.

So far, the framerate has been quite smooth with very few occurrances of significant framerate drop.

The music in the game is adequate and nice, but nothing so far has been outstanding about it. The sounds, however, have been spot on, and make the locales and environments full of life. The use of 5.1 is very evident when the NPC/PC speak and you move around and also for the ambient sounds.

The voice acting is sometimes decent, and a lot of times downright bad. The worst instances have been when talking to random soldiers that spout the same kind of messages with the same dull voice. The main characters' voices have been ok, but Tal's face is so bad that it makes me cringe everytime they focus the camera on him and he starts talking. I have to wonder who the hell approved his face model. It sucks.

The combat engine reminds me a lot of ToS, with the main differences being that it doesn't support multiplayer, and that it's not nearly as fast paced. Otherwise, it's very very similar. You control a character, set the AI of the other characters to be Attacking/Defending/etc., can switch to any character at any time, and perform combos. The other difference is that it's not as combo friendly as ToS, but hey, it's similar enough as it is.

Combat is quite fun. You use X and A to do two types of attack, and when timing these correct, you can get a 3-hit combo that finishes the move with a more powerful attack (instead of the third command). When playing with either Elco (tech guy) or Ailish (Magic guy) you pretty much attack in First Person mode with either a gun or a staff. I was very surprised at how good the FP mode worked in the game. Of course, you have spells, and skill moves.

The last thing within the combat is the spirit summons, which is some sort of spell that releases some summon and causes massive damage. I've only gotten Tal's first summon spirit and has been quite useful. In order to be able to use it, you have to fill up a meter by killing enemies.

The combat engine has been smooth so far, and while it started somewhat erratic, with practice, I've been getting better and better at it. It's very fun as well, and I'm really enjoying the ability to switch from a sword-based attack method, to a FP shooting one, on the fly. Quite amusing.

Other elements in the gameplay include the usual RPG exploration and puzzle elements, along with the main and optional quests. The game is quest based, and updates a quest book everytime you are assigned a quest. The exploration element is just as deep as in a thousand other RPGs... it's the same. You go around town talking to NPCs and breaking boxes/jars for items.

Each character has a certain ability that is used in figuring out puzzles. Tal's ability lies in being able to move heavy stuff, Ailish's ability is being able to see and reveal what's not apparent to the eye, and the other two I'm not sure, as I haven't played with them yet (though I read Buki's able to climb up some surfaces, and Elco can use his jet pack to get across some areas.)

Finally, the storyline has been progressing slow in the first 3 hours (though i have taken my time in exploring and completing optional quests) but so far, it points to the same generic, save the world plot with the usual character's conflicted or odd backgrounds.

So far the game has been very engaging and appealing as it kept me playing for 3 straight hours, this, without counting the times I got killed and had to restart from a previous save. As you can probably deduct from the above text, the game has many good qualities that, so far, more than make up for the bad ones.

So far, it r0x.



It is now on the Xbox retail site for qualified retail workers. I ordered a copy but I am sure it won't been here for at least a week.

Thanks for the impressions, I can't wait to try it for myself.


I was going to post some early positive impressions today just to offset some of the harshness from yesterday on the forum, but you've summed it up quite nicely. I also played for about 3 straight hours yesterday. The combat is engaging. I saved after I picked up the princess and messed around for about half an hour on the beach where the crab monsters will respawn. It was fun tooling around with each character and using their skills and different AI commands. I'm enjoying all the side quests you can pick up in the oceanside town.


I'm enjoying the game too. Too bad most of GAF seems to not want to give the game a chance because it's pretty well done.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I picked up the princess and messed around with her for about half an hour on the beach where the crab monsters will respawn.

lol! I totally mis-read that.


belgurdo said:
I'm enjoying the game too. Too bad most of GAF seems to not want to give the game a chance because it's pretty well done.

"Pretty well done". THAT is most of the problem. Too many VERY well done games out there.


I actually think Sudeki has carved its own niche pretty well, even if some aspects could use (a lot of) work.

I just wish DVDBO would ship my copy already. Sucks to be waiting...


AssMan said:
Sounds good to me, but sales will dissappointing.

Why do you care about sales. If the game is good and fun enjoy it, screw sales, what does it matter to you if sales are disappointing...


seismologist said:
sounds like a nice addition to the XB library.

XB needs more games like this. Not every exclusive has to be an AAA blockbuster.

My sentiments EXACTLY.

I'm about 4.5 hours in and some major events have happened. Lets just say after the major event the game gets quite a bit harder and A LOT more strategy is necessary making the battles pretty darn intense. Things get frantic very quickly when 15 monsters pop-up and you're trying to control 4 characters at 1 time. It's awesome :)

One thing nobody has commented on is the extremely suggestive sounds the female characters make while climbing ladders... ugh ugh ugh ahh ugh heh


You suck at the internet

lol.You cought my edit. What did I do wrong?

Why do you care about sales. If the game is good and fun enjoy it, screw sales, what does it matter to you if sales are disappointing...

It matters from a developers P.O.V. That's what.


AssMan said:
lol.You cought my edit. What did I do wrong?


This is what you wanted to post right? All you need is the location of the pic not the rest of the crap in that url.


Scary Euro Man
And, of course, not to post it in a thread where it's hopelessly irrelevant.

IJoel, the same question for you that I asked rastex - did you play the demo before picking up the game? If so, did you enjoy the demo, and would you recommend the game to someone who found it horribly flawed from the demo?


That is REALLY odd. The Gamespot Sudeki review is not only not on the frontpage, but seems to be completely gone.

Hmm, also, I can't find Wario64's post from yesterday that linked to the review.

edit: Yes, I used a double negative.


I played the demo, and found it to be ok, nothing really stood out.

That said, the combat is pretty much the same (save some tweaking I imagine). The main difference lies in the difficulty. If you found the combat to be a button mashing deal, then you'll be smacked in the game. The demo limited the number of enemies to just a few, and the game throws quite a few more, which makes it much more difficult and forces the player to be more thoughtful in using the characters.

The other thing is that the graphics in the demo didn't stand out at all. I found them to be ok, but nothing out of the ordinary. The game is an entirely different deal. The best comparison I can give is that, what the demo showed was a couple of dungeon rooms, while the game offers the same type of gameplay in open areas as well. Actually I still haven't hit a dungeon yet.

In any case, if you didn't like the combat in the demo, or found it too slow, you might not like the game as the combat is practically the same.


Oops, now that I think about it, I'm wrong. I don't think the Sudeki score has gone up.. it was ESPN NFL2k5 that I was thinking of.

I don't believe Gamespot has done the sudeki review yet.. normally they come in just a bit below whatever IGN gives.


6 hours into the game, and I'm really having a blast. I'm getting the hang of the combat system and it rocks.

I have Ailish's AI to retreat from battles, and I only use her as a healer, and I control the others. The past hour I went FPSRPG with Elco, shooting the slow powerful gun and blasting my way through.

Also, unlike most RPGs, this one throws a lot of enemies at you, making the combat hectic and very action based. It forces you to think really quick about what to do under different circumstances.

So right now, I'm loving the game.

Kobun Heat said:
<IJoel>I bet you didn't even PLAY the game.</IJoel>

Go do something useful with your time, instead of trolling.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I ordered the game from the MS retail site, thanks for that info btw
I rented this game for the hell of it. i thought the game was gonna suck. I gotta tell you guys the game is really fun i played for about 2 hours there isnt as much exploration as i would like but the game is really fun.

REally fun game. Graphics and gameplay are great story and voice acting are bleh.

IgeL said:
I actually think Sudeki has carved its own niche pretty well, even if some aspects could use (a lot of) work.

I just wish DVDBO would ship my copy already. Sucks to be waiting...

My copy was shipped yesterday

Li Mu Bai

Remember when Olimario posted about how great KAR & PN0.3 were? And how much flak & ridicule he received? Deal with the stones that come when you hype a game that the reputable gaming media denounces.


Li Mu Bai said:
Remember when Olimario posted about how great KAR & PN0.3 were? And how much flak & ridicule he received? Deal with the stones that come when you hype a game that the reputable gaming media denounces.

The differance being the majority agree with the fact that KAR and PNO3 were not good games and Olimaro was in the extreme minority. Where as quite a few so far seem to be enjoying Sudeki that have played it while those that haven't are scorning it a bit unfairly.

It's not AAA (B+ is my vote) but it's nowhere near the disapointing release that saw KAR and PNO3 and doesn't deserve the apathy that most seem to want to toss at it just cause it's the Xbox release of the moment.
Well, after wading through all of the hate that this game has been getting, I have to say that after few hours worth of playing, it's really not that bad. Really. Not great, but pretty decent.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
MightyHedgehog said:
Well, after wading through all of the hate that this game has been getting, I have to say that after few hours worth of playing, it's really not that bad. Really. Not great, but pretty decent.

Thats the impression i've gotten from the reviews.
I think what some of the people here are hating so much is the fact that so much development went into this game, and for it to come out as a B title is disapointing.
Well, I don't know what they were thinking... It's Climax, for Chrissakes... They've made racing games and simple arcadey titles so far, that I know of. There's hardly a heritage of RPG/adventure gaming from their prior work. It's a pretty decent action-RPG...not great, but simple and good. I like it. It's certainly better than the demo indicated, IMO. Still, this wasn't the big ARPG for XBOX, anyway....that's Fable and Jade Empire. It looks good and that's what all of the relatively moderate hype has ever been about before the game's release...the look....and on that end, it delivers.
I've put three hours into it and so far I'm having fun.

Everyone is pretty much dead on with their observations. It does lead you hand in hand a lot, the NPC interaction is pretty dull and nothing is really gained from it, there are treasure chests out in the open, etc.

But, those are just design choices that for me have not had any effect on the "fun" the game offers. The combat kicks ass and I thirst for more at every turn. I really like the choices you are given to level up your characters. And good grief does the game look gorgeous.

Personally, I think it would really suck to be a so critical of a gamer that linearness and out in the open treasure chests ruin a game. What the hell kind of fun is that?


m0dus said:
I'm a bit farther into it--they stop leading you by the hand by the time full on 4 character combat hits--it's a trial by fire then. It's pretty sweet, from that point on.

I'm hooked on the game right now (7 hours) and this is true. When you get the 4 characters to control, it gets hard if you haven't done some proper leveling.

For instance, i'm a hoarder when playing games. I try to avoid leveling up until it's absolutely necessary for my characters, and the same goes for potions/elixirs/items. When I got to that point, I almost got my ass handed back to me. Well, I didn't like how it went, and figured I needed to spend some of the leveling points. I did that, and the battle was far more enjoyable, less frustrating, and VERY fun.

I'm really loving the FPS aspect of Elco and Ailish. It's really well implemented, and believe me, I initially thought it was a crappy approach to it. But considering how fast paced this can be, it was the best approach.

The thing that's really bothering me now is the length. I have the suspicion that I will be left wanting more.


Anybody gotten to Terentia yet?

I just
got the 2nd crystal from the Krenn robot thing. Damn was that a long-ass boss fight. At first I was like.. ok this is pretty easy, then he starts recharging, and I'm like "hmmm" didn't know to shoot out those things. I get him down to half-way again and he starts charging again, and I'm like "hell no!" and start shooting the chargers, good fun.

Anyway, I can't find Professor Hayward after talking to him after I leave the research center. I'm sure I could find him easily enough with just wandering around, but I'd like to save myself some effort.
The game looks great and the battles are fun so far. It's definitley in the B+ category at the moment.

There's one thing that's annoying though and I can't seem to pin point it...the game is very harsh on my eyes. Maybe it's the framerate but I'm not sure. (what's the framerate on this game anyway?)

The only other time I'm felt like this is when playing Zelda TOoT on the Gamecube. It literally almost gave me a headache after a few minutes. In certain parts, Riddick had the same issue when turning to the left or right early on in the game.

That's really the only downside though, however it's a big annoyance to me. I want to play the game without feeling like I need to rip my eyes out after 10 minutes.

IJoel said:
it gets hard if you haven't done some proper leveling.

Uh oh, what do you mean?

So far I have been making Tal stronger and adding to his total HP. With Ailish I have been advancing her magic skills. Do I need to be doing something else?


siamesedreamer said:
Uh oh, what do you mean?

So far I have been making Tal stronger and adding to his total HP. With Ailish I have been advancing her magic skills. Do I need to be doing something else?

Oh no, I didn't mean that. I meant if you didn't keep up with your level in terms of using your skill points.

Say, you are level 10 and haven't allocated your skill points yet, like I initially did. But you have done so, so you should be fine.
OK, I gotcha.

At first I didn't realize that the leveling up your health increases you HP by 500 points every time. I imagine that's going to be a huge help later on.
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