(this follows a bit where Anime-Anime congratulates Snyder on the action sequences but says that they're very reminiscent of Dragonball, although that's not a bad thing)
Are you aware of "Dragonball"? If so, did anything in particular inspire you?
I've seen a few episodes of Dragonball. I know it's a major work of anime, and that it has suitably huge-scale battles depicted beautifully. However, in response to your question, there's another anime I've forgotten the name of, where loads of city buildings get destroyed... I know there are loads of such scenes in anime, but this one in particular is possibly like Man Of Steel. I'm sure it's a TV series... hold on a minute *he phones his staff* In the US it's called "Birdy the Mighty".
Oh, "Tetsuwan Birdy"!
In Birdy there are also characters who fight in super-powered suits, right?
Absolutely. The city battle scenes in it are so good, they have a huge impact. Also, because in Man Of Steel the fighting is mostly one-on-one hand-to-hand stuff, rather than in, say, The Avengers where they're fighting a huge force, the movie's much more like the fantastic style of anime than other movies.