There are certain members of GAF who say that Fumoffu is all you need. These people are charlatans who are no doubt in cahoots with the ne'erdowells who insist you skip ZZ Gundam.
Fumoffu is a fine banquet on its own but as I have learned FMP is an entirely different course.
i've tried... and found the first 20 episode hella boring... maybe 1 or 2 funny moments in the entire 7 hours of watching...
I am gonna sit down and read the manga some day when I catch up on some others I read in hopes that I can get to some point where it gets better (and then pick up the anime from there) since it's so praised... but currently it being well regarded makes about as much sense to me as gangnam style being the most popular video on youtube.... I just don't get it at all and don't see why it's talked about at all.
I think if you dontl ike it at that point it might not be for you. Its like Galaxy angel,. Either its your kind of comedy or it isnt.
In what other show is a gross bug thing super moe and shy and a main character falls in love with it?
I'm setting this up for sassy comments on romance anime please do deliver animegaf
Wait what is this?
Was it this.
If it is, this scene killed me with laughter. Best moe bug ever.
Oh god. I just found a video
That was pretty hilarious I have to say.