i guess nozaki-kun doesnt have enough pantieless faux-lesbian lolis for abf to obsess over
what a shame
... Uh, but I don't like lolis. Sexualizing children is wrong.
On that note...
Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya 2wei - 1-10 (all) - Yeah, it was good. Bazzett is a really tough opponent! This was better than I was expecting. I mean, I liked S1, but I remember the 2wei manga being fanservicier than the first series, and with less plot too. Well, maybe it's because of having to cut stuff to fit it into the anime -- even though this is only the first half of 2wei, I'm pretty sure some stuff is cut from the manga -- but the series, while unpleasantly creepy thanks to the "fanservice" with such young characters, isn't as bad as I remember the manga being. If they did cut some of that stuff out, that's great. Fortunately, none of the good side of this franchise -- the well-done fight sequences, the "power of friendship" victories, and such -- was cut, I don't think. The season ends with the long Bazzett fight, and it's pretty serious, and pretty good. This is a formulaic show for the most part for sure, but it's entertainingly so. Also, Illya's mother Irisviel is a more regular character through much of the season! This is awesome, as she's a great character, maybe the best in the show (it's either her or Rin!). I don't know if she was in the manga as much... but anyway, she's a character who needs to appear more. She's always entertaining and funny, and smart too.

As for Kuro, her backstory is sad and sympathetic, but she's the poster child of the worst of the stupid fanservice, so overall I can't like the character. No, anime, real siblings do not have incestuous feelings, and fanservicey stuff with characters this young is unpleasant... but as I said, there wasn't as much of that stuff as I was fearing based on the manga, so that was good. I wasn't sure if I'd actually be able to get through this or if I'd drop it, but I watched the whole thing and liked it overall. The second half of the series, focusing on Bazzett and with more Irisviel appearances, was the better part; the first part, focusing on Kuro, isn't as great.
Really I probably should have dropped this franchise a long time ago because of the loli "fanservice" and incestbait parts, but I started because it was interesting to see something Fate/Stay Night related which isn't mostly about being horrendously depressing and/or incredibly sexist even by anime standards, and it is indeed that. Optimistic F/SN can exist, though this series has its issues too just like all the others do. The writing in the serious parts of Fate/Kaleid is good. If it wasn't there's no way I'd have stuck with this, but it is. And on that note, I'm kind of looking forward to 3rei's anime, if that happens; that manga's the best of the three, so far, and probably has the most serious plot, and the least fanservice, of the three serieses (1, 2wei, 3rei). I wish this was a better, non-creepy franchise, but that I haven't dropped it shows that it's not nearly as bad with that stuff as some shows are. If this franchise had tentacles or anything else like that there is no way I'd still be watching -- I still haven't watched one episode since that horrendously awful second episode of Hyperdimension Neptunia, for example.
That you even can make such comparisons says so much bad about anime/manga, of course...
Hana Yamata 8-10 - The constant manufactured drama continues! This series is obviously six parts drama and four parts moe antics, with only minimal actual dancing, but it does work. It just gets old after a while... I'm not a fan of this kind of constant annoying drama. There's always something, every time! Nothing can ever quite go all right for them. Oh well. It's a good series overall, and I'll probably keep watching.
Sabagebu 8-11 - Why is this show almost over?? The best anime of the season needs to continue! This is such a funny, funny show... sure, it's often incredibly stupid, but it's funny even more often, and it manages to make almost everything work. These four episodes all work great, for sure! Great stuff. I want more than one more episode for certain. This show has funny characters, some unique elements, and plenty of crazy comedy. I like that the main character is very definitely a flawed person, the weird quirks of each other character, and such... but just as important are the crazy scenarios they're constantly being tossed into in the airsoft matches! Whether it's a fight against old people in the Australian desert, against cat aliens, or against some somewhat obsessed fangirls, it's all great stuff. The other skits in these episodes were great as well. The long bit in ep. 11 about their mascot animal helping out that crab was so crazy, and so entertaining... yes, I really like this show. It's got no significant flaws, and plenty of strengths -- characters, comedy, decent production values, and more. I presume it'll bomb hard, because Japan never seems to like good anime...
Tokyo ESP 2-5 - This series is basically Mood Whiplash: The Show. Constantly jumping back and forth between Serious Action and Silly Comedy, Tokyo ESP isn't a show that really knows what it wants to be. Of course, having both action and comedy in one show is common in anime, but does it actually work? Episode two is the only one of these which is all comedy, but there are bits of it in the episodes after it as well, randomly mixed in with the action, the serious and quite threatening villains who sometimes are silly too, etc. How could they think that going from ep. 1 to ep. 2 was, tonally, a good idea? I might keep watching, I don't know, but this show is messed up and not very good. The characters are only okay, story isn't great, enemies are generic -- ooh, evil psychics who want to kill all the "normals" because prejudice or something, such an original plot! -- and the show, overall, isn't that great either. It's not awful, though. Just tonally dissonant and mediocre. The female protagonist is one of the better characters, but so far has only occasionally had good opportunities to show what she can do.
Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance 3 - Average harem action/comedy/drama stuff. I saw that "twist" at the end coming a mile away. Now she'll fight the MC, the MC will win and remind her what her true feelings are, etc etc. And all because of idiotic manufactured drama the MC caused by not intervening until AFTER her
Sure, she's responsible too, for being an idiot and attacking, but he could have saved it, but only intervened after that so as to allow the stupid drama to play out in the story. This is a bad harem show with bad writing and brain-dead idiot characters who don't have a single brain cell to share between the whole lot of them. The girls are generic stupid waifu stereotypes who are strong but not as strong as the MC guy who they all love, the MC is overpowered but doesn't want to use his abilities because of plot reasons, etc etc. Trashy stuff. I might drop this now; borderline hatewatch stuff would be the only reason to keep going. Sure, I find bad harem action shows amusing sometimes, but you can do so much better than this...
Momo Kyun Sword 8-9 - So, ep. 8 is pure comedy... and then 9 suddenly gets somewhat serious? Who thought THAT was a good idea? Well, it wasn't. It's not TOO bad, sure, but seriously... just leave it how it was. The 'serious turn' doesn't make this kind of show better. It's mediocre enough as it is, all that does is make me want to just stop bothering with this previously amusing but dumb show.
Rail Wars 2-4 - More bad harem action, but this time with some TERRIBLE art! It's obvious that all of the budget in this show went into the train CG, not the characters, and that shows. Somehow this show is amusing despite being awful, though. It's completely and totally dumb, but it's more entertaining at it than, say, Blade Dance above. On the negative side, Japanese sexism is all over this show! For one thing, it's got constant male-gaze fanservice. Blatant stuff there. But even beyond that, seriously, in the second episode the female lead... well, first, she's that standard "strong girl who falls for the seems-weaker-but-is-stronger-really protragonist" trash writing that almost EVERY SINGLE "STRONG" ANIME FEMALE EVER IN ANY SHOW WITH ROMANCE ALWAYS FALLS INTO -- and this is a terrible, terrible stereotype which I hate. Anyway, she basically saves the day from a terrorist bomb. The other guy in their group realizes where the bomb is, then the action girl thinks of the strategy to disarm the bomb and disarms it. All MC guy does is stand around, say a few vaguely useful things, and manage to (despite his best efforts) not get them all blown up. And yet... at the end of the episode, HE gets promoted? Why? Yes, I understand why she isn't, she causes too much trouble, but he did NOTHING to deserve it apart from being the MC in a harem anime. So, so stupid. It's not until episode four that he finally does something actually useful to actually help solve one of the problems, I'd say... and even then, it was somewhat a team effort. Ugh.
Idolmaster Puchimas! S2 (all) - Season two of this was just as silly and fun as the first one was! I'd watch more of this if they make it. It's completely adorable, silly, and cute, without ever being creepy. That's sadly rare for anime.