In fairness to SAO (snicker) they never presented anyone as being even vaguely on Kirito's level outside of Kayaba (the fucking designer of the game who can just give himself super stats), and Kayaba being a "badass" was apparently enough for him to pull a posthumous Karma Houdini where they act like he was this great guy for giving them a network of video games they can avoid real life in ignoring the fact that he murdered like 5000 people for no actual reason.
Honestly, this what I really don't get about people who enjoy SAO. Why do they give this guy a pass? There is literally no explanation as to why he trapped everybody in the game!
Why wasn't this guy given a motive or backstory? It's not that hard!
Like, here's a backstory for him: He wanted revenge on the people who genuinely wanted to live in a virtual world as opposed to the real one. It would go with the whole VR and the effect on the human mind thing that SAO was apparently trying to do! Make him have a daughter or son who ended up trapped in the game because of an accident or something and he wanted the world to know the fear and pain he/she felt!
Just something, anything's better than: "I forgot, but I do remember that castle in the sky I saw that one time!"