Oh yeah, Aoi is in a band. When was the last time that came up? They get called in to be a filler group. A pointless filler cause everyone just went to see the person everyone actually cares about. Sucks to be them I guess. Misaki seems like she has some issues, but that doesn't lead to anything here. The envy and despair that they aren't popular was well done, though everyone trying to figure out how to cheer up Aoi was kind of... awkward? I don't know, but it reminded me that there hasn't been much development for Aoi and anyone in particular. Or heck, any pairs except Yukari/Akira and Ichika/Ciel. Cool that we got to see a Cure be destructive for once, but Ichika bringing back Aoi kind of fell flat because of that. Not a bad episode, but something that could've been a lot better.
At this point, I don't know how to feel about this show. It's pretty ridiculous in a really fun way. But I just can't get behind it. It's all madness for the sake of madness.
If they stayed in the mountain/forest area and fought there that'd be cool. But for some reason, bringing the fight into the downtown area and opening fire and crashing into buildings, creating potholes, and blowing up walls is A-okay? I really don't understand. But then this happens:
I thought womanning a tank was one of the most feminine things you could do as a girl? Or at least that's how that ad put it since there are little to no male tankers in the field according to the show itself.
Well, next up is the tournament arc. So there's that.
I never heard of this until the PS4 game was announced. Finally had time to sit down and check out what it actually was. I'd love to know how presumably most(?) schools have tanks lying around ready for use as part as a school club. Or even how those tanks were funded to begin with. Better yet, how did this turn into a very well respected women's sport?
If this is what Haifuri took inspiration from (or at least it seems that way), I'm down. I kinda liked that show, so maybe I'll like this one to.
That Eureka Seven movie sounds about as traumatic as I had feared. I guess the only conciliation is that the all new prologue sounds good, maybe they can just release that on its own and I can stick it onto my TV series collection, forming my perfect 'head cannon'.
Kyoda is a master. He gives me half an hour of pure E7 bliss comparable to the highs of the television series. He then gives me an hour of some of the worst shit I've ever seen in an anime movie.
The first half an hour depicts the Summer of Love event hinted at in the TV series and it's fucking great. I'm willing to pay admissions just see this again.
It involves Adroc breaking out of prison on a space station where he's being detained because he backs out of the original plan to kill the Coralians. This is a fantastic segment as it involves Adroc dealing with the guilt of having to murder soldiers to stop a plan he himself created. Adroc knows he fucked up and he has to continually do the wrong thing in order to do the right thing. It's really mature and is somewhat dark in a way not previously found in the series. It's also interesting to see the Council talk about how if Adroc doesn't play along they'll kill him. This really depicts Adroc less as a hero and more of a flawed human being trapped in circumstances of his own making.
On top of that you have the soldiers trying to carry out Adroc's plan to stop the Coralians and they get massacred. It's something akin to a war film and it makes it easy to understand why people later in the TV series hate the Coralians as this was a pretty vicious fight. Ray and Charles are on the front line and so this is largely from their perspective. BONES S+ team go to work and it's one big mecha sakuga fest. It's also worth mentioning that the character designs look better than ever and Yoshida's style shines through.
The plan involving the Silver Box, Adroc's plan which reminded me of Macross actually as it's oriented around music, goes sideways leading to Dewey and Holland stepping in as trapar mecha specialists. It's funny seeing Dewey and Holland having a friendly relationship with Holland being repeatedly worried for his onii-chan. The Box goes haywire leading to the creation of a Scub Command Cluster that is swallowing up the entire planet. Everyone on Earth will die in two hours. Adroc sacrifices himself in the Nirvash to take the Command Cluster with him through a portal to a separate dimension.
All of this is topnotch as it explains some aspects of the original series such as why Dewey has that kill switch in his chest in the TV series, Eureka dealing with abandonment issues as Adroc leaves her behind at the last minute, some stuff relating to Holland later involving himself with the Adroc children, and Ray losing organs thus resulting in her not being able to have kids. It also gives a huge boost to Adroc's characterization and the history of that world itself.
Why then do I think the movie is a huge turd? The movie then shifts to Renton which initially seemed good as it has Renton being chased by a pack of dogs and wondering how he got there. The problems start right there. I have never ever in my life seen a movie that jumps back and forth in time as much as this one. Renton will flashback then in the flashback will jump further back then it'll jump to a time period before the inital jump after which it'll jump to a point earlier then the initial flashback period. Yes it's confusing as fuck and it happens a lot. An example would be the movie jumps 14 days back then 3 days forward then 22 days back then a week forward. What makes this even worse is that the movie doesn't take the time to explain narrative points such as Holland's crew before using them in the plot. It just states Renton's relationship with Eureka while never establishing it. You know the major scene in episode 1 where Renton sees Eureka in the moonlight? That happens near the very end of the film after they show scenes with Eureka merging with the Scub Coral and having the short hair. It's in line with old-school compilation films but just incomprehensible due to all the time skips.
There's just little logic behind all of it and if you aren't a super fan then it's going to be extremely hard to follow. On the other hand if you're a super fan then you'll remember the episode where Renton helps that Vodarac girl that ends up dying. That episode is a really big chunk of the film and honestly isn't that interesting. The Renton material isn't coherent enough for starting fans and it's not different or interesting enough for long-term fans either. You could tell the movie wasn't going over well with the audience as after a certain point people were laughing whenever the movie would skip ahead or back.
So in short, the Summer of Love sequence is definitely worth seeing. After that, walk out of the cinema. Also all the pop-up text on the screen got really annoying after awhile. During the prologue it repeatedly stated how much time had passed in the mission.
Oh and Anemone is an idol now. The working title of the second movie is Anemone Seven. Get hype!
Edit: Forgot to mention, the soundtrack is really good. I mean really good. There's some organ piece in the beginning during the prologue that I loved.
This episode has been the training part of this 'battle', so nothing really flashy or impactful happens. But at least it isn't going to be a long 'training arc', just this single episode, the preview already show the competition starts.
I wish there would be a scene of all the people dancing on the floor in the ep., to show the audience what he was doing wrong with the line of dance, instead of using stills. Yes, you get the idea, they explain it, but this is a tv series, it would have been better to see it directly.
That said, the scene of talking with Mako by phone is important for the character's development of Tatara, how he is so attentive to other people but not to himself is an indicative, a continuation of the theme of the first episode, his lack of self-identity, and how the series is about him using dance to find a place in life and grow as a person.
Thus the mystery of Ougi is officially revealed, remember reading a tidbit about it when the novel first came out and thought "wow, wouldn't have guessed that" but after watching all of Ougi's appearances it's kinda obvious when you think about the dialogue here and there lol. Anyway though this was one of the best arcs in the story as all of the threads colluded to the situation they found themselves in. Like the other previous arc it has Araragi take a retrospective look at the choices he's made and himself overall and eventually links back to that signature line of Oshino's. It was pretty neat getting a glimpse at some of the other's growth as well, Nadeko seems like she's doing better now, Senjougahara made her plans known the previous arc, Hanekawa seems set to move on too, don't even like her but cool and Shinobu seemed genuinely happy in her complete form and content with taking it easy.
Can understand why this is considered the end and Zoku the epilogue of sorts since this by itself completes it pretty good. Seems like they're doing the Off-Season too but of course Zoku first.
The worst/best part of Owarimono is Hachikuji saying kamimashita as a joke and having kanji pronunciation jokes for fucking years had payoff in the end. I swear to god Nisio.
Finally got a glimpse at the evil older sister. We also got a spy mission into Team America's base as well as the first part of the tournament itself. Of course America's war tactics is just essentially bullying the enemy with large numbers as well as having the finances to cheat.
If the rest of this show is just this tournament arc, I'd be fine with that. No need for any serious drama like in the last episode. At this point, I'm down with these girls blowing each other up with their tanks because why not. Just as long as it's not on anyone's property.
The worst/best part of Owarimono is Hachikuji saying kamimashita as a joke and having kanji pronunciation jokes for fucking years had payoff in the end. I swear to god Nisio.
Apparently Nozomi is looking to remaster the Aria bluray themselves rather than use that Q-Tec transfer from Japan, so maybe we might end up having a better looking set.
In a way, I feel sort of bad for Kay. She's all about team-play, but the tank carrying her flag is "cheating". That said, watching Arisa having a mental breakdown when she was getting chased was great. In the end, she loses and we move on to the next round. Unfortunately drama rears its ugly head again, but we'll see how the story moves on from there as Maho isn't as big and bad as the previous episode made her out to be.
This was a great excuse to watch Season 1 again. They did a fantastic job with the dub, no real complaints on any of the characters. Still absolutely love the All Might vs Nomu fight. Will probably buy S2 Blurays as soon as they are available.
This is amazing news! I didn't think that Discotek would be able to get a new transfer done for this, but once again they just keep on delivering. I can't wait to see how it looks in HD!
Apparently Nozomi is looking to remaster the Aria bluray themselves rather than use that Q-Tec transfer from Japan, so maybe we might end up having a better looking set.
There is more difficulty watching this one episode of HEYBOT then 2 and a half hours of Monogatari when it comes to piecing it all together. My brain is melting. This...this made be the most obtuse HEYBOT episode thus far. Where do I even begin?
I guess I'll start with the last episode, where there was a tournament. The tournament didn't end last episode and was going to continue into the next. Except it DIDN'T???
The protagonists go to HEYBOT the Movie. Then the OP plays and after Heybot immediately says the movie was garbage and he wants his money back. They complain that the movie makes no sense and that act a and act b are completely unrelated and characters appear for no reason an - hey thats just an episode of HEYBOT. There are tons of gags in this episode that are complaining about HEYBOT using gags from HEYBOT. I cant.
Then the movie staff gets upset and teleports Nejiru and Heybot into Your Name (SERIOUSLY) until they can have a movie ending.
Then it isnt Your Name anymore I guess and just some crap movie where no one can act. Theres even a scene where the microphone dips on screen for a second. It sticks to a movie for about a minute before it switches to the next one. Oh and also the movie people is the not Roy Batty from the Blade Runner episode and he's part of the deep background lore or something.
HEYBOT's humor is not for mere mortals or stupid millenials. 200 years in the future we will get our thinkpieces on how HEYBOT revolutionized comedy like Dante Aligheri.
Win one match and suddenly nobody knows how to act. That's what they get for being over confident considering that was the only match they've won. It's cool though since Russia is great and this show needs to break out into song more often. Well, I can't wait to see how they win this one now that we know the stakes.
It was pretty fucking terrible. I saw it and holy shit that crap was nonsense. The pacing, the jumping around and re-using of the same scenes from before was truly terrible. Jesus.
So we have reached what should have been the end of Monogatari given the name and how this was a capstone to the whole affair, I will be honest the emotion I am feeling here is burn out mainly because of how intricate all of the moving parts are the endless conversations do get draining.
I'm enjoying Owarimonogatari 2nd season, but I don't know how I feel about the franchise as a whole. Having its animated releases stretched out over like a decade dilutes a lot of the impact. It's been what, 2 years since Owarimonogatari part 1?