Being the astute entrepreneur he is, the producer decides that delegating the coordination of over a dozen junior idols to the only adult idol around is a sound plan. When Minami voiced her concerns over the workload, he quickly deflected them by explaining that his intentions are to gamble on the idols' collective potential to "take a new step" in order to "see new sights." She then parroted this smooth talk to the others, who are strung along those hollow words because they have nothing else but the producer's undefined expectations to live up to. It was some transcendental consultation by proxy that ideally belongs elsewhere but is to be expected of idol fare nonetheless. Overburdened and mismanaged, the idols end up spending their rehearsal time playing games while the producer runs miscellaneous errands, of which none were to find a proper surrogate.
These hats are so pitiful. They're practically paper plates complete with a plain cupcake, at least Anzu's has a ribbon attached to hers. Contrived would be one way to describe the events that took place during the concert. Still, I can't say I was thunderstruck by the producer's audacity to overwork Minami to the point of burnout and replace her just as brazenly. The fan mail was at least a nice touch in the end, if a bit spontaneous. Also, the stage lighting was somewhat improved upon. Anyway, when will Kaede be allowed to escape the background?
This season basically sets a foothold for the characters and the idol industry and touches on the work culture but it largely feels like there's little of value you got out of it besides a few sequences. The narrative shift in the next season(teased by the end of the first season with a new character) gives it a more focused and juicy character driven story telling so there's much to take apart in each of them, I'm pretty interested to see how you'll feel.
What are the premier shows of this season? I always get great answers every time I ask this question. Don't let me down now gaf. Also just this season and not continuation of previous ones
Seeing a sketch like this one of a 'Ninja Witch' by Mr. Yoshinari made me miss the inclusion of some bits of a more uniquely different and eclectic (or even playful stereotyping of) character designs for the LWA series, given the opportunity with such a large cast of unique witches that appear!
Princess Principle 07
Another weak episode, though this was more enjoyable than last week's. Odd singing made its triumphant return!
I get that Princess wants to be part of the team but bringing her to work at a laundry mill seems a bit off. And there is nothing suspicious of a new hire at the laundry mill, upright buying it out a week in. The mission itself seemed to take a back seat to the development of the laundry mill/its workers which was alright but didn't do much for me.
Agne's cover personalities are still amusing.
Gintama 34-35
Shinpachi was prepared to let the show get cancelled to get with the girl with cat ears. The Shinsengumi centric episodes are every bit as funny as the odd job ones, so that is great. Sogo is a monster, forcing the boyfriend of the police chief's daughter to do such awful things to break up their relationship lol.
The ost is still good, I hope the game has as strong an ost.
lol Cheval, you had to go and turn it into the ultimate blight, unreal. I dont know how they can solve this, however, with an s2 coming I guess it will be an easy fight? I thought itd escape and unleash more blight and carnage onto the world
The short of it, go see it if you can. It's a really good movie.
Anyway, I wanted to take some time and think over the film. The more I think about it, the more I appreciate it. It's a film that goes to great lengths to place the viewer in the moment, and it does so without ever holding the story up for one big scene. It's fairly quickly paced, and despite being over two hours, didn't feel long. There were a few scenes that I felt could have been expanded on a bit, mainly the ending, which moved a bit too fast in my opinion. Perhaps the biggest achievement of In This Corner of the World is its main heroine, Suzu, a daydreamer who loves to draw. I love this character, because she's grounded in a way few anime characters are, but consistently surprised me none the less. She marries early in the film, and it's one of the few anime romances that I found myself enjoying. Her relationship to her husband isn't presented as perfect, but is very sweet a way few anime romances are. Her relationship to her family, and her new husband's family also feels very natural and grounded. (Quite a few scenes focus on the family sitting down to eat, and they all manged to remind me of my own family.)
While the director took great care to place us in Japan, before, during, and after the war , don't go into this film expecting a war movie. It's somewhat of a coming of age story for Suzu, but I would say it's mainly about the beauty of maintaining child-like innocence through hardship. (With that in mind, I don't think it's a coincidence there's only one on screen death. The war in this film doesn't kill people, so much as it gobbles them up whole, like many childhood monsters do.) Like others have noted, the film doesn't ruminate on misery. You really do get the sense that as much as the war comes to define Suzu's daily life, it is only a brief moment of her life. At one point in the film, Suzu points at a cloud that is about to kick off a fierce storm. It draws a pretty clear parallel between the bomb and a storm, and ultimately the war, things when we're in them seem to stretch on and on, but ultimately pass with time.
The short of it, go see it if you can. It's a really good movie.
Anyway, I wanted to take some time and think over the film. The more I think about it, the more I appreciate it. It's a film that goes to great lengths to place the viewer in the moment, and it does so without ever holding the story up for one big scene. It's fairly quickly paced, and despite being over two hours, didn't feel long. There were a few scenes that I felt could have been expanded on a bit, mainly the ending, which moved a bit too fast in my opinion.
It's worth mentioning that the director has stated that he wanted another half hour for the film, but they ended up not having enough money and so had to cut it short.
It's worth mentioning that the director has stated that he wanted another half hour for the film, but they ended up not having enough money and so had to cut it short.
Wow, this one was fantastic. I obviously haven't posted about this show before, but I'm so glad they decided to make this season a flashback of Bon's life instead of remaining in the present day - the first episode's pacing was very weird to me at first, but everything that happened has a lot more meaning now that I have context on past events.
When Konatsu said "I want to hear Daddy's rakugo on stage!"
, I felt my heartstrings tug a little. The animation continues to be as lovely as ever, and the part where the two performed rakugo with one another was absolute perfection. Bon and Shin's friendship is honestly one of the more heartwarming things I've seen on anime, despite
undertones of romantic interest from Bon. Or maybe I'm reading too much into things
. I'm looking forward to seeing how Bon and Miyo's reunion will be like
Maybe not the worst episode but certainly the most pointless thus far as this mission was so disconnected to everything else it didn't even have merest hint of the Duke behind it and instead turned into an episode of Drunk History.
This episode was fucking hilarious. I don't know where they came up with this idea, but it's just so nonsensical I can't hate it. This makes it two episodes in a role where the spy work comprised of the most terrible ideas in terms of putting their identities at risk, but I guess I just have to come to terms with the fact that this show is a little silly and doesn't take itself super seriously. Much more fun than last week's episode anyway.
It's worth mentioning that the director has stated that he wanted another half hour for the film, but they ended up not having enough money and so had to cut it short.
Errrrrrrrrrrr. I hate to say it but I'm glad they "didn't" have the money if he actually wanted to make it longer. The movie was long enough as it is. A film constructed of vignettes has a very different pace compared to one with a progressive dramatic arc. As it is, the story already feels long and the film is packed. Making it even longer would make it too tiring.
The S4 reunion makes me remember that the current S4 have barely done anything together. Get on that sooner rather than later please. And lol, the impetus of the crossover is they need money so they don't go broke like last time. Or not since Starlight wasn't really there, but it's the thought that counts. Anyway, it's a nice, if subdued crossover. Akari/Sumire/Hinaki have good chemistry with Yume/Laura/Mahiru. Protagonist/upstaged sidekick/fashion expert worked out pretty well. Poor Ako got screwed. She should've paired up with Juri. Lots of cute callbacks to the previous series. Trying to figure out the logistics of how this works since Principal guy and Cook guy know each other, but we shouldn't think too hard about it. I liked how Ichigo was treated. Never named, but respected like the deity she is. Very disappointing that we didn't get Akari onstage. Missed opportunity. Oh well. Next week looks much better with the OG cast. And not just the main trio, but Tristar too. Powa-Powa Puririn better not miss out on jungle adventures.
Both Katabuchi and his wife prepared about 200 scenes that were cut from the film iirc and they're considering an extended version of the film. The Japanese BD/DVD have some extra footage I think.
Both Katabuchi and his wife prepared about 200 scenes that were cut from the film iirc and they're considering an extended version of the film. The Japanese BD/DVD have some extra footage I think.
A reminder that this show's premise is kind of dumb. That's a great disguise Princess, especially when you're buying things out suddenly and bringing attention to yourself. Instead of a mystery or hunt, this is a self-improvement episode on how the spies can make people's lives a bit better. Really silly, but this show has never been that serious, and a strong cast still carries it.
Some interesting and disturbing events, especially in what they imply about Riko's true nature. It's unfortunate that the direction and animation was a bit clunky compared to past episodes, but Ozen's brooding voice acting and Kevin Perkin's powerful music were partially able to make up for that deficiency.
Wow, this one was fantastic. I obviously haven't posted about this show before, but I'm so glad they decided to make this season a flashback of Bon's life instead of remaining in the present day - the first episode's pacing was very weird to me at first, but everything that happened has a lot more meaning now that I have context on past events.
When Konatsu said "I want to hear Daddy's rakugo on stage!"
, I felt my heartstrings tug a little. The animation continues to be as lovely as ever, and the part where the two performed rakugo with one another was absolute perfection. Bon and Shin's friendship is honestly one of the more heartwarming things I've seen on anime, despite
undertones of romantic interest from Bon. Or maybe I'm reading too much into things
. I'm looking forward to seeing how Bon and Miyo's reunion will be like
Maybe not the worst episode but certainly the most pointless thus far as this mission was so disconnected to everything else it didn't even have merest hint of the Duke behind it and instead turned into an episode of Drunk History.
I would say it's both the worst episode and the most pointless. With this failing in the last two weeks and with Made in Abyss not really taking off, in the end Ballroom it's going to be the best anime of the season.
Last episode was certainly pretty flawed but this has no salvation. Where is my spy thriller? It isn't here, that's for sure.
-It basically has no connection to the setting/main plot.
-Zero development or effort for the bad guy of the week. He was the definition of afterthought.
-The structure is too much like the past episode, you can feel the repetition. In both episodes they infiltrate in a civilian job site to examine the material it comes every day (corpses/uniforms) to get a McGuffin.
-Obviously zero percent spy-like things happening here, and no complications or dangers. And 100% maid uniforms and more girls and moe. Speakin of, only in anime you would see this plot point (using moe lolis as a valid marketing tactic to attract business):
-Stupid 'we will fix this whole place in a single night' plot point. I rollyed my eyes on how Beato handled repairing the huge washing machine because... she is part machine, so she automatically has attunement for them? that's a lazy as hell reasoning using by the writers.
Yeah but it was lauded as the film that financiers rejected and the audience accepted. They've even managed to meet almost twice the target amount for the pilot film too:
When they called for crowdfunding over the Internet in March 2015, 3,374 people raised about 40 million yen in two months, almost double the targeted amount.
It strikes me as odd that he still ran short of funds despite an overwhelming support from potential viewers to back his attempt at pitching it to financiers, not just the pilot film.
With this failing in the last two weeks and with Made in Abyss not really taking off, in the end Ballroom it's going to be the best anime of the season.
It strikes me as odd that he still ran short of funds despite an overwhelming support from potential viewers to back his attempt at pitching it to financiers, not just the pilot film.
It could still have failed if only those hardcore fans came to see it and not a lot of general audiences, so there were still risk for potential investors after the pilot film was ready
Owarimonogatari has plenty good Monogatari in it and I enjoyed that quite a lot, all in all.
It's more after the fact that I started to think less and less of the plot and some stuff. Though, in my defense, the episodes were so damn information-dense that my critical thinking was slightly set aside in favor of actually paying attention.
I would say it's both the worst episode and the most pointless. With this failing in the last two weeks and with Made in Abyss not really taking off, in the end Ballroom it's going to be the best anime of the season.