Beyond the Boundary -I'll Be Here-
I should start off by saying this so I don't waste any of your reading time, I love the Beyond the Boundary anime. It was something I went into well after it released and went into with low expectations due to the anime community in large speaking negatively about it. I watched the show and really loved the story and characters. So much so I put it up there as one of Kyoto Animations best anime series next to Hyouka and Clannad.
So now that that's out of the way...
This basically the "first movie", but in actuality its a really long recap episode of what occurred in the original show. Every scene in the movie is taken from the anime.
To be perfectly blunt, if you watch this before watching the "second part" instead of the anime, I don't think you are going to get the proper backdrop for the next movie. Which is a shame. It does the job, but it moves through plot points so fast you don't see where everyone develops and that is unacceptable, as character development was one of the things the anime series excels in. In essence, you don't need to watch this movie. Watch the anime series if you have to pick one. This is just a cut down version of the show.
The only thing that stands out is the after credits scene, as it will...sort of...set up the next movie...
I wanna get this out of the way now. I LOATHE sequels thatAnd especially for a sequel of an anime like this one is pretty insulting and made me a little upset.start of with a character losing their memories.
That said...
Where they go from that premise and concept is quite interesting and done relatively well. The characters keepingin the dark for her own "happiness" makes sense for a particular character to do after everything that happens. That said, I appreciate the supporting characters calling Akihito out on his shit and making him realize what he is doing is no kindness.Mirai
From there, the show gears up for some fights that are arguably better than the show. Which is quite the feat as the anime did some wonderful fight scenes.
The movie did something I think the anime didn't do well enough in and that is making me hate the main villain. In the show he was an annoyance, but here he made moves where I thought he could do real damage and really did put characters in danger that I cared about. All I ask is you make me hate the main villain in any show or movie. This one did that. Also,the twist in the movie I thought was pulled off just right and was brilliantly done. I didn't see it coming until it was revealed and that is hard to pull off on me in many of these movies/shows. They left clues but they were cleverly hidden and I didn't pick up on them immediately. I am glad the movie was able to do that.
Obviously, music and animation is topnotch in both movies. No complaints there at all.
All in all, Future left me satisfied and closed the curtain on Beyond the Boundary. It's hard to get something like that these days from anime and movies. I didn't like the concept the movie built off of, but what they were able to do with it more than made up for it. The anime closed well (though I wanted a tiny bit more closure). But I think this movie really closes the curtain on the series perfectly.
Beyond the Boundary -I'll Be Here- Past: 6.8/10
Beyond the Boundary -I'll Be Here- Future: 8.9/10
Edit: I got the blu-ray for this for under $25. I would say to get it if you even remotely liked Beyond the Boundary.
Quoting for new page.
Chihiyafuru ep.8
Porky, lol. No filter on that girl at all. Either way, this was another excellent episode as they gather the member they need.
Chihiyafuru is so goddamn good.
Also you just reminded me that Nintendoman still needs to watch this and finish Your Lie in April. :3
She's the better cat though.
The best cat girl...