Finish watching this show and have to say, if you want an anime show which play safe, doesn't take too serious, and entertain almost all the way, then this show might be something to look at as I have a good time watching it.
The story take place in future mars where the planet is now cover in water but still have ice which cover the top crust of the planet. Human lives in this drifting city ships which is located around this planet. Economy of Mars is bad after the big wars with Earth and they isn't much work for the people in Mars. This doesn't help with government corruption which isn't helping to fix the issue for Mars and kinda a lap dog for the Earth Government. For this, it's a perfect opportunity where Pirates raid the city ships for supplies and sell it in the black market. This become a big issue that the Earth Government dispatched they special force to counterattack this pirate. One of this pirate is a the most renowned and fear, Ship of Aurora. You follow two MC in this show. One, Gram, who is a normal Mars resident who is taking care of his two children in the city ship while trying to find work. For the other, Vess Vestemona , who is transfer from Earth to Mars under Earth Special Force to combat the pirate. Little this two MC know, an event will trigger both of them to the point they will become enemies from different side.
The story of the show wasn't original (in a way it play very safe in the story side when I think about this) but did throw in some interesting ideas to make it a bit different with tons of other animated show at the time. Also, the story manage to have many elements of action, drama, comedy, and romance which mix well (somewhat) and help push the show a bit more better as you continue watching it. If I have to throw in a negative is might be how they try to tell the story. The 1st 10 episodes, it feel a bit of a episodic style story telling and some of this episode, it feel like a filler episode which it isn't. Most of this is trying to develop the secondary characters in the show you will be following in the Ship of Aurora which bring in the character development.
If you want to put a strength of this show, I will put character development as one of the big strength when watching. As you process through the show, you start to be introduce to the crew of Aurora. At first, this development might not interested you a bit at the beginning but it become important as you continue watch the show. In the way, it help me to like most of the secondary characters you will be following during the show whether it's their past or what they're trying to accomplish to their personalities. They even got two character who is actually animals (a cat and a dolphin) who can even talk which make the show even more odd but fun to watch. Hell, by the end of the series, you will even respect the main villain who you fight during the show as he become an important point of the show between the two MC and the conclusion.
Also, like the connection between the two MC and how at the beginning become enemies even though they don't want to but start the change as you continue watching and eventually they work together as a team with a common goal.
As for animation, I can't say much for the most part. Kinda feel okay and a bit generic to tell the truth. Nothing really catch my attention with the animation of the show. The mecha animation look fine for what it's and it did remind me a bit of Zone of Enders but it still not too interesting when they're many other mecha anime at the time the show release. Kinda sad as it's under Bones Studio which tend to bring out great animation work at the time. I guess the only animation which catch my attention might be character animation of the eye. Don't know why but it feel odd to see the eye animation they use for the characters. Just something which I notice every time I watch the show.
Even with this, the show is fun to watch. The story isn't hard to follow (join pirate, fight government in mech, get the booty gold, get girl), and I did get entertain for the most part. It isn't for everyone if you want something more than a safe show which don't try anything crazy but it's something if you want to feel the space when you have nothing to watch of the other anime. Worth the watch.