I hope the developers of Sunset Overdrive can read this.
I just want to thank you guys for making one of the best games I have ever played, and something that is almost a spiritual sequel to two of my favorite things in the world:
Jet Grind Radio/Jet Set Radio Future
Classic West Coast, surfin' guitar, asskicking, good time having, Punk.
This game is like the best parts of Punk and Jet Set Radio combined into a crazy awesome overcharged hyper adrenaline rail grinding explosionfest.
It's a game that speaks as loudly as the genres that it pulls its music from, a love letter to being a individual in an industry of posers.
It's an elitist, hipster, love letter to the few people who demand more from their games I wish there was more of it. This game is the kind of thing that should kick the pants of everything in the industry, on the same genre defining level as a Metal Gear Solid title or an interesting new IP that doesn't suck.
This game lives, breathes, and speaks Punk with its loud raucous soundtrack and colorful art and graphics, standing loud and proud in a sea of the same and ordinary
game releases and sequels.
This game has spirit.
Thank you Insomniac.
Thank you.