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Sup GAF, when was the last time you got punched in the face and/or kicked in the genitals?


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
It’s been a good 15 or so years. Not since high school or college.

I’m overdue.
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As a dad to a two year old toddler, I get stomped on and smashed up on the regular.
As a father myself, I can confirm his story. When my kids were little, it was almost a daily occurrence of a head butt to the junk when walking around the corner or not paying attention.



Dr. Suchong

Gold Member
Probably about 17 years ago (ish)
Me and my father were assaulted by around 10 youths.
It was a pretty rough experience.
It started when a youth tried to intimidate me at a cash machine.
I gave him some shit back, went in a nearby shop, came out again, and he was standing with a length of wood threateing me.
I pushed the fucker to the floor before he swung the wood, he got up again and swung it into my arm. I immediately thought he'd broke it. With that, 10 or so youths across the road ran towards me and my Dad (he'd been waiting in the car for me)
They smashed something over my head, a beer can or something. I managed to get in the car and pull the door shut, my Dad was punched to the floor (absolutely nothing i could do) and they attacked the car.
Not a great night.
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Physically or literally?

Physically last week. Self inflicted. My pressure washer recoiled back and hit me in the jaw. Busted me up.

Literally, (not getting too personal), so every time I look at the Bitcoin price. I had the opportunity to buy it at $5k. I called it a scam!!!


Roommate in college slapped me over a dispute which started about sharing the cost of toilet cleaner, because the toilet was fucking nasty. Then I shoulder checked his jaw/neck so hard he went down, and that was that. He never chipped in for the fucking cleaned tho.


Gold Member
How pissed were you at your GF.
It was at a point in our relationship where i wasn't even pissed anymore, just wondering what the fuck i was doing here with her.
Still she was particularly tender and caring after the fact (one of the rare perks of being in a toxic relationship).


Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
Frequently get people landing/kneeing the balls in training. It never gets easier lol
Haven’t had a face smack for a few years luckily (outside of training).
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As a father myself, I can confirm his story. When my kids were little, it was almost a daily occurrence of a head butt to the junk when walking around the corner or not paying attention.
I can also confirm this. If I am with my son as he reads before bed, I often take an elbow to the eye socket or nose. Not as severe as an adult punch, but it's at least bi-weekly.
My son is 9, but I remember the days of nutshot headbutts on the regular when he was younger.
Last time I got punched in the face was in 2015 at an old Hindu temple in Indonesia that's home to 1,000+ monkeys. As I was walking along, out of nowhere I got hit in the face by what felt like the world's strongest baby and got my sunglasses knocked off. I turn around to see a grandpa macaque at eye level with the biggest balls you've ever seen laugh at me then mosey away.
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The Stig

not exactly what youre asking for but 2006-ish. was playing fetch (piggy in the middle) with my 130lbs Choc. Labrador. my girlfriend at the time threw the ball to me, it went straight through my legs and the dog went FULL force between my legs..............

KABOOM. his head goes THROUGH my balls. Did you know that labrador skulls are very thick? also he was young and very fast,



Gold Member
I hurt my testicles everytime i'm on a scooter and catch a hole or some street imperfection, does it count?


A sucker punch from a thug trying to prove his cred to his homies.

Basically the same shit that happens on the streets of NYC these days.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
A sucker punch from a thug trying to prove his cred to his homies.
In my early 20's was at a bar with some coworkers.
One of them was feeling down because his high school girlfriend broke up with him.

I took the initiative of asking cute girls to just walk up to him, give him a few kind words and a kiss on the cheek 😇

Later around 2 AM I suddenly get up from the floor in a stupor with a bouncer holding me.
Some guy punched my jaw from behind with brass knuckles and just took off.

I was out for about 10 seconds and bleeding a bit.
Went to hospital and got 10 stitches.
It's barely noticeable today.

I probably got around 20 girls to cheer my friend up.
Must have been a jealous boyfriend.

Coward little prick 😆


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Must be about 20 years.
Edit: reading the parent comments - I have probably gone a week since being accidentally kneed in the balls.
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Surprisingly, a long ass time given how my social life has me surrounded by drunks. Last time was ages ago when I was a teenager. My drunken friend went into a rage for some reason and started swinging wildly and "accidentally" clocked me in the chin when I was trying to calm him down.

Around that same time (not day, fortunately), this really hot girl was hanging around the park while we were playing ball and I must have said something she took objection to, so she came up from behind me and punted me in the nuts. Good times.
Every time I go to the grocery store and look at ribeye prices.

Sad Koala GIF

My daughter headbutt charge hugs me nearly every day.
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Diddy X

A small dog from a neighbor bit my balls 2 weeks ago, nothing serious but had to go to the hospital to have them checked.

Mr Hyde

I think it was back in 02-03. My friend and I was out in the city grabbing a couple of beers when we ran into a couple of hoodlums. We were quite young at the time and neither of us were much of a fighter so naturally we tried to avoid them. One thug walks up to my friend giving him a hard time and tries to pick a fight. I can see my friend getting really stressed out about it so I try to intervene and disarm the situation. The thug backs off and no fight ensues but the thug managed to steal my friends gold chain he had around his neck.

Naturally, my friend gets upset about it, feeling humiliated being robbed, so I try my best to stand up for him and confronts the thug in order to get the chain back. This of course leads to a big brawl between him and me. As I said before, I was not much a fighter back then so he kicked the shit out of me and broke my nose in the process. It was a very humiliating experience and my friend felt guilty about it for not stepping in himself letting me take the brunt of it all but I don't blame him. It was an all around scary situation to be in. We were lucky no one pulled a knife or a gun and killed us.

Winter John

The last accidental one was when the cat jumped off the top of the couch and landed on my nuts. Got me right in the spot too.
The last real one was a couple of years back when some dude introduced his wife and I blurted out, holy shit it’s Bob Dylan. I didn’t mean to say it out loud but I was caught by surprise. Dude got me a good one on the side of my head. In my defence everyone agreed the bitch did look like Dylan
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