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Super late but...I finally got a PS2


Yep. I got it with 2 controllers and a memory card, for $130 Canadian. A buddy at work sold it to me. I also picked up ESPN NHL2k5 earlier in the week. Games I'll be buying in the not-too-distant future...

Kingdom Hearts
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence

I also found used copies of Devil May Cry, Onimusha, and a few other gems for only $14.99, so those are kind of enticing as well.
Alucard said:
Yep. I got it with 2 controllers and a memory card, for $130 Canadian. A buddy at work sold it to me. I also picked up ESPN NHL2k5 earlier in the week. Games I'll be buying in the not-too-distant future...

Kingdom Hearts
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence

I also found used copies of Devil May Cry, Onimusha, and a few other gems for only $14.99, so those are kind of enticing as well.

Excellent buy, but you do know that the PSTwo might just be around the corner right?


Deku Tree

Yup, if you waited this long you might as well wait for the PSTwo in October.
The PSTwo might have a built in HDD...
Can you still return it?
Alucard said:
Eh, that doesn't interest me. I'm not going to be going online with my PS2 any time soon, and I don't really care about how it looks, as long as it works. :)

Just making sure you knew about it at least. Sounds like you're getting an awesome deal from your buddy anyway. And don't listen to the dude who didn't like Castlevania. Easily in my top 3 last year. The only knock people could level against it was that "many of the rooms looked the same", but it just oozed great gameplay


go eat paint
Waiting for a PSTwo doesn't make sense in Alucard's case. He said he got the PS2 (with mem card) for $130 Canadian. That's just under $100 US... and a great deal if the mem card is a first party Sony one. Viva la deals!


ArcadeStickMonk said:
Skip Lament of Innocence.

Have you played GTA on another system already?

I've already played through LoI (a friend let me borrow his PS2 a while ago), and I really liked it. I love the atmosphere, the music, the gameplay, and the Castlevania story. It's just a really fun action game with fantastic gothic atmosphere. It shall be mine.

Tried GTA3 and I don't like it. It gets old really fast. (IMO) Sure, it's fun to try big jumps and all that, but it can't keep my attention for more than 30-40 minutes at a time. I just don't like it. Aside from the concept, I've never been able to see the big deal with the franchise.
Deepthroat said:
Zone of The Enders 2



It's hard to find now though from what I hear.


Deepthroat said:
Do NOT miss:

Final Fantasy X
Gran Turismo 3
Metal Gear Solid 2
Silent Hill 2
Zone of The Enders 2

I've played and finished FFX. Love the battle system, visuals, and sound, and even the characters are all pretty cool. I'll probably pick it up sooner or later just to own it. I enjoyed it quite a bit, but I'd like to buy some other games before it.

Played through MGS2 and I've also found it for $14.99, but I doubt I'm going to buy it. I've played through it and there are way too many cinematics that drag on for far too long. Nevermind that the story just gets a little ridiculous and convoluted. Plus, I didn't really like Raiden/Gaiden/whatever his name was.

I'm not a big car sim guy, but I respect the GT series.

I'd definitely like to check out Zone of the Enders 2, and possibly Silent Hill 2. I'm kind of tired of survival horror though. Gimme action. :)


Drinky Crow said:
Why Kingdom Hearts? It's an awful, awful game.

I played the first 30 minutes or so and liked the battle system and characters. The whole look and feel of it also greatly appeal to me. Plus, I have to admit that I am a bit of an FFVII whore and I'd really like to see Cloud and Seph in a game again.



hmmm maybe that would explain why no stores (at least locally) have PS2 in stock?

Hope EB has a nice trade in deal for it, swap out my PS2 for a PStwo.
Silent Hill 2 is one of my very favorite games this gen, but really not for its minute by minute gameplay. It's ambiance, plot, and revelations are simply astounding to me. BTW, don't go to Something Awful right now because he spoils the plot right on the front page.

Silent Hill 3 is good for all the reasons that SH2 isn't. Better combat, environments and visuals, and overall implementation. But it still didn't have what made me love SH2 so much.


mosaic said:
Fantavision, especially if it's dirt cheap.

Klonoa 2

Katamari Damacy comes out next week for $20!

I'm pretty sure I can find Fantavision for about $10. I'll consider it.

And Klonoa 2 rocks. :) Finished it about 2 years ago (again, borrowed a friend's PS2 for like a year. Haha). Awesome art and gameplay, although probably not AS good as the original. I did like the huge jumps though.

Musashi Wins!

My early life as a PS2 owner, and late adopter, was about checking the store shelf of every game store for REZ and Gitaroo Man. They are two of the only rare US games that are actually worth checking out. You've probably played Rez at some point, but if you haven't experienced Gitarroo it's amazing. And there's no rumor of it being re-printed unlike Rez.


Hates quality gaming
Fantavision is worth twice whatever you'll pay for it.

Shikigami Shiro / Mobile Light Force 2 is also worth the cheap price.

Don't forget about other titles like SF Anniv. Collection, R Type Final, and Gradius V.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Alucard said:
I played the first 30 minutes or so and liked the battle system and characters. The whole look and feel of it also greatly appeal to me. Plus, I have to admit that I am a bit of an FFVII whore and I'd really like to see Cloud and Seph in a game again.

NO NO NO NO NO, don't let that fool you!

The first 30 minutes are just fine and even hint at what could be a decent game...but soon after, you'll discover that the game literally falls apart. You MIGHT like it, though, as many people did...but it has some of the worst level design I've ever seen in a game. The very first island is better designed than the entire rest of the game combined.

Listen to the people that recommend Silent Hill 2 and ZOE2. Both are very good games that you should enjoy a lot. I do not know if you've played ZOE1, but do not judge the sequel by it. The game is better in every possible way...

In addition to SH2, you should also look at Silent Hill 4. It is a very very strange experience. You won't be necessarily find yourself scared this time around, but the story and presentation is just so incredibly strange and unique. Of course, it requires that you pay a lot of attention to the smallest of details. I'm still working my way through it, but it's a very unique experience and is anything but standard survival horror.

Also, if you like shooters, go pick up Gradius V. It is one of the most inspired and enjoyable schumps I've played in YEARS. The best work from Treasure since the Saturn days...and better in some ways.
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