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Super Mario 64 DS - Gamespot preview + movies


No matter what I dont think anything is going to compare to the n64 analog stick control. This will not stop me from picking this up launch day though.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I honestly don't care if the controls are somewhat complicated. I can get used to them. I can adapt to different control schemes, something that many gamers seem to have forgotten how to do.

Either way, I'll probably spend more time with the minigames than with the main quest, I bet.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Doesn't sound like they hate the controls, just sounds like they're trying to figure out which of the 3 controls schemes will work out best. I find it somewhat amusing that a game that taught most of us how to control characters in 3D is now revisiting that moment by perhaps teaching us how to play 3D games without an analog stick.

I don't think it'll be quite as successful, but it's an interested parallel regardless.
The control problem isn't surprising, and I was expecting it to be the greatest knock for the game. I still expect that to be the case, or at least end up getting a steep learning curve.

I'm not all that worried though myself. Still plan on getting this and enjoying it. Did anyone else notice justhow much better this game looks texture-wise, in the videos, than the original? Everything really blends well. The first world looks so ugly in the original, since none of the colors run together well, they just clash.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
The funny thing is, it looks like they're doing fine controlling the game from the gameplay videos.


It's going to get bad reviews (sub-8.0) across the board. I'm calling it. I have not read many positive impressions from people who've played it.

The lack of an analog stick is going to pose a problem in the long run for the DS's N64 ports.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Teddman said:
It's going to get bad reviews (sub-8.0) across the board. I'm calling it. I have not read many positive impressions from people who've played it.

The lack of an analog stick is going to pose a problem in the long run for the DS's N64 ports.

and we all know that there's TONS of N64 ports announced. </sarcasm>


Yeah, I really wish the DS had some type of analog stick. The touch screen is obviously not a replacement, and the Control Pad just doesn't cut it for 3D games.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Norse said:

how many times are they going to repackage the same games we played yrs ago?

Wow, you're a clever one, eh? This is actually the first time they adapt Mario 64, and for a change, it's more of a remake than a port.


Mejilan said:
Wow, you're a clever one, eh? This is actually the first time they adapt Mario 64, and for a change, it's more of a remake than a port.

sorry to offend....dont take it so personally.


Why won't they just give us a new Mario game? I mean Miyamoto promised to show Mario 128 at this past E3 so it's not like they haven't been working on one.
I'm not big on ports but for having Mario 64 and Zelda lttp on the same system and being able to carry them anywhere you go? Where do I sign up?


Watching all those videos has me more excited than ever.

One thing I noticed is the textures look much nicer. Especially the dirt. It's no longer dark brown, more like a dry dirt tan. Before it looked like Mud all the time. And not very realistic. But now it looks much nicer. I can't wait 3 more days.

I look forward to playing the minigames this time. They actually look fun.


dream said:
Why won't they just give us a new Mario game? I mean Miyamoto promised to show Mario 128 at this past E3 so it's not like they haven't been working on one.

At this point, I think Mario 128 was just some concept that Nintendo mentioned just to get people excited. They would have shown it by now, especially when its original release was supposed to be December 2003.


At this point, I think Mario 128 was just some concept that Nintendo mentioned just to get people excited. They would have shown it by now, especially when its original release was supposed to be December 2003.



Every control method involves the stylus...uhhhh. Yeah, go Nintendo. Force feed us an inferior control scheme hooray. Analog stick, where are you?

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
At this point, I think Mario 128 was just some concept that Nintendo mentioned just to get people excited. They would have shown it by now, especially when its original release was supposed to be December 2003.

Nah. There are a lot of games that are never shown. It's documented by Nintendo programmers. Several games are never shown to the public, many are never released, some games that are released weren't that idea to begin with.

Kirby Tilt N' Tumble was originally a game featuring a monkey.
The Legend of Zelda: Tetra Trackers was originally a game about backseat drivers.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Mrbob said:
Every control method involves the stylus...uhhhh. Yeah, go Nintendo. Force feed us an inferior control scheme hooray. Analog stick, where are you?

There's a control method that uses only the d pad and buttons to control the characters, relegating the touchscreen only to occasional camera control, iirc. And you can use your thumb for that, since it won't be a constant thing. (Camera toggles still available with Y, I believe.)

Deku Tree

Mrbob said:
Every control method involves the stylus...uhhhh. Yeah, go Nintendo. Force feed us an inferior control scheme hooray. Analog stick, where are you?

I think you use the thumb thing instead of a stylus.
I think it probably would be a little easier to control using the analog stick instead of the touch screen, but then again, these new minigames would be terrible without the touch screen(if that were replaced with an analog stick). :lol

I'd still like to have an analog stick on the system though. Would be very helpful, but I guess it's not COMPLETELY necessary..


Not having an analog stick is probably my main concern with the DS. A stick would have helped with 3D games and would have freed up the touch screen for other input options.
In the 64/DS comparison video, note the key difference: in the N64 version, they actually make all the jumps. This game has serious control issues on the DS, and I'm worried about how playable it's going to be in the long term.



In one video they compare DS with 64.
The DS version looks much better featuring a sharper look, better textures, and much better animation.
From the videos it seems they had a MUCH easier time controlling the DS version.

I think this will outclass most platformers, console or not.

Jonnyboy117 said:
In the 64/DS comparison video, note the key difference: in the N64 version, they actually make all the jumps. This game has serious control issues on the DS, and I'm worried about how playable it's going to be in the long term.

They had the same problem controlling both of them it seems. Even then they had a better time with the DS version.
The jump they did miss was because they didn't hold the yoshi elongated jump. Thats a button problem.
Jonnyboy117 said:
In the 64/DS comparison video, note the key difference: in the N64 version, they actually make all the jumps. This game has serious control issues on the DS, and I'm worried about how playable it's going to be in the long term.

Well, I wish they had taken videos with the touch screen control input so we could get a further comparison. Don't get me wrong, I don't think controls are going to be great, I still have my doubts, but I'm quite interested in seeing how the GS guys handled each means of control.

I'm not sure though, they made it across the little bridge in the first world, though a little wobbly (obviously because of the D-Pad), and they made it over all the balls without a problem. The missed jump didn't seem like a control issue to me, but rather they just didn't time that jump right, or held Yoshi long enough.

Regardless, until I get this game in my hands even videos won't do much good as far as controls. I'm hoping they get more info up soon, or someone does before I get it Sunday.


I find it strangely ironic that the company that was one of the most influential in the control design of 3D console action games is rereleasing their first 3D game with just "tolerable" controls.
Well, we don't know if they're "tolerable" or not yet.. none (or I should see nearly none) of us have had actual hands-on time with the game.. it may turn out better.. or it may turn out worse, who knows...

I can definitely see problems where you need to navigate over a small ledge or bridge, or something of the sort, though.. but hopefully touch screen will come through..


Yeah, it really does seem like Nintendo is moving backwards in terms of controls. First, the GameCube controller didn't have analog face buttons unlike its competitors, and now it won't even provide an analog stick of some sort for the DS. Nintendo is beginning to cut too many corners now. At least when they cut past corners, like the Super NES's shitty processor or the Nintendo 64's cartridge format or the GBA SP's lack of headphone jack, it didn't affect gameplay.


snapty00 said:
Yeah, it really does seem like Nintendo is moving backwards in terms of controls. First, the GameCube controller didn't have analog face buttons unlike its competitors, and now it won't even provide an analog stick of some sort for the DS. Nintendo is beginning to cut too many corners now. At least when they cut past corners, like the Super NES's shitty processor or the Nintendo 64's cartridge format or the GBA SP's lack of headphone jack, it didn't affect gameplay.

Drinky? Greekboy?

The GameCube controller works wonderfully. OH NO! THE STICKS DONT CLICK!
And are the octagonal guides really a step back?

Super NES's shitty processor? Did that matter in the least? The Super NES has some of the best looking game I have ever seen. Not just of that era, but even now.
I hold that Yoshi's Island looks better than just about every sidescroller since.
Super Mario RPG is one of the cleanest, nicest looking games I've seen.


snapty00 said:
Nintendo is beginning to cut too many corners now.

Speaking of cutting corners, is it legitimate to speculate whether the PS3 will have 4 controller ports?

In all seriousness, Control has NEVER been an issue with Nintendo games or products, I don't expect it to become one now.


lockii said:
Speaking of cutting corners, is it legitimate to speculate whether the PS3 will have 4 controller ports?

In all seriousness, Control has NEVER been an issue with Nintendo games or products, I don't expect it to become one now.
Yeah, I know, it wasn't really an issue until GameCube. Till GameCube, Nintendo was leading the industry, with the analog stick. Now, with the lack of face buttons on GameCube and the total lack of analog control on DS, I can't help but wonder if Nintendo is cutting too many corners.


snapty00 said:
Learn to read before you reply again, olimario.

I read just fine and all your post contained was your usual, baseless Nintendo bitching.

"Nintendo would always come home drunk and beat my mother... I tried to stop him...
The bruises? I... ...I fell down the stairs"



Anyway, here's hoping that situations such as these do well to discourage 3D games on the system.


Socreges said:

Anyway, here's hoping that situations such as these do well to discourage 3D games on the system.

Metroid Prime is a Race Car Game!
Well, I must say that the only problem I have with the GC controller is the damned small D-Pad. Rogue Leader was annoying when I'd accidentally have my wingmen flee instead of going after some fighters.

As far as that though, I've never had a problem with the GameCube controller. I really like actually, especially with the Wave Bird and all. Now the controller that really bothers me, is the PS2 one. I really dislike how the thing feels as a whole, and the D-Pad is just not fun to use. The analog is fine I think, but the clicky sticks are a little annoying to use sometimes as the sticks are rather loose.

I love it with FFXI though, I don't think I would have played with anything else. You almost don't even need the keyboard (except to chat) once you've got that in your hands. So many buttons..


I hope the touch screen ENcourages FPS and RTS's. Throw Wifi into the mix and all the members of my local LAN would pick one up.


"Every control method involves the stylus...uhhhh. Yeah, go Nintendo. Force feed us an inferior control scheme hooray. Analog stick, where are you?"

Have you actually played with a DS unit? I messed around with one yesterday at eb playing the metroid prime demo and just using my thumb on the touch screen the control was smooth and flawless.

I'm guessing most of the people here bitching about the lack of an analog stick haven't picked up a ds yet.


Agreed. 2D games probably make a lot more sense on DS, with the stylus and lack of analog stick and all. I'm hoping the 2D games stay on DS while the 3D ones go to PSP. It makes more sense that way.


olimario said:
Metroid Prime is a Race Car Game!
The way I see it is that I've already got Nintendo making 3D games on the Gamecube and 'Revolution'. With the GBA being brushed aside, it's sort of upsetting to see handhelds powerful to the point where 2D gameplay is no longer necessary. Often when it's not necessary, modern developers are thus inclined to see the sidescrollers and such as extinct. So if 3D games are inhibited because of disadvantages with the system, then Nintendo may, in more instances, choose 2D.

snapty00 said:
Agreed. 2D games probably make a lot more sense on DS, with the stylus and lack of analog stick and all. I'm hoping the 2D games stay on DS while the 3D ones go to PSP. It makes more sense that way.
I wish the PSP would do 2D games as well. As it stands, PSP software is games that are either already on the PS2 in some form or would have been otherwise. Considering that I'm not one to play games outside of my house, the PSP is mostly irrelevant to me.
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