I think I remember hearing difficulty is based on the Clear/Attempt ratio.
Battle with a Giant Foe
With your Wii U Pad: tap the home button when you are at a point in your level of which you want to make a screen shot, open the browser and go to a hosting site like imgur.com or abload.de, select upload from local images and you have a great screenshot ehich you can uploadHey guys, I made a kind of traditional style mario level. My brother made one too, want to know what people think of them.
First is Goomba Factory which is id
The next is Monster Launchers, which is id
Let me know what you guys think. I can't get screenshots super well because I have no capture card. Is there a better way to get screenshots?
I'm not even trying to Kaizo stages, and yet still less manage to get no one to complete my stagesa
Is this worth getting for the levels that are already in the game? I'm hardly interested in user created content, I have the feeling that they are poorly designed boring levels, but please correct me if I'm wrong.
Qouting my self, need help deciding if I should get this or not.
Qouting my self, need help deciding if I should get this or not.
It's so weird that the highest rated levels are ones where you don't press anything.Based on my knowledge after having only played around the first 25-ish levels, no. Most of them seem to be proof of concept kinda things. Some of them are fun, usually short.
I believe later on there are levels that are made by different people, such as the level made by the Rayman Creator, and the level that won the competition with all the facebook employees creations, as well as the Nintendo World Championship levels as the final ones.
That being said, some of the user content is pretty good, most of it isn't. All the popular levels seem centered around gimmicks which I don't usually find interesting, but hopefully those will subside once the game has matured.
Let me know what you guys think. I can't get screenshots super well because I have no capture card. Is there a better way to get screenshots?
Day 2: Spiny Colony
Can you save the last Yoshi ever?
Made it easier to play since so many people die on my levels and never complete them.
Also if you find the secret exit you win a cookie with a special ingredient!
Are you drawing in LOTS of bricks and blocks? Maybe playtesting your level a couple of times too?Why is everything not unlocking for me? It seems to do it day by day still. I've used every item once and still the next tier won't unlock. Wtf am I missing here?
Why is everything not unlocking for me? It seems to do it day by day still. I've used every item once and still the next tier won't unlock. Wtf am I missing here?
Truely awesome, many thanks !
Not sure how you intented this level to be cleared, but I just took the second trampolin with me, went the lower route and in the end used the trampolin to get to the end. Probably not how you meantTried my hand at making a Metroid inspired level from scratch as my first creation. I wanted to capture the idea of the gated progression on a smaller scale, while not making it big enough to feel unfair given the lack of checkpoints. Some platforming spots are a bit more lenient without certain powers as well. I really started to feel limited with the available SMW tile sets and customization options over time, but I'm pretty happy with how this turned out.
Super Metroid World
Are you drawing in LOTS of bricks and blocks? Maybe playtesting your level a couple of times too?
It's so weird that the highest rated levels are ones where you don't press anything.
I think it's mostly because people are impressed at how it works as opposed to how it plays. The automatic ones are very creative and certainly took a lot of effort to make. The Mario Kart one is pretty amazing and really captures the feel of the game.
The "Most Starred" category is probably going to be reserved for extremely complex levels that are more awe-inspiring than fun to play. Though the Splatoon one in the top five is both.
Just looking at that start of that one might people might go "nope" and skip it.I'm not even trying to make Kaizo stages, and yet still manage to get no one to complete my stages