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Super Mario Odyssey Discussion

Cutty Flam

I was given this game as a gift for my birthday a little over two weeks ago, along with the fantastic Nintendo Switch Pro Controller (even recharges via USB cable no batteries needed) but I wanted to discuss the game with other gamers and just let my overall impressions fly all over the place

Really enjoying this game. It's very fun and well designed. SO MUCH to do as well, this game is easily going to keep anybody busy for well over a month or so even if they play nonstop and aim to get as many moons as possible. There's just so many challenges to acquire these moons. Very playful game, vivid, characters are all pretty cool with their comments and all as well. I love the comments. And Bowser has been amazing so far as well. Last time I saw him we battled and Mario did some boxing moves on him and it was pretty fun. I like Bowser in this game because he's back to true form. It's perfect, he's kind of funny in his way as he usually is, definitely back to being a big time rival and enemy of Mario's. I love how he doesn't give an inch. Mario thwarted him last time we faced off and he was sent back on his airship shaking his head wondering what happened how he could have lost (in his head it looked as he was a bit dazed for a second) as he landed right by Peach. But he didn't concede defeat or anything. He looked at Mario I think, sort of took him in and sized him up, retaliated a bit more (I forget what he did exactly, basically a "fuck you Mario" gesture of some sort a last attack before he left) and then sped off continuing his plans preparing for the wedding. I though it was great that he's treating Mario like a small fry even after Mario gave him a small taste of defeat. Really glad, because I was hoping Bowser would be more of a villain than a pushover / joke of an antagonist this time around. Firm presence as the main villain so far

I wish the music could have been more catchy and brilliant tbh. Usually Mario games knock it out of the park. And for a game like this where we will be spending a ton of time in the areas, I was hoping for a lot more in the music department. It all does the trick, nothing is annoying or out of place really, but usually Mario games have such amazing music that you could just set the controller down and listen and be satisfied and the music takes you places all on its own. It has been that great in the past. Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, Super Mario Galaxy often as well, a ton more from oldschool Mario titles as well that I can name. But with Super Mario Odyssey I would say it's only okay. Nothing highly impressive or really all that catchy. The music could have heightened the greatness of this game. Same with any game really. Music is what can immortalize a game imo

The Kingdoms are all fun enough. It's good fun. But tbh, this copy and past sort of layout for each Kingdom is kind of lame. Each Kingdom there is a hat store and some employees. Why not a different layout to each store? Different looking employees? Different decorations in the store? Different items? There are no interesting items. The only thing that changes are the outfits and then there are souvenirs that do nothing, they are just for show in the Odyssey. I wish the items made the world a bit more fun to buy, test out, and helped with exploring the world more or made it more fun and interesting. That would make me want to collect more coins too, further giving meaning to collecting every coin, going out of my way to collecting every coin

I love how the coins are so plentiful and relatively fun to collect. They're not making me exited to the point of I'm literally going for every coin I see and doing absolutely everything I can to get coins because the items in this game are pretty simple and not really all that applicable to the level design but the coins are very valuable. You get hints and you can buy things from the store. So two reasons to collect. I think there should be at least two to three more reasons to collect coins and use them; then this would have been extremely fun in the sense of collecting and pursuing every coin you possibly can. Maybe have a casino to spend them at and earn more. Some other things. Just having interesting items should always be something a game takes pride in providing

The Broodals aren't too bad. Annoying and entertaining. A tiny challenge. Overall pretty entertaining minions so far

Cappy is alright,

Level design is superb if not outstanding

I really wish that there were charming characters somehow involved in this adventure. The moons are great to collect, but these are all micro challenges and I was always super fond of how Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine weren't afraid to really challenge you, the player and make each star or shine sprite a mini adventure. Each moon is a micro-challenge and nothing like a mini-adventure. They're simply not as pleasing. Even if the design is incredible. It's not challenging enough, personally. There is a challenge, but it's not where I would prefer it to be difficulty-wise. In Odyssey you will make some mistakes, you'll try things over a few times or four. But then you'll get it. Sometimes, in Super Mario 64 or Super Mario Sunshine you'd be losing lives like no other. I remember I slammed the controller on my quad many times in Super Mario Sunshine. It's that kind of challenge that makes a game great. When you have to focus to achieve and put in much effort, and execute skillful movement and use your mind to overcome something difficult that makes things memorable. It's like doing times tables multiplication as an adult when a video game is too easy. It's practically damaging. Depressing if a game is too easy. See: Super Mario Galaxy 2. So fucking easy it was a bore and a chore often times. Odyssey is more challenging and a decent bit more fun. But Mario games need to be more daring and challenging and put it all together if they're ever going to be hailed as classics. Getting back on topic, Super Mario Odyssey is a very interesting game and filled with a lot of fun challenges. Very fun so far. But I would not say that this will one day be a classic. It's a great game with a ton of decent fun-filled moments, but so far I've found myself at times kind of wishing for more. At the very least, I the music should have been better for such a large game

The worlds are all very good but you essentially go through the same patterns in them all once you get deeper into the game and start to see patterns: this game's formula is too predictable. Here it is:

-New Kingdom
-Oh the Broodals are here, they must have stolen something. I better teach them a lesson at the top of the map
-There's a locked door, better dress up so I can be admitted in!
-Go into the shop and buy because you have to. It's a mandatory store, everything is mandatory at some point and you must buy. Items are not interesting or varied
-Gotta Find Captain Toad
-Hint Toad is right by the ship, he'll give me hints. What's his name? Not sure. But he'll be by the Odyssey every time without fail, I don't need to seek him out or care what his name is

I've been entertained. This is a really good Mario game. It's for the kids, but adults will enjoy it too, and all will be entertained for a very long time, especially kids. I'd probably give this game, roughly, an 8.2/10 very solid game so far based off my experiences. But I think I may have to stick to the RPG type Mario games where they put more into story and characters, puzzles/level design/world building and detail in general. It's all become a bit to easy for me and as a result, the fun-factor and entertainment value has gone down some. They don't make em like the used to. Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine (always thought it was superb) are going to remain at the pinnacle for a long time imo when it comes to 3D Mario Platformers. I now have the urge to Playe Super Mario Bros. 3 out of nowhere now lol. Maybe because I never beat it and I crave the rich challenge it provides. Super Mario Odyssey is great. I'm glad to be playing a Mario game again. And it is fun. But it need more quality imo. More attention to what will last. Profound games, classic games, legendary games, they are not predictable in most cases. Super Mario Odyssey's main issues are these: cookie cutter formula being repeated, challenges need be tougher and more rigorous, quality over quantity is what should be implemented but we see a lot of quantity and fair amount of effort into each moon

8.2/10 is fair. Fun, worth the purchase, but the hardest of the hardcore fans will know that this game is not perfect or something to be speaking of for decades with high praise on end. It's a great game to play, beat, and have fun with. I was hoping it would be classic, but it's just a really fun game. It'll do. Those ar my thoughts on Super Mario Odyssey
Great write-up Cutty Flam Cutty Flam

In fairness to the game's formula, I didn't find it to be as linear. After opening up the first few worlds, I went back and grabbed extra moons to help bump me to the next kingdom. Plus, once you defeat a kingdom's main baddie (a prerequisite to moving to the next kingdom) it opens up a few more moons and also a new boss. After completing the main story, the number of moons doubles.

Moreso than any other Mario game, I feel as though Odyssey introduces you to the advanced stuff in a much more cozy difficulty curve. By the time you complete the story and unlock all the extra moons, you've been introduced to many different moves and tricks, so now the real treasure-hunt begins. I've never felt the need to get all the moons, but it's still fun hopping into the game and cleaning up three or four moons in a kingdom I haven't played in awhile.

A Mario game isn't judged only on the number of Shiny Things to collect but also in its playfulness and creativity, and Odyssey is top-tier in this regard. I feel like all the creature powers add a depth that would've otherwise been missing if it was just Mario, Cappy, and a few power-ups. The sharp-beak enemies in Bowser's daimyo castle are so much fun to use when climbing walls and fighting. I love swimming around as a cheep-cheep. Controlling Yoshi is fun, too. If you play Mario for the platforming, Odyssey is definitely one of those games that "doesn't truly begin" until after the main story. I think that's where you will find your challenge, not just in the Moon worlds but also in the post-game moons added to the other kingdoms.

Did you have any favorite creature powers? That was the one question on my mind that didn't get answered by the OP.

Cutty Flam

Great write-up Cutty Flam Cutty Flam

In fairness to the game's formula, I didn't find it to be as linear. After opening up the first few worlds, I went back and grabbed extra moons to help bump me to the next kingdom. Plus, once you defeat a kingdom's main baddie (a prerequisite to moving to the next kingdom) it opens up a few more moons and also a new boss. After completing the main story, the number of moons doubles.

Moreso than any other Mario game, I feel as though Odyssey introduces you to the advanced stuff in a much more cozy difficulty curve. By the time you complete the story and unlock all the extra moons, you've been introduced to many different moves and tricks, so now the real treasure-hunt begins. I've never felt the need to get all the moons, but it's still fun hopping into the game and cleaning up three or four moons in a kingdom I haven't played in awhile.

A Mario game isn't judged only on the number of Shiny Things to collect but also in its playfulness and creativity, and Odyssey is top-tier in this regard. I feel like all the creature powers add a depth that would've otherwise been missing if it was just Mario, Cappy, and a few power-ups. The sharp-beak enemies in Bowser's daimyo castle are so much fun to use when climbing walls and fighting. I love swimming around as a cheep-cheep. Controlling Yoshi is fun, too. If you play Mario for the platforming, Odyssey is definitely one of those games that "doesn't truly begin" until after the main story. I think that's where you will find your challenge, not just in the Moon worlds but also in the post-game moons added to the other kingdoms.

Did you have any favorite creature powers? That was the one question on my mind that didn't get answered by the OP.
Hell yeah, great post. I didn't know that there was so much more yet to experience. It was probably wrong to even rate it at this point since I haven't finished the game's main story yet. I'll try not to make this mistake again. All the stuff I said still stands, I think the game can be better, but you're right, the controlling of all the different animals and enemies and such is a bright point in this game's creativity. I now cannot wait to see how this game opens up after the credits roll
Hell yeah, great post. I didn't know that there was so much more yet to experience. It was probably wrong to even rate it at this point since I haven't finished the game's main story yet. I'll try not to make this mistake again. All the stuff I said still stands, I think the game can be better, but you're right, the controlling of all the different animals and enemies and such is a bright point in this game's creativity. I now cannot wait to see how this game opens up after the credits roll
Well it seems that you're a fan of Mario platforming challenges and hard-to-obtain Stars/Shines like in previous Mario titles. Believe me, that kinda stuff is on its way. Just beat the main game and you'll unlock it. There are still some easy moons in the post-game list, but most of them put up a good fight, whereas a lot of the moons in the "main" story feel like they are placed at your feet / directly in your path.

Cutty Flam

You have a weird way of writing 9.5/10, but that‘s okay, not everybody is good with numbers.
It has a 97/100 on Metacritic with I think 119 reviews. Super Mario Galaxy 2 has the same score with like 87 critics but I would rate that game as low as a 7.0/10 tbh

I am an enormous fan of what was done in Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine. Nothing was broken. They should have kept the formula and added onto it a little more each time


Sounds good to me, thanks for the write-up. I don't own a Switch yet, but when I do, this sounds like a game I'd enjoy. Just fun and lighthearted. I'm not the historic Mario fan that you are, so I would have lower standards, I suppose. I'm just looking for a fun diversion.

Cutty Flam

Sounds good to me, thanks for the write-up. I don't own a Switch yet, but when I do, this sounds like a game I'd enjoy. Just fun and lighthearted. I'm not the historic Mario fan that you are, so I would have lower standards, I suppose. I'm just looking for a fun diversion.
If it's a fun diversion you're looking for, this is probably the greatest Mario game you will find. I can't believe how much there is to do in this game. And the pretty cool part about it, is that it doesn't feel overwhelming at all. That's the one thing that strikes me as borderline miraculous about this game. I have collected over 300 moons now, and have hundreds more that I know of, waiting to be found, earned, etc. yet there is no feeling of worry or need to collect them. I WANT to collect them. The challenges are that level or measured I should say. It's like they struck the perfect medium for literally all ages across the board. Will it satisfy a maniacal, hardcore, extreme Mario enthusiast such as myself? Yes, to a certain degree I am very much satisfied and enjoying this game thoroughly. Is it a masterpiece? No unfortunately. But it is definitely a game that will keep you entertained for a very, very, very long time if you enjoy Mario games

Controls are phenomenal with the Switch Pro Controller btw for when/if you do purchase the game

I purposefully held off on this game for many months, a year or so even, because I knew how much of a long haul this game is. And it is even more than I knew even up to now, apparently. This game might keep the casual gamer entertained for up to a year or so, no joking, if you take your time and chip away with this game instead of spend hours at a time daily. This is a very extensive collect-a-thon style Mario game
It’s a very good game indeed but for me it fell short of Mario 64, Galaxy 1&2 and I can’t believe I’m saying it but also 3D World.

Odyssey to me is more of an adventure game than a platformer which is why I’d rate 3D World above it. I suppose it all comes down to what you want from a 3D platformer or a Mario game.

I hope the team are making a more platform based game next in the vein of the Galaxy games and 3D World.
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This was my first ever 3D Mario game and up until this point I had only ever played NSMB and 3D Land (which I loved).

I really liked the game but it wasn't quite what I expected. I did enjoy the laid back approach to the game at first and had a lot of fun exploring the levels but I found the first part of the game pretty void of any challenge. Although there are some really challenging moons in the later and post game, I must admit that there were just soooooo many moons to collect that I eventually had to take a break as I was getting a bit bored. I do intend to go back and collect everything at some point though!

Overall I think I just prefer the 3D Land style of Mario games and really want to have the opportunity to play 3D World on the Switch. If they do make a sequel to Odyssey I hope that there are maybe slightly less moons or that they introduce a greater number of challenging moons.

if I had to give it a score I'd say it's a solid 8 (maybe will change to a 9 once I've finally found all of the moons!)

Cutty Flam

Great game never thought I would spend 60+ hours playing a Mario game but this one did it!
I played the first Paper Mario well over 200 hrs. And that’s not even including my friend’s file that I watched over while he played. Or my other two friends who had files and came over

If you ever have a chance, that is a magnificent Mario game. Through and through. The epitome of lighthearted, warm, funny, charming, engaging, and overall I feel a very complete and unique chapter in Mario games. I truly love that game; it’s my favorite of all time so of course I will say these things. But I would recommend it to virtually any Mario fan. Unbelievably fun game for its time

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars is probably even more fun and holds up to this day as an all time great. Not just for Nintendo games, but all games in gaming history. Gaming history period. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars is a must play since we’re in the topic of Mario games now
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Scotty W

I loved it, but it felt like a step down after the Galaxy games.

I give them credit for varying the formula with hundreds of stars everywhere, but I just don’t think it works as well. I would love to see Cappy in a Galaxy game.

Btw, Cutty Flam Cutty Flam , have you played 3d Land and World? Both are fantastic/ but I would go so far as to say 3d Land is the tiniest bit better.


I think it was great but too short, it doesn't have a lot of worlds and some of them are almost nothing. Then they made it long by overstretching it with ridiculous moons and the game suffered for it. I wish I didn't grind for more moons once I had finished the game because that soured me a bit on it.

If you were to focus only on the fully fleshed worlds the game has to offer and just doing some passes through them for the meaningful moons they have, it's as top tier as it gets, as you'd expect from Nintendo's top tier teams. I loved that the themes of the worlds tried to drift a bit from the classic desert / snow / .... templates with a bit of a different spin on them, like Mexico or the prehistoric setting one. New York was fantastic too and the 8bit 2D sections spread across the game were all around exquisite.
I loved it!

I also loved Galaxy 1 and 2, it's hard to compare them, though. But I don't see what would be wrong with Odyssey.

Now to get my hands on a wiiu to play 3d world.


It has a 97/100 on Metacritic with I think 119 reviews. Super Mario Galaxy 2 has the same score with like 87 critics but I would rate that game as low as a 7.0/10 tbh
...and you'd be wrong.

(I'm still not certain which one I like most, Odyssey, Galaxy or Galaxy 2. But no way is Galaxy 2 a 7.)


Nice write up! I enjoyed my time with it. I haven't dipped too far into post-game yet, but running around the area that opens up after credits roll was a real treat.

This game makes me pine for a rebuilt Mario 64 using the Odyssey engine.


ChatGPT 0.1
Mario without a doubt is the platforming champion, Sackboy, Banjo etc. can't compete with Mario.


Cutty Flam

I loved it, but it felt like a step down after the Galaxy games.

I give them credit for varying the formula with hundreds of stars everywhere, but I just don’t think it works as well. I would love to see Cappy in a Galaxy game.

Btw, Cutty Flam Cutty Flam , have you played 3d Land and World? Both are fantastic/ but I would go so far as to say 3d Land is the tiniest bit better.
Super Mario Galaxy is so much fun, and the soundtrack is beautiful. I love that game. I sort of want to re-play Super Mario Galaxy 2 though. I wasn't a big fan of it, but I think I might have stopped before getting all the stars? Apparently Luigi has a bunch of stars to collect in that game after you complete it? It looked gorgeous but I remember not being impressed at all in comparison to its predecessor

And thanks for the recommendation. I think I need a break from platformers for a while after this game though lol. I'm going to make Paper Mario: The Origami King my next gaming endeavor. I'm going to savor it too. Going to soak up everything the game has to offer and maybe even make a review of some sort since Paper Mario is my favorite game of all time and I consider the following installments important because I hope that one day they can reach or even surpass the greatness of Paper Mario for the N64

The Nintendo Switch has ignited my passion for gaming once again so I'm sure I'll end up playing those at some point. I can't even believe how many amazing games there are to play on the Nintendo Switch. Overall, my love for gaming is just back and at levels I've never thought they could reach. I'm daydreaming of all these opportunities and possibilities. Great time to be a gamer if not the best time. Just daydreaming of playing co-op on oldschool NES and SNES games with others lol. For the first time since N64 and Gamecube era I have a backlog of games I have in mind of completing. It's an amazing and blessed feeling to describe it; to have so much fun on hold and available to be experienced at some point later on

I'm liking it a bit more after the game has concluded and I have beaten the story


Mario Odyssey is the first Mario that I have finished in my life (I have never had Nintendo consoles) and I loved it, currently I have finished Ratchet & Clank and despite sharing genres they are totally different, in platform games Nintendo is still the king.

Cutty Flam

I think it was great but too short, it doesn't have a lot of worlds and some of them are almost nothing. Then they made it long by overstretching it with ridiculous moons and the game suffered for it. I wish I didn't grind for more moons once I had finished the game because that soured me a bit on it.

If you were to focus only on the fully fleshed worlds the game has to offer and just doing some passes through them for the meaningful moons they have, it's as top tier as it gets, as you'd expect from Nintendo's top tier teams. I loved that the themes of the worlds tried to drift a bit from the classic desert / snow / .... templates with a bit of a different spin on them, like Mexico or the prehistoric setting one. New York was fantastic too and the 8bit 2D sections spread across the game were all around exquisite.
The main story seems short if you go straight after it and do not take any extended time to seek moons yeah. I saw you only need like 160 moons or something extremely low to beat the game. I had like 400+ moons or something by the time I saw the credits roll, and even then, it felt like the game was brief. But that's just how it felt, the game itself lasts a great deal of time for the main story if you choose to extend it and hold off for a while as you search for moons. This game will last even the most hardcore Mario fans probably 100+ hrs. I'm almost 6/10 of the way finished, and I've played just about 100 hours atm. I'll guess that I'll have all the moons by 150-160 hrs of playing time. This game is going to last a casual gamer forever. For your money's worth, this game is basically a must have. $60 plus tax for like a pure week's worth of nonstop entertainment

But I know what you mean. Some of the moons are pretty ridiculous hahah. But for me, it's very lighthearted and kind of amusing the ones I think you might be referring to. Then there are some that are earned through exploration. Exploration actually goes much further than I thought it did. This game will have you all over the place like 100 times over. I've only seen such coverage in a Rockstar GTA game tbh. For a Mario game, this unprecedented exploration in that regard. The levels are huge and the challenges vary

What I was hoping for was more detail in each level. I liked the Tostarena the best. If every level was about as enjoyable as that one and if every level had exceptional music playing to enhance the experience of playing for so long then this could have maybe been touted as a masterpiece, even for the astronomical amount of things to do in the game. It would have been pretty crazy if they could pull that off, but that might be asking for too much. This game is highly impressive even though I still will easily hold Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine over it. Atmosphere matters heavily; more than people can know. The setting of a 'level' or area, and what goes into that level and the perfect unifying aspect of fitting music for said level or area is what brings it all together full circle. In Super Mario Odyssey, everything was a joy to play but how can it compete with the classic everything in Super Mario 64? The perfect vacation environments and hot summer musical vibes played in Super Mario Sunshine? Those two games are the example for all to follow imo. And the challenge is there. Every star or shine sprite was kind of tough to collect. Everything was something you set out for--to achieve. IN Super Mario Odyssey sometimes you will get moons by accident or it will be a complete surprise. Not a bad thing, but I think it's different compared to a game that will present everything to be earned y mastering the game. Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine call for you to master the game. Everything is some level of challenge or something to work towards. I believe a challenge is an important factor in creating a memorable game

Cutty Flam

Mario without a doubt is the platforming champion, Sackboy, Banjo etc. can't compete with Mario.

True bro, Mario is on a different level. But man, Banjo-Kazooie is something else. That is a work or art and a masterpiece. I could call it out at some parts, but flaws and all the game is just such a wonderful time. For those of us who played it as it came out on the N64, it was like a dream adventure. I still remember my first time playing it, thinking it was kind of simple to be honest as like a ten year old kid at Spiral Mountain the first time I stuck the cartridge in and booted it up in the N64. But I couldn't have been more mistaken lol. I didn't even beat the game until I had bought it on the Xbox360. I couldn't say enough good things about Banjo-Kazooie if I tried. I still really want to play Banjo-Tooie once I get the new Xbox Series X and gamepass. Or maybe I'll just buy a new N64 that works loool

Crash Bandicoot is fucking dope too. Man I miss those days playing Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back on the Playstation. Nostalgia overload dude. I remember playing that game in the hot ass summers we used to get in Cali in the 1990s when I was like less than 7 or 8 years old. For some reason I also pair Gex with hot weather and the beach as well...

Cutty Flam

Mario Odyssey is the first Mario that I have finished in my life (I have never had Nintendo consoles) and I loved it, currently I have finished Ratchet & Clank and despite sharing genres they are totally different, in platform games Nintendo is still the king.
Damn dude, I envy you hahahahaha. You have like 35 years worth of greatness to experience. Just wait until you play Super Mario 64


I recently bought a Switch and I've been working my way through all the exclusives and it has been a mixed bag, Odyssey however was fantastic. It really felt like Nintendo at their best and I thoroughly enjoyed it.


This game sadly only gets challenging once the main game is completed. Then some very fun levels open up. One particular level took me two weeks to complete, it's perfection.

I would agree with 8/10. It's no Mario 64 that's for sure.


Gold Member
I loved it. Have about 100 hours in it.

The moment to moment joy of controlling Mario is off the charts. It *feels* magic.

But it's not a patch on Galaxy in terms of the level design. And there were a few too many moons that were just filler.

Steam Gardens theme is top five all time.

Cutty Flam

I recently bought a Switch and I've been working my way through all the exclusives and it has been a mixed bag, Odyssey however was fantastic. It really felt like Nintendo at their best and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Which exclusives have you played so far?
This game sadly only gets challenging once the main game is completed. Then some very fun levels open up. One particular level took me two weeks to complete, it's perfection.

I would agree with 8/10. It's no Mario 64 that's for sure.
I'm probably going to up its rating by some amount after I complete it, but you're right. Nothing is quite as brilliant as Super Mario 64. It's the GOAT 3D platformer

Cutty Flam

I loved it. Have about 100 hours in it.

The moment to moment joy of controlling Mario is off the charts. It *feels* magic.

But it's not a patch on Galaxy in terms of the level design. And there were a few too many moons that were just filler.

Steam Gardens theme is top five all time.
Super Mario Galaxy has so many amazing songs to its soundtrack. Gusty Gardens is brilliant. So is the Star Festival song that plays when Mario is greeting all the Toads in the very beginning was one of the most magnificent ways I've ever seen a game start off, top 25 for sure if we're talking about intros to a game's start/beginning

Balloon World can be very fun at times as well


Which exclusives have you played so far?

I'm probably going to up its rating by some amount after I complete it, but you're right. Nothing is quite as brilliant as Super Mario 64. It's the GOAT 3D platformer

So far I've finished:

Astral Chain 5/10 (poor frame rate, awful camera, lifeless main characters, boring puzzles, extremely slow to get started, insane jaggies, dull "investigating" sections)

Link's Awakening 5/10 (performance issues, short, overly obtuse, more frustrating than fun)

Mario Tennis Aces 6/10 (not a fan of this one, I didn't enjoy the mini games and found the gimmicks annoying, the actual tennis gameplay was quite weak too. It looked nice and ran well but I just couldn't get on with it)

Animal Crossing 8/10 (addictive and relaxing, with lots of content unlocking gradually at a good pace. The game is screaming out for QoL improvements though, everything takes too long, or requires too many button presses, stuff like being able to craft/eat multiples is a must in the future)

Luigi's Mansion 8/10 (gorgeous visuals, every floor has its own unique theme, simple but enjoyable gameplay. I'd say it was a little long though, it started to drag at the end for me)

Marvel's Ultimate Alliance 3 8/10 (technically awful, with the worst frame rate I've experienced, bad camera and blurry visuals with plenty of jaggies. That being said the game is extremely fun and addictive with tons of content and fantastic cut scenes. As a Marvel fan I very much enjoyed it)

Bayonetta 2 9/10 (fast and fluid gameplay, great protagonist, incredible enemy design and top tier boss battles)

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe 9/10 (simply the best kart racer ever, with an insane amount of content and enjoyable gameplay, a ton of fun offline or online)

Mario Odyssey 10/10 (just an absolute delight to play, Nintendo at their best. A very enjoyable story mode and a ton of content and collectibles after the credits roll. The level design and visuals were just fantastic, it amazed me that it ran at 60Hz whilst looking so good)

I'm currently playing Pokemon Shield which I don't like, it's well made and all, I just don't like Pokemon apparently (my first time playing the series). Next on the list: Hyrule Warriors, Breath of the Wild and Splatoon 2.

Scotty W

Super Mario Galaxy is so much fun, and the soundtrack is beautiful. I love that game. I sort of want to re-play Super Mario Galaxy 2 though.

The difference b/w Galaxy 1 & 2 is very much like the difference between 3d Land and World. One is just the tiniest bit better than the other. The overworked does make a difference in personality, but looking back years like one game.

This is not a criticism. For example, Homer might not have made huge innovations on the Iliad with the Odyssey, but both of them tower so high over almost any writer that the question of innovation is meaningless. Both of these games are creatively decades ahead of their time.


Mario Odyssey was a joy to play. Bought the Switch after I broke up with Nintendo with the Wii U. With Odyssey Nintendo pays back the trust I had in them. Still Mario 64 was special. One of the first 3D platformer and perfectly done for the time beeing. Galaxy was fun as well, especially after never getting into Sunshine on my Gamecube, but not as amazing as 64 and during Wii times, the Motion Control was used a bit too much, hell all my friends only wanted to play Wii Sports :D
So for me it is: Odyssey > 64 > Galaxy 1 > Galaxy 2 > Sunshine.
I don't think 3D Land or Wörld is comparable, I liked them but prefer the Sandbox games.


Great game but I always felt like it coulda/shoulda been more.

It was too open, too easy, and the soundtrack was a bit disappointing. The game and soundtrack had moments of brilliance but I don't think it was consistent enough.

3D World and Galaxy 1 were better.
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Honestly it didn't click with me.
I thought a lot of the stuff was gimmicky as hell. Like possessing those tanks with cappy and shooting around.
Environment variety is absolutely awesome, but those environments aren't exactly vast and I fucking detest every single second spent underwater.
I love the artstyle, especially the one in frozen Mexico. But man it's blurry as fuck even at 1080p, what's up with that.
3D World unironically impressed me more, it was tighter and more entertaining during moment to moment gameplay.


Neighbours from Hell
It’s my favorite super Mario game I’ve ever played. I had so much fun with it. Exploring the nooks and crannies of the areas, finding the secrets. Tbh I’m so done with linear Mario games anymore. 3D Land was lauded and I didn’t really like it at all. My favorite Mario’s are Odyssey, Galaxy 1/2, and 64.

I so hope they make another Odyssey, I think they found a winning formula. The perfect balance of platforming, puzzle solving, and very light exploration. Also tons to unlock and collect.
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Cutty Flam

You never played that level where you kick that fucking melon around did you.
I’ve done it all nearly. I was missing one single blue coin to 100% the game until my fucking memory card for the Gamecube “corrupted” and all saved data was lost...I’d still want to play Super Mario Sunshine again had I found that blue coin, but now it haunts me and I must play this game again when the time is right

I think the level you’re referring to is Gelato Beach? The one where you squirt the watermelon from way out, all the way to the juice bar? I remember being frustrated too, vaguely. Probably really frustrated lol. Those weird looking duck enemies that would fling Mario up like 25 feet were always a problem. But that was just a tough shine sprite to earn. There wasn’t anything wrong with it if it can be done. I think the issue was it was frustrating and took many attempts iirc?


About a third of the Moons feel like effortless filler, but apart from that, the game is a 100% classic. Brilliant gameplay, design, controls, visuals, music, charm, and bags of content. 2nd best Mario right behind 64 imo.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
About a third of the Moons feel like effortless filler, but apart from that, the game is a 100% classic. Brilliant gameplay, design, controls, visuals, music, charm, and bags of content. 2nd best Mario right behind 64 imo.

I think the challenge for Nintendo was due to their perspective of Switch being a hybrid console / handheld and a lot of moons being added to ensure the game felt a bit rewarding even in small doses (they tried to make a proper long adventure 3D Mario, but also a Mario that could be enjoyed in 5-15 minutes bursts). Sometimes the console design can affect the games designed for it.

I do agree with your placement just behind the greatest 3D Mario, SM64, though :). SM64 was a genuine treat with incredibly varied level designs, multiple paths and secrets inside each level, a very fun overworld to explore, charming design, quite deep gameplay (part of the fun in the adventure style 3D Marino’s is to explore and make your own gameplay too like in Odyssey making the jump to NDC without the electric cable), and incredibly fitting music.
SM64 was also a technical marvel for the era, when N64 was actually designed to take the console power crown too.

Cutty Flam

It’s my favorite super Mario game I’ve ever played. I had so much fun with it. Exploring the nooks and crannies of the areas, finding the secrets. Tbh I’m so done with linear Mario games anymore. 3D Land was lauded and I didn’t really like it at all. My favorite Mario’s are Odyssey, Galaxy 1/2, and 64.

I so hope they make another Odyssey, I think they found a winning formula. The perfect balance of platforming, puzzle solving, and very light exploration. Also tons to unlock and collect.
I think they would do better to add a more rigorous challenge as well. The next Super Mario Odyssey type game should have less moons, and the moons that are there should be more challenging. Far more challenging. But in a good + rewarding way

I’d also love to see a bit more in the way of story. Bowser was excellent in this game, but I think there should be a greater sense of urgency to fuel the adventure. In this game it was more or less this: “No! the pride of our (kingdom/village/town/city/etc)has been stolen! and life could have easily gone on without much grief over time.
The only huge issue is Peach is abducted as well as Cappy’s sister
But what about demolishing a town or leaving some place in ruins? What about terrorizing some that are in his way at the time of his arrival and we hear of tales in which Bowser REALLY caused some chaos and mayhem? Times where Bowser runs wild and seems to turn the world upside down. He’s capable of doing that and it would make things a lot more interesting and worthwhile, to see how everything is impacted and to have more reason to go after him. Maybe have some excellent characters that are memorable that have been wronged by him and further fuel the motivation to put an end to it and thwart all his plans. I think the story was great since the focus was on platforming aspect mainly and the entire theme was
selfish Bowser with only the wedding in mind making preparations
The story was the perfect little addition to a game that was built around platforming, but if it were a truly amazing game, the story itself would also be just as worthy of talking about for years and years as the gameplay itself. In fact, I would say that the gameplay itself should in a way add to the story but they didn’t really emphasize it like that to make it feel as such. For example, by the time I was finished playing Super Mario 64 at the time as a kid, not even having probably gotten much more than 95-100 stars, when the credits rolled, I was emotionally invested in the entire adventure enough to feel a sense of glory about the game. A deep love and a sadness that it was over, it was truly fun and worthwhile and there was no filler. Everything had substance, everything was a challenge, everything was earned, and characters were not there just to be there. They presented a challenge and they stood there as competitors and such in the way of you getting that next star. When the credits had rolled in SM64, it felt like nostalgia despite having not even been away from the game for any amount of time. When I saw the wiggler and the credits song was playing, and all these areas bring shown again, sometimes with Mario just chilling and relaxing in the picture, it felt like you needed to take a breath because you knew that it was a grand adventure and you didn’t really want it to end, but it did, and it ended at the perfect time for most players I would bet

Super Mario Odyssey is technically an outstanding game but it is not close to as endearing of a classic as Super Mario 64 is. That game is near perfection. Super Mario Odyssey displays much greatness, but there is plenty, and plenty to improve upon should there be a sequel

Cutty Flam

About a third of the Moons feel like effortless filler, but apart from that, the game is a 100% classic. Brilliant gameplay, design, controls, visuals, music, charm, and bags of content. 2nd best Mario right behind 64 imo.
Definitely a lot of filler. If we’re talking 3D Mario games, I would say that SM64, Sunshine, Galaxy1, are better (havent played the Wii U ones or New Super Mario Bros for the Wii) but I think it’s definitely much better than Super Mario Galaxy 2 and a very strong game in its own right despite the filler


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Definitely a lot of filler. If we’re talking 3D Mario games, I would say that SM64, Sunshine, Galaxy1, are better (havent played the Wii U ones or New Super Mario Bros for the Wii) but I think it’s definitely much better than Super Mario Galaxy 2 and a very strong game in its own right despite the filler

I think the filler is due to the game being designed for a portable too and still being a proper exploitable open 3D Mario (2D or restricted 3D like 3D Land is easier to make to allow short burst gameplay sessions like people seem to expect out of handhelds games).


Odyssey was great but for some reason I don't treasure the memories of playing it the same way like I do Sunshine (gasp), Galaxy 1 or 3D World. I have finished the first one twice (gasp) and would like to replay Galaxy but I don't feel that wqy about Odyssey.
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