Super Smash Bros. Community Thread |OT| Next Super Smash Bros. Discussion


Bring back all missing characters.
Bring back all missing stages.
Bring back all missing items. Including pokeballs, and assist trophies.

Fix the AI so that it cannot see the future.
Remove the garbage RNG collectathon for unlocks.
Give the players more options throughout the entire game.
Break the Targets, with individual stages.
Make sure that Classic Mode is like the 3DS version and not the Wii U version.

These things would make me happy.


Unconfirmed Member
Speaking of melee adventure mode(and classic), it's a damn shame that the metal bros mini bosses never returned and that metal boss theme too....and gigabowser

Oh how I'd love an extended melee adventure mode....

I'd say it would be like getting a better version of Subspace Emissary, but Smash4 already got a better replacement. Not having a single player mode at all is better than that trash.

stop obsessing with balance plz, its ruining the game

Balance patches should be as minor as possible, but they aren't a bad thing by any means. See: Brawl.

We're kind of fortunate the top third to half of Melee's cast worked out as well as it did.


As in "Heathcliff"
I'm totally aware that Smash NX is hottest topic in this thread but I just want to make sure that people are aware that this thread is also Smash Bros Community thread so we could discuss about Smash Bros 64, Melee, Brawl, Smash for, and Mods.

I just want to let everyone know!


I'm totally aware that Smash NX is hottest topic in this thread but I just want to make sure that people are aware that this thread is also Smash Bros Community thread so we could discuss about Smash Bros 64, Melee, Brawl, Smash for, and Mods.

I just want to let everyone know!

Patiently awaiting the hacking craze to hit smash 4. We'll finally have fountain of dreams again...


Junior Member
Is there any tutorial for how to mod in music without having to replace the existing tracks? It would be especially useful for stages like Midgar.


I'm totally aware that Smash NX is hottest topic in this thread but I just want to make sure that people are aware that this thread is also Smash Bros Community thread so we could discuss about Smash Bros 64, Melee, Brawl, Smash for, and Mods.

I just want to let everyone know!

May wanna get a mod to alter the title. It reads as if it's a thread aimed at the next Smash game. That is at least how it read to me.
Obviously there will be new characters. 100% for sure on this. It'll essentially be Smash 5 but in Smash 4 engine for ease of development.

Don't expect as much as Smash 4 but who knows? I'll predict 11 newcomers and IC. Maybe Wolf aswell.

Inklings are a lock. I feel like Paper Mario, Captain Toad, Ashley, Mallo, new Pokemon gen VII rep,
The Fire Emblem rep from the new mobile game...joking! I think...,
Shovel Knight, Yokai Mascot, Atlus rep, Koei Tecmo rep, and Monster Hunter to have fair chances. But of course its Sakurai so ya never know. Might not even get Inklings with his crazyness.

I feel like theres a chance of around half being third parties. Reason being that most A+ hitters of first party are already in the game. Theres Inklings of course. But beside that theres really noone from first party that needs to be in. Plus most DLC characters were third parties. Plus with Smash 4 in particular feeling like characters are getting in for cross promotion, I feel like there'll be a few third party newcomers. But we'll see. There may be none.

But nonetheless I am 100% confident in new characters. When it comes to multiplayer games Nintendo does not simply remaster them.

Also if Neoxon quotes with a "but Vacation! But But Smash 4 will get stale!" Etc. i won't reply since all he does is copy and paste the same replies 100 times over in every thread. Spammiest poster. If anyone else wants to discuss lets do this, because I am starting to feel the power of hype!

And I'll still root for The Witch from The Witch's House...(lol)
Is there any tutorial for how to mod in music without having to replace the existing tracks? It would be especially useful for stages like Midgar.

It's not available to the public yet. The next version of Sm4shExplorer is supposed to have it which was said to come out "soon". Somebody in their Discord chat said today or tomorrow, but I dunno.


As in "Heathcliff"
May wanna get a mod to alter the title. It reads as if it's a thread aimed at the next Smash game. That is at least how it read to me.

Yeah, I think I should agree with you on that. I'm pretty bad with title since you could read right to left as Super Smash Bros. Community Thread [OT] Next Super Smash Bros. Discussion.. It works both way. Also it was just a joke because we know how people love to talk about upcoming game as well.
Ehh? Do we need a thread like this when we don't have a concrete announcement yet? I would think these threads would be reserved for when Reggie says in passing "btw smash for NX we basically cut all of sakurai's benefits because it's not like he's gonna use 'em lmaooooo"

In any case, I'm hoping NX doesn't add any substantial content beyond a graphical update or something like music and "for fun" stages. I'd rather not be pressed to upgrade to a new console in order to keep up with the competitive scene. :(

also pls gamecube adapter support

Edit: Oh I see, this is supposed to be a community thread for Smash Bros. the series lol. Sorry Heath, might wanna work on your titles. :p


All my bets are on snake. May he return to us as great as ever.
Nintendo can have my money day one if he is in. Not even joking, i'll eat nothing for a month to get my boy back.
Or if they could give me a straight answer on why he isn't back so I can finally rest, i'll take that too.
Sorry SmashGAF, considering none of you work with nintendo or sakurai everything relating to snake absence is hearsay in here.
Even if it's more than likely the truth. I need that official source.

I never saved BGBW's "Infinite Expectations" pic


"I want to get off Mr Sakurai's Wild Ride"


Still don't like Ultimate/Ultra ports/remakes but oh well.

Almost every character I wanted got into smash 4 so my wishlist is filled with no-hopers now. (Viridi, Ridley, Wonder Red, Edea Lee, Sora, etc etc)

Since this is supposed to be a Smash series thread I might as well mention how dissapointing it is i'm absolutely garbage as melee. Fun to play and there is even a pretty decent community in my college but matches only lasts like 3 seconds so I don't bother going. Even worse I don't have melee in my dorm.


All my bets are on snake. May he return to us as great as ever.
Nintendo can have my money day one if he is in. Not even joking, i'll eat nothing for a month to get my boy back.
Or if they could give me a straight answer on why he isn't back so I can finally rest, i'll take that too.
Sorry SmashGAF, considering none of you work with nintendo or sakurai everything relating to snake absence is hearsay in here.
Even if it's more than likely the truth. I need that official source.

Well giving the hacking scene is finally here, I imagine a brawl port of snake to smash 4 will definetly happen in the near future lol.....same for wolf and maybe ice climbers now that I think about it.


Bring back all missing characters.
Bring back all missing stages.
Bring back all missing items. Including pokeballs, and assist trophies.

Fix the AI so that it cannot see the future.
Remove the garbage RNG collectathon for unlocks.
Give the players more options throughout the entire game.
Break the Targets, with individual stages.
Make sure that Classic Mode is like the 3DS version and not the Wii U version.

These things would make me happy.

Pretty much. This guy knows what's up


I haven't been playing lot of Smash lately because of reasons, but these threads will always have a place in my gaming heart. I am still waiting for Nintendo to realize they are sleeping on Captain Syrup and a potential Wario-style pirate adventure game. So yeah once again, Syrup for Smash. :p

I also hope they bring back the remaining prominent characters like Snake and ICs. Their fans have suffered for too long, Sakurai.
I also hope they bring back the remaining prominent characters like Snake and ICs. Their fans have suffered for too long, Sakurai.

Ice Climbers should be a given if we get additional characters, but after what's happened with Konami and Kojima I'm sure Snake is gone for good, sadly.
Oh yeah, by the way everyone.

You're all welcome to join us in the SmashGAF Discord, and feel free to post in the OTs for the game! There is still a community ready and willing to answer all your questions, and though most matchmaking takes place in the Discord nowadays we're open to having fun above all else!

at least when people are actually available to play >.>
What I'm curious about is the GC controller compatibility. GC controllers were one of the biggest marketing aspects of Smash 4 Wii U, and it would be weird if they dropped the compatibility. But at the same time, it's weird to think that they would create another adapter specifically for the NX. Maybe, if it has 2 close USB ports, making the NX compatible with the current adapter won't be that hard.
I hope in this next one you can switch attack sfx. The ones in Melee are part of what keep me coming back, the simple thuds of the meteor attacks in Cap/DK to the percussive whack of Cap's bair all make it sound more fun to me than in Brawl/4. It might just be nostalgia though.


Ice Climbers should be a given if we get additional characters, but after what's happened with Konami and Kojima I'm sure Snake is gone for good, sadly.

I'll never lose hope.
But that's what bugs me most. Either Konami said no (But why would they say no to free money) or Sakurai took the slight to Kojima from them and said no. But the thing is, snake should have been in if so. Since that stuff wasn't really getting bad until well after Smash's release.

Like I really wish someone would just ask the dude. We have answers as to why everyone else was omitted but him. I don't think he's even been mentioned outside the Direct comparing Palutena Guidance.
Unless i'm missing something, there was never any data of snake in Smash WiiU. But at the same time, there isn't any of the Ice Climbers and they were apparently even playable at one point.


Neat thread. I've been mostly playing Melee and Smash 4 lately out of all the games though sometimes I like to boot up 64. Tbh I miss character specific Board the Platforms and Break the Targets. It'd be cool if they brought that back and to see what they'd come up with for the newer characters.

I hope in this next one you can switch attack sfx. The ones in Melee are part of what keep me coming back, the simple thuds of the meteor attacks in Cap/DK to the percussive whack of Cap's bair all make it sound more fun to me than in Brawl/4. It might just be nostalgia though.

That would be cool. Personally I love the 64 hit sounds, but I dunno if they'd really fit with Smash 4.
Neat thread. I've been mostly playing Melee and Smash 4 lately out of all the games though sometimes I like to boot up 64. Tbh I miss character specific Board the Platforms and Break the Targets. It'd be cool if they brought that back and to see what they'd come up with for the newer characters.

You do kinda have to consider how huge Smash 4's roster is in comparison to Smash 64 and Melee's.

It's a bit sad, but they've been slowly phasing out these character-specific modes with the ever-increasing roster size each game. When Melee added more characters they had to drop Board the Platforms and just focus on Targets...and when Brawl added even more characters they had to drop unique Target Tests altogether. I don't think it's a coincidence that the only game in the series to feature both Targets and Platforms also happened to be the one with the smallest roster by far, that being 64.


Unconfirmed Member
You do kinda have to consider how huge Smash 4's roster is in comparison to Smash 64 and Melee's.

It's a bit sad, but they've been slowly phasing out these character-specific modes with the ever-increasing roster size each game. When Melee added more characters they had to drop Board the Platforms and just focus on Targets...and when Brawl added even more characters they had to drop unique Target Tests altogether. I don't think it's a coincidence that the only game in the series to feature both Targets and Platforms also happened to be the one with the smallest roster by far, that being 64.

A game that's just a port at heart would be the perfect opportunity to put in the effort for those character-specific things, since they won't be building from the ground up.

Not that it's remotely likely though.


Still wonder what the NX port (if it's indeed a port) will add. I think everyone agrees that there has to be some new characters. A GOTY edition of smash on a new console wouldn't do much for hardcore fans. Just in the sense that many of us have all the DLC characters and numerous accessories for WiiU. Why would I get a new system for the same game that already runs at 1080p and 60fps. A resolution bump with the current graphics wouldn't do too much outside the usual improvement.
Not enough to get a new system though. Even with new characters though, I'd need some big variety. The usual lists posted by snashgaf for me personally wouldn't entice me to make the upgrade either. Since the biggest hook seems to be inklings, who're cool to me. But not buy a new system cool.
Speaking of ports, I would probably have a heart attack if they remastered 64 and added online functionality to it. My dream.

That and a "Smash Collection" similar to The Master Chief Collection.
Uhh, you can DI out of her combos. In fact, competitive players have already learned how to properly do so.

I may not be caught up, but I was still under the impression that only the top of the top could reliably DI out of her combos, and that for many characters it just doesn't work. I could be wrong, in which case hopefully people stop bitching about her so I can go back to playing her.
Wolf and Ice Climbers feel like easy additions that would make the NX port worth buying for quite a lot of people.

There's quite a few curious references to Smash in Star Fox Zero as well, especially around Wolf (he takes his voice and clothing from Brawl)


Wait, so Smash Bros. NX is an actual thing now? Not just speculation?

There is going to be a smash NX at some point. However what kind of smash it is no one knows. Heavy rumor is on it just being a enhanced port of WiiU.

Wolf and Ice Climbers feel like easy additions that would make the NX port worth buying for quite a lot of people.

There's quite a few curious references to Smash in Star Fox Zero as well, especially around Wolf (he takes his voice and clothing from Brawl)

Make me wonder why they couldn't just keep Fox's voice the same as in Brawl. That was such an upgrade so to revert in WiiU was pretty sad.
Make me wonder why they couldn't just keep Fox's voice the same as in Brawl. That was such an upgrade so to revert in WiiU was pretty sad.

They seem to be trying to move to having consistent actors for the Star Fox characters, and bringing back as many 64 voice actors as possible. Mike West isn't bad at Fox at all, his direction in Smash was just poor. Zero shows that he can still do the 64 voice perfectly. Considering everyone seems well aware how poorly his Smash 4 voice was received, they'll probably re-record it. Maybe not for Smash 4 NX, but for Smash 5.

With Wolf being the exception to using 64 voices going forward. They seem to want to keep his Brawl voice as his main voice, which is awesome, since his Brawl voice is my favorite version of the character.
All my bets are on snake. May he return to us as great as ever.
Nintendo can have my money day one if he is in. Not even joking, i'll eat nothing for a month to get my boy back.
Or if they could give me a straight answer on why he isn't back so I can finally rest, i'll take that too.
Sorry SmashGAF, considering none of you work with nintendo or sakurai everything relating to snake absence is hearsay in here.
Even if it's more than likely the truth. I need that official source.

The magic words Boss...

Kaz waited 9 years. We can wait longer to hear them.


There is going to be a smash NX at some point. However what kind of smash it is no one knows. Heavy rumor is on it just being a enhanced port of WiiU.

Make me wonder why they couldn't just keep Fox's voice the same as in Brawl. That was such an upgrade so to revert in WiiU was pretty sad.

Ah, alright. So it's still up in the air, for the most part.

And, speaking personally, I'm glad that Jay Ward reprised his role for voicing Wolf in Star Fox Zero. He sounds menacing, for one.
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