Thought this thread would be more active or have a more recent post at least.
Anyway, got this as a gift from a friend.
Overall, I'm really impressed. Played a lot of Vanilla SF4 on PS3, not a lot of Super back then.
The visuals are really great and quite close to the bigger-console versions (static backgrounds excluded, but no problems with that). 3D is quite cool, as it adds depth and separates eveything in layers which is a nice look.
Online surprised me, as the moment I went into Arcade Mode, I turned on Online Requests expecting to be interrupted at some point..later. But..hahaha, I couldn't even get into the first match's intro before having 3 different challenges. Played quite well too, with no noticeable lag even when I was quite far from the router (around 20 feet).
Using Pro-setup, found it to be the easiest one for me to play with. Would be cool if they release the AE-update/characters, but they won't.
But yep, really impressed by the overall game even with the package. That fatty-full color booklet and the 3D-lenticular slip-cover were nice too.