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Super Unpopular Opinion: Paper Mario 3D: Sticker Star is goddamn amazing...


Woah hold your horses! That train level was the best part of the game together with Glitzville.

What I want Nintendo to do is give Intelligent System's enough resources for a true sequel for Paper Mario 64 and TTYD. GamePad could find a lot of brilliant uses in Paper Mario. Exploring the franchise a bit won't hurt anybody (except some feelings when you fail to communicate the key differences of this particular game) but a game should never forget its roots.

Running back and forth on the train hoping to find the right room to move the story along? no thanks.
I would absolutely love a proper Wii U Paper Mario. I think it's time after two spin off games.


while I agree with you...

... it's just that fighting is soooo useless in the standard environment. fighting regular enemies at just a timesink.

but I love the rest.

This. There is no reason the fight regular enemies. It's a waste of sticks and if you run, they vanish anyway. Don't get me wrong, love the game, just wish there were more RPG elements to makes the fighting worth while.


hide your water-based mammals

My wife hated this game and has played every one in the series.

It's on sale so I suspect that drove your desire to make this thread. Avoid the game.


Woah hold your horses! That train level was the best part of the game together with Glitzville.

What I want Nintendo to do is give Intelligent System's enough resources for a true sequel for Paper Mario 64 and TTYD. GamePad could find a lot of brilliant uses in Paper Mario. Exploring the franchise a bit won't hurt anybody (except some feelings when you fail to communicate the key differences of this particular game) but a game should never forget its roots.


I've never agreed with a post so much. Every word.

Joe Lee

I really wanted to like Sticker Star, since I was a big fan of the previous Paper Mario games (Super Paper Mario was one of my favorites of this gen, as a matter of fact), but I wound up putting the game down after 8 hours. The couple of boss fights I did were great, but the standard battles were completely unnecessary and some of the puzzles were just unclear and frustrating. Honestly, Sticker Star was probably my biggest disappointment of the year after Assassin's Creed III.

Hell, if they just put in the standard RPG leveling and such in, I probably would have had more fun with it. It would have given the battles actual meaning to them.


Got this yesterday ($19.99 at Amazon); should be here by the end of the week; can't wait. (I also liked the previous Paper Mario games; but kinda forgot about this one :p)
I had a good laugh though in that so many people yelled "STOP HELPING ME!" to Fi while playing Skyward Sword, meanwhile Kersti is ridiculously useless for any help whatsoever.


I agree, Sticker Star is an underrated masterpiece. The adventure vibe and charm, great locations, stellar music all add to an already solid base. I suppose the only downsides to the game would be the random locations of the items and their uses during times (some boss-battles). After TTYD the best Paper Mario imo.

/edit: Yeah the whole "no hand holding" was great, it's damned if you do and damned of you don't I suppose. The game generally gave subtle hints at what you had to do at all times, you just had to pay attention. I will agree that it could have been a tad clearer at times, but I'd rather have it this way than the Skyward Sword way (which I also loved btw).

Fat Goron

Paper Mario: Sticker Star is one of those games that deserves a "RedLetterMedia"-esque review, like the one made for Metroid Other M.
How is the dialog in the Paper Mario games? I adore the dialog in M&L: Bowser's Inside Story. Anywhere near that level of quality? Is there a villain as remotely as entertaining as Fawful?
I would say its up there with the best M&L games, considering its far superior. =]
I like all the Paper Mario games. I love Super Paper Mario and I love this game. I thought the OT had a bunch of people that really enjoyed the game?
OP, I also have to agree with you. I love the reinvention of Paper Mario to a more gameplay-oriented, streamlined experience that's tailored for handhelds.

PK Gaming

If you hate Paper Mario & Paper Mario TTYD, then I don't know what to say

good for you I guess? I mean you just knocked 2 of the greatest RPGs of all time for... Sticker Star.


I just finished Sticker Star, and I really liked it, despite it being totally different from TTYD, which I loved. I kind of resent liking it, because it might send the message that I approve of Miyamoto's meddling with the story; I feel that it would have benefited from more distinct secondary characters and more story.


If you're tempted to pick this one up, Amazon dropped the price to $19.99:



Sticker Star is a great handheld paper mario experience. It is perfect to pick up and play for 30 minutes at a time and enjoy. I loved the personality of the game and think it is it a incredible addition to the 3DS library.
I think its a great game; don't see how the opinion is 'super unpopular' tbh OP.
Lots of fun and silly stuff.

Feels like the test game for the next Zelda 3DS though; it honestly is just a big open adventure game. Game looks incredibly good as well; I don't think boss fights work as well as they should; maybe Nintendo should work on how the unique sticker stuff works for the next one.

I did like using the sponge though.
Still need to defeat Bowser.

What's open about it?


It's an excellent game -- the adventure/puzzle solving element of the game was extremely well done, and the battle system was just as fun to mess around with as in the previous games. The people who hate it must be terrified of change, because they can't come up with any legitimate criticisms of it beyond "it's not like the other Paper Mario games!"
I give Sticker Star a glorious 9.5, I beat the game in two, three days? I could NOT stop playing it. I already regret selling my copy. :(

As a Paper Mario game, it's fucking disgusting, even more than Super Paper Mario. Nintendo is the one to blame here, they promised an RPG and deliverd an adventure game.

Why not create a different series for games like Super Paper Mario and Sticker Star?

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Terrible game. Enough to put me off Paper Mario for good. Super Paper Mario was bad, but this is a whole other type of boring.

Bad story.
Poor dungeons.
Music is alright.
Terrible battles.

I got it for 29.99 and I paid 10 too much.
It's an excellent game -- the adventure/puzzle solving element of the game was extremely well done, and the battle system was just as fun to mess around with as in the previous games. The people who hate it must be terrified of change, because they can't come up with any legitimate criticisms of it beyond "it's not like the other Paper Mario games!"

It's not like other Paper Mario games has a large scope and is a perfectly legitimate criticism.

- No Star Points (exp)
- No badges
- No items
- No partners
- No open world, just a series of levels on a map
The people who hate it must be terrified of change, because they can't come up with any legitimate criticisms of it beyond "it's not like the other Paper Mario games!"
Weird, the criticism Ive read is that the game has obtuse puzzle design, a lack of progression, a pointless and even more dumbed down battle system and a lack of interesting characters.

There is such a thing as change for the worse.


Your thread interests me as I don't like those things and have been on the edge of picking this up because it's on sale now. Might jump in.


What's open about it?
You don't have to do the stages in order? It's not open world but it's not a traditional Mario setup.

Game is great. I love Paper Mario and TTYD but kind of hated SPM. I'm glad they got reigned back in after that atrocity, and this game ended up being pretty damn good and unique.

The Hermit

I liked the game, but I don't think I'll replay it. I always enjoyed M&L franchise more anyway.

Still, having the BoomBox playing Star Maze was awesome! I wish more games used that tune...
After completing everything the game had to offer, I would say that Sticker Star plays around with a few neat ideas that aren't fully exploited (e.g., the battle system), but suffers from a really bare-bones story (for a Mario RPG, anyway; it's little more than a slightly elaborated version of the story in the NSMB games), which encompasses the lack of characters and dialogue. Kersti is cool, but she's about it, outside of the toads (who are also sometimes cool).

It is a generally polished game, with a decent challenge in both the boss battles and the "puzzles" (there's surprisingly little hand-holding at times), and the humor that is present is typically amusing. It just lacks...ambition, I suppose. Maybe Nintendo didn't supply IS with much of a budget on this one.

I will say, however, that SS is the best realization of the "paper" aesthetic yet. The art style and its little nuances are all very charming.


It's not like other Paper Mario games has a large scope and is a perfectly legitimate criticism.

- No Star Points (exp)
- No badges
- No items
- No partners
- No open world, just a series of levels on a map

No badges again? Aww that's one of the best things in the series.
You don't have to do the stages in order? It's not open world but it's not a traditional Mario setup.

Game is great. I love Paper Mario and TTYD but kind of hated SPM. I'm glad they got reigned back in after that atrocity, and this game ended up being pretty damn good and unique.

It's about as open as Super Mario Bros 3. They reigned it in too much.
I completely agree The Mana Legend.

I found it to be a pretty amazing experience and one of my favs from portables from last year. It needs to be approached like an adventure puzzle game and not an RPG though.

Superb levels, very fun. Absolute incredible music. I enjoy how a lot of the puzzle and boss battles have you require a very direct way of tackling and finding out the solution can be very rewarding, I've heard some people say the puzzles where too random but i really loved how they worked.

I was always surprised by the reception the game received and hope that down the road we'll reflect on it warmer. Perhaps it wasn't the game people wanted it to be, or expected, but its still superb. My fav of the paper mario franchinse with TTYD close behind. Which i really love, but its a bit long winded at times, where i found sticker star to be genuinely entertaining the whole way through with a few more surprises in the levels to keep things fresh until the credits roll.

And i respect this entry from moving further away from traditional mario RPG mechanics with Mario and Luigi 4 on the horizon, as we didn't need two portable mario RPGs in 8months.

Fox the Sly

...And I do not like Paper Mario 1, 2[...]



Sticker Star is my second favorite PM game after 1000 year door. I think a lot of people stop in the second world, which might be the low point of the game. That's a shame because it really picks up from there. Once I got the secret doors the game really took for me.


I dunno, I'm playing through it right now and I don't think it tops the original Paper Mario, yet anyway. I never had the love affair that everyone else does with TTYD so it's already surpassed it on merits of presentation alone in my mind.

Things that've struck me while playing:
  • Adventure game structure: seriously, it's more an adventure game platformer than it is an RPG, even with turn based battles. The majority of the game is finding where to use the obscure inventory item you just acquired.
  • What DOES suck about this is having to trek back to town whenever your guess was off just because those important stickers are one-off. Having to reload because of trial and error in boss battles is terrible too, and Mario & Luigi does this way better.
  • I actually like the idea of a limited arsenal that the stickers provide. Collecting your battle moves all over the world is actually kind of fun too.
  • The soundtrack is fantastic.
  • The writing, while not on par with the rest of the series, didn't really take the hit that everyone kept telling me it did. Even if the characters are all Toads, they do have the quirky character that I'd come to expect from them, even if the overall narrative doesn't. Kersti can go shove it, though. She has some fun dialogue in a few places but as a character she's pretty disappointing.
  • Emphasizing coins over everything else is also neat, but the battles are not nearly rewarding enough for me to even bother with them.
  • It probably shouldn't have been called Paper Mario. Paper makes up most of the aesthetic, moreso than the rest of the series ever did, but outside of that it really has nothing in common with the rest of the games. I can see someone getting disappointed for expecting an actual, full-fledged RPG in here.
Sticker Star is my second favorite PM game after 1000 year door. I think a lot of people stop in the second world, which might be the low point of the game. That's a shame because it really picks up from there. Once I got the secret doors the game really took for me.

Once you get to Gran Pulse the game gets good?


I'd need an example. I beat the game without the use of any guides and never felt hopelessly stuck.

It's not a case of it making you feel hopelessly stuck, it's just stupid stuff like stickers that are off the main path being essential to progressing through the game. Given the way the game is structured, that's just incredibly stupid design. You could argue most of the game is stupidly designed, even.

But then again, some people who play NES/SNES games obsessively seem to love that obtuse shit so who am I to judge?
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