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Super Villians in movies

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With the huge growth of Super Hero movies, also comes a huge selection of Super Villians. X-Men, Spider-Man, Batman, Superman, each have their own general enemies to lock horns with.

Unfortunately, I have only even known these characters through the Cartoon series', which did a great job on representing the characters. A lot of these characters, however, are better shown when over several episodes rather than one, which is why X-Men 2 did a great job of keeping Magneto readily avaliable.

There are also a whole load of characters, both hero and villian, which never made it to the cartoons, which I've probably never even heard of [Doesn't help that there is a lot of different lines of the same stuff :p]

Assuming the current movies are able to last more than 3 without turning to shit, which enemies should rock up and start causing mayhem? How many movies do you think these franchises could last without desolving into dodgy 3rd rate characters?

For the X-Men movies, I'd love to see the Juggernaught show up. He's a powerhouse, [almost] unstopable, and wants to kill Xavier. His addition would also allow the whole 'Mystic-Magic' powers to pop in, and allow a explanation of the Phoenix Saga to be more Feasable.

Other than Juggs, Sinister, Apocolypse , and the Sentinals, I can't think of much else. Who else is there who would be able to hold a movie?

For Batman, The Joker is an obvious inclusion, and since they're restarting the franchise, I'm glad he'll be left back for the second, or third, movie. It will allow Batman to flesh out, and then bring in an old foe. When they do, I hope they don't go the way of killing him off again. He should go to Arkham and sit around for a while, and then do a Joker/Harley Quin movie. The Joker is only half as funny without Harley there [From the cartoons anyhow], and would allow a bit of a backstory with her falling in love with him inside Arkham.

Then theres Two-Face, Riddler, Penguin, and who else?

Spider-Man, I can't really think of many characters outside of Mysterio, Venom Saga, and Hobgoblin. Who else?

What are your thoughts?
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