Barry you son of a bitch of a traitor 
Barry meeting j'onn would make my daySo wait, Alex and J'onn is absolutely gone for this episode?
Black Canary should take notes.
Super screams that actually does things.
all this playful banter and enjoying themselves. And it is filmed like a tv show
Banshee and Liveware look like they might make out
Barry meeting j'onn would make my day
Barry you lost deal with it...
Damnit barry
I really want to see a Wynn & Cisco team up too.
Barry been in the game too long for that rookie mistake
Throwing lightning at the lightning based villain.
That's my dumbass Barry!
Barry been in the game too long for that rookie mistake
Throwing lightning at the lightning based villain.
That's my dumbass Barry!
Oh Barry...
Oh, never change Barry.
Lmao Barry
Why would you do that
Throwing lightning at the lightning based villain.
That's my dumbass Barry!
Someone went to Hot Topic for their Supervillain outfit.
Throwing lightning at the lightning based villain.
That's my dumbass Barry!