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Superhero/action movie titles

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The numbers...WHY??

Can't we all agree that it's better to give the film some sort of distinguishing title than to just slap a 2 or a 3 next to the original? Isn't it better for the title to be vaguely thematically related to the new twists in the newer film?

Take for example: Aliens. Fucking perfect. Simple. Obviously related to the original in the series, Alien. The plurality of the name also had a direct relation to a new plot development for the sequel (that there were now, in fact, shitloads of aliens instead of just one). The movie is simultaneously distinct from the first film yet doesn't have to lean on the safety of a "number + original title" in order to convey a relationship.

Superhero films should adhere to this credo more than films based on original content. With the wealth of backstories and potential referential material, the 17th film in a superhero series should still be able to deliver a crafty title and maintain recognizability without the need for a number.

Given the fact that the Superman series (the penultimate superhero movie franchise until Batman's arrival) had opted for the the numerical approach, I guess I had never considered alternative forms of titling sequels for superhero flicks. But "Batman Returns" opened my eyes to the possibilities. I was so hyped when I heard that the second Spider Man flick was initially supposed to be called "The Amazing Spider Man". The exact opposite reaction occured when I heard that the studio execs of course opted for the arbitrary "2" in place of the original titles.

Of course things could have been worse for Spidey considering what happened to the sequel to X-Men. The progession for the title of that movie apparently went as follows (likely in some board room, packed with corporate decision makers as convinced of knowing what is cool as they are removed from knowing the first thing about it):

"Well, let's call it X-Men....2.."

"Hhrrmm...X-Men 2 sounds kinda wonky and unhip. We should spice it up - give it an 'edge'!!"

"I know, we'll just shorten X-Men to 'X'. X is a cool letter after all right?? Then we can call it X2!! It sounds like a rocket design or something, and I'll bet it makes a cool logo too."

"Brilliant Chet!! Hhrrrmm...only problem is that people looking at the movie listings might not know that it's the sequel to X-Men. We don't want to lose potential ticket sales from ignorant moviegoers do we?"

"Ok, so we'll keep the X2 thing and add a subtitle, something with X-Men in it!! Maybe even expand our demographic appeal a little bit...try and land some Nascar dads or something. What would they want in a subtitle??"

*turns on Fox News*

"I've got it!!"

"'X2: X-Men Fair and Balanced'...??"

"No jackass!! 'X-Men Freedom'!!"

"But even at the end of this movie they're still an outcast element of society, with a future of looming oppression and violence ahead!!"

"Ok you flamer, how about 'X-Men United'??"

"You mean, as in United STATES??"


"FUCKIN' BINGO, Thad. You nailed it. We'll call it 'X2: X-Men United'. That way we drag in the abbreviation-loving preteens, their flag-waving fathers, and the adolescents with boners who'll confuse all those X's with the rating. But we'll only carry the subtitle here in the states because the rest of the world will think that sounds fucking corny."

"God damn foreigners."

"Good work men."

So, no love for Spidey for going numerical. No love for Alien 3 being the only film in the series to break-up the numberless continuity. Props to Batman Begins for staying true to the themeatic titling. Support your numberlessly-titled superhero/action movies!! Down with numbers!!


Ok, so we'll keep the X2 thing and add a subtitle, something with X-Men in it!! Maybe even expand our demographic appeal a little bit...try and land some Nascar dads or something. What would they want in a subtitle??"

*turns on Fox News*

"I've got it!!"

"'X2: X-Men Fair and Balanced'...??"

"No jackass!! 'X-Men Freedom'!!"

"But even at the end of this movie they're still an outcast element of society, with a future of looming oppression and violence ahead!!"

"Ok you flamer, how about 'X-Men United'??"

"You mean, as in United STATES??"


"FUCKIN' BINGO, Thad. You nailed it.

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