It'll take concerted sob stories from alot of people thrown out of house and home for strip malls for this to get rescinded.
The Experiment said:Newt Gingrich is going to run in 2008 on the platform of the return to balanced budgets.
The Experiment said:It came back in the 1990s. Thats how the US was able to have two years of balanced budgets. The Republicans at the time forced Clinton and the Libbies to submit to it. We were able to pay back $380 billion. Newt Gingrich is going to run in 2008 on the platform of the return to balanced budgets.
If the Republicans are so concerned with balanced budgets, how come we have the greatest budget defecit of all time right now
The Experiment said:I'm not a Republican either by the way. I'm just anti-moron and blaming it automatically on the Conservatives without the facts was a moron thing to do.
Kung Fu Jedi said:The fact that we are fighting a war in Iraq, continuing operations in Afganistan, and "waging a war on terror" is the major reason we don't have such a large budget deficit. But, that is changing. The deficit has become a lot more of an issue recently and they (Congress and The President, Dems and Repubs) are on track to get things balanced again, barring any more unseen conflicts.
The other issues, like Terri Schiavo and "the Bible" are not the reasons there is such a huge deficit. Those are political issues pulled out for people to making public stands on issues to get great PR and photo-ops. Saying they are the problem is kind of silly.
Nerevar said:as long as the legislative and executive branch are under the control of the same party (be it Republican or Democrat), we will have budgetary problems. This has held true pretty much since WWII, I don't expect it to change anytime soon.
Guileless said:I knew when I heard about this on the news last night I would get some great OT theater. And y'all didn't disappoint, what with the hysterical exaggerations, ignorance (reflexively blaming Republicans was a nice touch), and vows to leave the country.
The Court limited the decision to comprehensive redevelopment plans and stated it was not to be for the benefit of individual developers. Also, the states are free to enact more limitations on eminent domain as they see fit. I guarantee you that there will be a bunch of Republicans using this as a campaign issue in 2006, so feel free to vote for them if you are exercised enough to declare the country dead if this decision stands.
And, if you read the facts of the case, you would be hard pressed to agree with the landowners here on anything besides an abstract desire to limit the Takings clause. These are not good facts for them, which is why they lost a close case. I would have sided with the majority here.
That's an oversimplistic way of looking at the issue, not to mention is contradicted by pretty much all of the 80s. Sorry, whether or not the executive and legislative are homogenous is no real indicator of fiscal sanity, however, the presence of a rubber stamp mentality, as is present today, is a real indicator of the lack of it. To today's republicans, the GOP in congress serves to make the laws the administration wants so then Bush can rubber stamp it, and existing policymaking processes are to be dismantled. What you get is tax cut after tax cut with not a single veto handed down on spending for everyone's favorite pork and graft(including the "War" on Terror). Hell, look at the reaction they get when Dems say they don't like a appointee. Heaven forbid the legislative actually checks the executive. Even more insulting is the Bush Administration's demand that other parts of government not try to "second guess" them.Nerevar said:This little rah-rah, we're-so-great speech ignores the fact that spending is always more balanced when you have a split Congress and presidency (dem pres / rep. congress or vice versa), and it always spirals out of control when the presidency and congress are of the same party. The balanced budget of the 90's was simply a consequence of this rule. If the Republicans are so concerned with balanced budgets, how come we have the greatest budget defecit of all time right now?
Hitokage said:That's an oversimplistic way of looking at the issue, not to mention is contradicted by pretty much all of the 80s. Sorry, whether or not the executive and legislative are homogenous is no real indicator of fiscal sanity, however, the presence of a rubber stamp mentality, as is present today, is a real indicator of the lack of it.
Shit, when CNNMoney is a bit leery about it being too tempting an option for big box retailers to avoid abusing it, it's time to worry.Eminent domain: A big-box bonanza?
Court's ruling OKed land grab for business like Target, Home Depot, CostCo, Bed Bath & Beyond
June 24, 2005: 3:20 PM EDT
NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - The Supreme Court may have just delivered an early Christmas gift to the nation's biggest retailers by its ruling Thursday allowing governments to take private land for business development.
Retailers such as Target (Research), Home Depot (Research) and Bed, Bath & Beyond (Research) have thus far managed to keep the "eminent domain" issue under the radar -- and sidestep a prickly public relations problem -- even as these companies continue to expand their footprint into more urban residential areas where prime retail space isn't always easily found.
Eminent domain is a legal principle that allows the government to take private property for a "public use," such as a school or roads and bridges, in exchange for just compensation.
Local governments have increasingly expanded the scope of public use to include commercial entities such as shopping malls or independent retail stores. Critics of the process maintain that local governments are too quick to invoke eminent domain on behalf of big retailers because of the potential for tax revenue generation and job creation.
The Supreme Court's decision Thursday clarified that local governments may seize people's homes and businesses -- even against their will -- for private and public economic development.
The ruling would seem to offer new opportunities to retailers. However, some industry watchers caution that with Thursday's decision thrusting the eminent domain issue into the national spotlight, companies using eminent domain risk a very public backlash.
Craig Johnson, president of retail consulting group Customer Growth Partners, said that retailers shouldn't interpret the high court's decision to be a green light to aggressively expand even into those neighborhoods where a big-box presence is unwelcome.
"Even with the Supreme Court's decision potentially in their favor, smart retailers would rather go into communities wearing a white hat rather than a black one," said Johnson.
The appropriate move for companies would be to selectively use eminent domain as a last resort, he said, not as a first course of action. "I think companies have learned a few lessons from Wal-Mart's public relations struggles," he said.
Where's the space crunch?
According to industry watchers, retailers face a different type of expansion problem on the East Coast versus the West Coast.
"On the West Coast, land availability takes a back seat to labor union issues and that's why Wal-Mart has consistently run into problems in California," Johnson said. "On the East Coast, because of population density it's very hard to get big open space and the zoning is more restrictive," Johnson said.
Industry consultant George Whalin said that's one reason that Target, the No. 2 retailer behind Wal-Mart, (Research) has resorted to using eminent domain to set up shop in a few East Coast markets.
Target and Wal-Mart could not immediately be reached for comment.
"Wal-Mart and Target have both been criticized for their eminent domain use," said Burt Flickinger, a consultant with the Strategic Resources Group.
Meanwhile, eminent domain opponents called the high court ruling a "big blow for small businesses."
"It's crazy to think about replacing existing successful small businesses with other businesses," said Adrian Moore, vice president of Los Angeles-based Reason Public Policy Institute, a non-profit organization opposed to eminent domain.
"There are many, many instances where we've found that the cities that agreed to eminent domain use not only destroyed local businesses but the tax revenue that the local government had hoped to generate did not come to pass," Moore said.
But at least one retail industry analyst sees things a little differently.
"Expanding for big box store is a challenge, especially in the Northeast. Therefore, retailers will have to devise a strategy for using eminent domain," said Candace Corlett, retail analyst with WSL Strategic nRetail.
"Local communities may oppose Wal-Mart and Target coming to their area but as consumers, they also want to shop at these stores and they complain when they don't have these stores nearby," she said. "The fact is that shoppers ultimately vote with their dollars and retailers are very well aware of that."
brooklyngooner said:Loki, and other BK forummers:
This should enable Bloomberg to use emminent domain to allow Ratner to buy out all the remaining lots he needs around the Atlantic railyards to build the Brooklyn Nets stadium. He's already making noise about it.