I'm a big fan of when Survivor has GOOD challenges. I am usually able to look past a lack of characters and idiotic twists, and this is no exception. There's some cool people, the twist was kind of neat for all the time it lasted, and the challenge was great.
Sure, it was your standard "Get to the end" challenge, but it had that all important aspect of the supplies. They were key; one team got it right, the other fucked it up royally. That is what I like to see in a Survivor challenge.
In other news, heading off to another beach for the winning team was IDIOTIC. Koron needs to get some common sense; they don't have the same number of alpha males that they had when they build the common shelter. Then, they had like 6, and they're down to like 1 or 2 now. It was a dumb move.
I think it was probably the best premiere since Pearl Islands, which had the BRILLIANT shopping challenge. It was so great. Rupert stealing the shoes before he became annoying, the storekeeper hitting on one of the women...it was great.