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SVC Chaos: SNK vs Capcom - IGN review


works for Gamestop (lol)


5.0 Presentation
It's your basic arcade port menu, text-heavy, rather ugly, but fast. Sigh...
5.5 Graphics
Weird. Some backgrounds have both good and bad animations. The characters are quick and pretty, and the Capcom characters look distinctly different when interpreted by SNK's artists.
5.5 Sound
Again, this is mixed. All songs are 16-bit in structure and in sound, too. Some are good, some are pretty ugly.
7.0 Gameplay
The bare-bones fighting system is a relief in a way, and it holds up well online. The Exceed meter, combos, counters, juggles and others help to give it legs.
7.5 Lasting Appeal
Like any fighting game, you can beat it with a single character in about an hour. But there are 24 initial characters. And while the online is minimal, it IS online and it's better than functional.
(out of 10 / not an average)

" In all, SVC Chaos: SNK Vs. Capcom is a decent fighter with a stripped down fighting system that some may prefer over fancier, more combo-studded variations. Stripped down pretty much describes this game well in most respects.

The lineups are relatively predicable, with SNK's Shiki and Capcom's Tessa and Hugo standing out from the crowd. The graphics and sound aren't terrible, but then again, they're also very old school, in both their design and in their technical approach.

The online functions are probably the aspect that will really grab your interest and keep you playing well after you've beaten the game a zwillion times, and though there isn't much to the interface, and you'll get sick of constantly being returned to the main menu, it's about time there were 2D fighters online. While it's obvious this game was more or less slapped together, and the online is as crude as it gets, at least the fighting in SNK Vs. Capcom holds up relatively well. "


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Damn, I hated the arcade version but I wouldn't go that far. I just found the game boring while playing with friends, I didn't go into any technical analysis. I suppose most of those things are true, but 6.0...dizamn.
I dunno... I've barely touched my PS2 copy since I got it soon after the JP release. It's mildly fun for a while, but it just doesn't feel right. Also, the requirements to face the real bosses are ridiculous.


Shitty game. When I got the ROM like a million years ago, I set up my DS2 adaptor and TV Out to play.

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