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SWG Beta Registration Opens (Jump to Lightspeed)

[7/19/2004 1:58:19 PM ET]
According to the official Star Wars Galaxies website, beta registration for LucasArts' MMO title, Star Wars Galaxies: Jump To Lightspeed, has begun.
Jump to Lightspeed—the first expansion to Star Wars Galaxies—is set between Episodes IV and V and will include 10 space sectors, more than 15 vehicles, over 100 new missions, as well as four new professions.
Star Wars Galaxies: Jump To Lightspeed is slated for release on the PC this fall (late October) for an estimated price of $29.99. For more information on the beta sign-ups, please visit the official site.


Gold Member
You have to have an active SWG subscription to apply for Beta. I'm not reactivating my account until Publish 10 hits.
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