Get back to me in 2 hours.
Good old embargoes...
Get back to me in 2 hours.
Get back to me in 2 hours.
Hopefully we'll hear about a localization today then. Just speculating but if we go by what the poster said about a Namco-Bandai press event embargo lifting this week, we should be hearing about this along with the Tales of Xillia 2 release date which is presumably coming possibly today (they already announced the UK release date today). All speculation though.
Let's see if Namco Bandai can pull through with another localization announcement.
Good old embargoes...
Could very well be right though. Since that would make sense. Wonder if they will actually announce God Eater 2 lol. With the "upcoming" patch that will contain the online play mode that would mean for the localized Western release, you guys should have online MP from the get go.
I'm hoping this and Awakened Legends VS today
What's an embargo/sarcasm
Bandai Namco have a number of announcements today (source: Twitter). IF there is any announcement, I will post it here immediately.
if there isn't, there isn't.
Some of the characters in that game were so random. Like how the hell did you guys decide to choose this kind random lol
Bandai Namco have a number of announcements today (source: Twitter). IF there is any announcement, I will post it here immediately.
if there isn't, there isn't.
Today is going to be a good day, I can feel it.
I agree, I was left dissapointed Bleach only got 2 playables while One Piece, DBZ and Naruto got 3. Would have loved Byakuya Kuchiki or Kenpachi Zaraki.
Confirmed for summer 2014.
Confirmed for summer 2014.
Confirmed for summer 2014.
Confirmed for summer 2014.
Confirmed for summer 2014.
Confirmed for summer 2014.
Confirmed for summer 2014.
Wait SoA still:
No English voice work = No physical release in NA
so,basically it's a videogame based on an anime based of videogames?
it's street fighter the movie:the videogame all over again
No, of course not. Muramasa Rebirth wouldn't have had a physical release if that was the case. This is just Bandai-Namco being cheap.
It's ok Bandai Namco loves Europe more than America, if anything EU is more likely to get a physical release.NA only, EU vita owners:
It's ok Bandai Namco loves Europe more than America, if anything EU is more likely to get a physical release.
Bamco if you miraculously read this, what about GE2? :<
I have more hope for digimon at this rate.
Good news though, didn't really expect it.
It's ok Bandai Namco loves Europe more than America, if anything EU is more likely to get a physical release.
I don't even have a Vita and I'm excited for a possible EU release. Is the Vita TV still Japan only?
btw guys check the main page~
Japan and parts of Asia / SE Asia currently. No word yet on the West I think.
Any 2ch flying get impressions? I'm too lazy to check myself.
Or has there been an EU game that was English only? I'm pretty sure some countries have laws that force translations, like France. Maybe just France.
I'm thinking there is no EU version because they don't want to translate it to all the EU languages whereas they already translated English in the Asian version.
Or has there been an EU game that was English only? I'm pretty sure some countries have laws that force translations, like France. Maybe just France.
Confirmed for summer 2014.
btw guys check the main page~