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T.S.A. Expands Duties Beyond Airport Security

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Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
We didn't allow this to happen. They just do it, and they know there's fuck all that we can do about it, until someone sues and then that will take years to finish the suit, meanwhile they continue to operate.

I know the cause and effect, but it's just so obvious, right? How this all continues to spiral out of control because Bad Things Happen. Americans really used to be overly proud of their individualism. Where the fuck did that go? We allowed this to happen because we're allowing it to KEEP happening.

I'm not about to get all 'murica up in here, but this is not the country I'm proud to live in. This is the opening scene to fucking Half-Life 2 come to life.

Fuck your can, TSA.
It's like the government is purposefully looking at the constitution and finding amendments to violate directly.

What's nice, we start denying women who had abortions the right to vote?


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
That's NFL policy, not the government. I guess they don't want to see something similar to the Boston bombing taking place inside a packed stadium. These are the times we live in.

its still stupid invasion of our rights.

and no its not the times we live in. We're not at war.
Seems like they don't come from the TSA; they're made up from different federal law enforcement agents and just work in that special unit with the TSA.


its still stupid invasion of our rights.

and no its not the times we live in. We're not at war.

It's not an invasion of our rights. You voluntarily chose to go to football games which are high-value targets for terrorism. The NFL has an obligation to enforce some type of security protocol and this is what they want to do. God forbid a bomb were to go off in a crowded stadium you know the first thing everyone would be asking is "How did we let this happen?" and "How come there wasn't more security?"


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
It's not an invasion of our rights. You voluntarily chose to go to football games which are high-value targets for terrorism. The NFL has an obligation to enforce some type of security protocol and this is what they want to do. God forbid a bomb were to go off in a crowded stadium you know the first thing everyone would be asking is "How did we let this happen?" and "How come there wasn't more security?"

You voluntarily walk on public walkways in major cities.
You voluntarily take the subway.
You voluntarily drive a car.

You voluntarily do a ton of things. That's absolutely no excuse for random,non-specific searches because terrorism may happen. You might as well argue for the "well, if you're not doing anything wrong..." position while you're at it. They're sister arguments and they're ugly.

Funky Papa

its still stupid invasion of our rights.

and no its not the times we live in. We're not at war.

Here's the thing: if America weren't actually at war with a bunch of podunk countries, it'd be incredibly hard to pass such bullshit measures under the farce of public safety.


It's not an invasion of our rights. You voluntarily chose to go to football games which are high-value targets for terrorism. The NFL has an obligation to enforce some type of security protocol and this is what they want to do. God forbid a bomb were to go off in a crowded stadium you know the first thing everyone would be asking is "How did we let this happen?" and "How come there wasn't more security?"
And what do you do if bombings happen despite having security measures against them? Do you ramp up security until you finally arrive in the police state that is the only end-goal if security is your primary concern?


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
It's not an invasion of our rights. You voluntarily chose to go to football games which are high-value targets for terrorism. The NFL has an obligation to enforce some type of security protocol and this is what they want to do. God forbid a bomb were to go off in a crowded stadium you know the first thing everyone would be asking is "How did we let this happen?" and "How come there wasn't more security?"

first of all, it is absolutely an invasion of my rights. I am allowed to bring cameras into sporting events(depending on lens size etc) however, now its going to be a huge pain in the ass to bring a camera in. I'll either have to wear it on my shoulder for the whole time I am there, or put it in a damn fucking clear gallon bag, which offers no security for me, and no protection for the camera, versus putting my camera in a nondescript bag that doesnt scream HEY THIS GUY HAS A CAMERA!
This is just one example.

Secondly, have you been to an NFL game recently? They already search ALL BAGS, and they do pat downs at every gate to every person entering the event. Which I'm fine with, its a minimal thing that doesnt take long and doesnt inconvenience me. This process never takes too long and they keep the lines moving so there is no excuse that it slows everyone down.

NFL stadiums are high risk low reward, people are too spread out, you would have to get a huge as bomb in to do any real damage.

And finally, if you are that afraid of life, maybe you need to just stay inside.
It’s just going to get worse; most Americans care more about who a politician is having sex with.

Let's also not forget how hard Obama is trying to take the guns away from every single American household, and his "war against religion" toward traditional American values by which this Christian nation was found.
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