I'm going to Boston next week and we're heading to the six flags there. I have vertigo and I'm scared shitless of these rides but then again if I don't get in, I'll look like a wuss
*fuck all y'all, me and my man did it a few years ago. Two hour wait in line? Let's play some golf! even the security guard who searched me on the way into the park was like "that's a good idea"
Now TTD was the greatest 7 second coaster experience of my life but will this new one break down as much as TTD? What are the changes that will not leave this new coaster unseated for half of the day?
If thats goliath behind it i'm shitin in my pants right now. Seriously i thought Goliath was fucking huge. But this doesnt seem that bad its just a vertical launch coaster using LIM tech just like Superman i think. Thats a little too fast for me though 130mph in about 4 seconds and reaching that hight holy shit.
Color me impressed.
EDIT cant wait to see this coaster in Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Muhhahahahaha sick people locked on a rollercoaster from HELL.