I enjoyed it much more than I expected to going in, it was a solid season and I would recommend it to others for sure. I read it kind of bombed though, and so maybe not to expect another season.
That's just such a damn shame, i bet if it was called Tales from The Walking Dead or The Walking Dead season 3 it would be a totally different story. How sad...and totally undeserving too.
I wasn't aware of that..but if that's the case. Read the above to see why it's a good thing to have people talking more about it. It really deserves the attention.
I'd say you really don't need to be familiar with Borderlands to appreciate this. Maybe you could look up a video of it on Youtube, see if you'd like it. Or only buy episode 1 first.
Always puts a smile on my face to see one of these threads. Completely underrated. So many folks wave it off because of the borderlands setting, and they are missing what is arguably the best Telltale game to date.
I think it's the best thing they've put out too by a good stretch. Wolf Among Us while good didn't deliver quite like it could have especially with that
useless Snow White curve and characters just disappearing like the cop.
If you have an aversion to the Borderlands setting because of the writing then that isn't an issue here. Also Loader Bot
You'll miss out on a few, "Oh hey, it's that guy." but for the most part you'll be fine. Some characters from the games aren't nearly as well characterized as they are here.
I absolutely loved it. Hard to believe in a year that the new games in two of my favorite series (MGS and Fallout) released, my favorite games were two story driven adventure games (Life Is Strange and Tales From The Borderlands) and an indie old school styled RPG that encourages you not to fight (Undertale).
Tales From The Borderlands was my #1 favorite game of 2015 though. I know Telltale releases physical versions of their games, but do they release collector's/special editions? Because I would absolutely LOVE to have a collector's edition of it.
I had so much doubt in it when it was first announced. I just couldn't see how a Telltale game based on the Borderlands universe would work since the recent Telltale games have relied on a good/strong narrative to hook people in and Borderlands 1 and 2 didn't really have much of a narrative or at least not one I cared about. It was all about the co-op for me. But when Tales from the Borderlands released, I was instantly hooked. It quickly became one of my Telltale favorites.
Yes. The two main characters (and some of the frequent supporting cast) are completely new characters and the other characters are pretty much established in game. Obviously you get a little more out of it if you already know the characters, but it is its own standalone thing.
Bought the whole season for less than 4 bucks on a PSN sale. Absolutely loved each minute of it. My most favorite TT's game by far, and I even hate the Borderlands series.
I've been checking the comments in some Youtube videos and a shitload of people say the same. Some call it Telltale's best game yet, so a second second is a freaking must. If this game bombed....i find it shocking. It has Borderlands in the title and Borderlands is quite popular, how do people NOT want to check it out?
I'll just carry on with keep telling people how awesome it is. Next up is Reddit. I'm sure plenty of folks out there who haven't given it a shot yet. Several of my friends actually and i won't stop until theyfinally they just buy it...damn.
I had so much doubt in it when it was first announced. I just couldn't see how a Telltale game based on the Borderlands universe would work since the recent Telltale games have relied on a good/strong narrative to hook people in and Borderlands 1 and 2 didn't really have much of a narrative or at least not one I cared about. It was all about the co-op for me. But when Tales from the Borderlands released, I was instantly hooked. It quickly became one of my Telltale favorites.
Exactly man. That is how i saw it at first too. I only bought the first episode first, but soon the season pass was in the sale as well, bought it right away. But i put the game on hold simply for my own stupid prejudice that it probably can't be too amazing..because it's a story based game based on Borderlands. I don't know why i thought that stupid shit, but i couldn't have been more wrong. Also....fantastic voice acting.
So many scenes made me simply smile, and not many games do that for me nowadays. So many of these characters are just so likeable and some of them simply lovely, like the robots...the robots are just the shit, simple as that. For that alone a second pt is very worth it, but also for some stuff i am very curious about that happens in episode 4 and 5.....
What will happen if i agree with Jack to rule with him.
Holy fucking shit, I literally just finished this game and, wow. Wow. I need more like yesterday.
When the watch started healing Sasha all I could think was "yeah, no problem, I'll gladly take this lazy plot device, just give me Sasha back" lol I seriously got teary eyed thinking they would go through with that.
Everything about this game was outstanding. I'm gonna go listen to some of the songs now.
So many scenes made me simply smile, and not many games do that for me nowadays. So many of these characters are just so likeable and some of them simply lovely, like the robots...the robots are just the shit, simple as that.
Holy fucking shit, I literally just finished this game and, wow. Wow. I need more like yesterday.
When the watch started healing Sasha all I could think was "yeah, no problem, I'll gladly take this lazy plot device, just give me Sasha back" lol I seriously got teary eyed thinking they would go through with that.
Everything about this game was outstanding. I'm gonna go listen to some of the songs now.
it was definitely possible that they were gonna go through with it, since you can't seem to avoid Scooter's passing at all, but I just got so happy when that watch did its thing. It just shows you how much you actually care about these CG characters. Awesome. Loader bot standing there and Gortys going up to him and simply hugging him and Loader bot simply saying "hi".... yeah too awesome.
Yeah it's a job fantastically well done by Telltale and I'm sure Gearbox had a part in it as well. All of that are reasons why a second season is simply mandatory. Of all Telltale games so far, thus one deserves it the most.
Episode 2's intro is pretty fucking GOAT and the songs from 2 (intro) ,3 (intro), 4 (intro) and 5 (intro and finale) are currently in heavy rotation on my play list
as for the questions
2- Also, in the finale we take his arm off and his eye out. In present day however he has the arm and eye again, any explanation for this? When we later find out Loader Bot was the one holding Fiano and Rhys captive, we see a flashback where he takes the new robot body and we see Rhys there on the ground...am i to assume Loader Bot fixed his arm and eye?
he mentions that after he came to and took the atlas deed he went back to the atlas facility and created a new hand an eye and he eventually made some other prototypes and stuff.
6- Does this game have some kind of link to the Pre-Sequel? Cause i could swear the planet where they crash on in the finale, is something i saw in the Pre-Sequel.
The main link to Pre-sequel is Athena (and Janey). They apparently also managed to weave in how she got captured by Brick and Mordecai (though apparently different takes of how well they did, plus no mention of Fiona in Pre-Sequel) so she could tell her story in Pre-sequel
Also for the end
They might be back for a "Borderlands 3" mainly due to a part where Lilith and crew now have to apparently gather all the vault hunters they can since something big is coming?.
Now that I've finished Fallout 4, I'm going to sink some time in those adventure games in my backlog and this is top of the list. Snagged it for a song during a flash sale and I've heard nothing but great things.
They could be saving them for Borderlands 3. Tales did have a lot of effect on the Borderlands universe, I wouldn't be surprised if they tie them in more tightly for 3. Then follow that up with season 2? *shrugs*
I loved TWD S1/2 and all the Borderlands games but for some reason I was put off this game. Maybe it was the engine is getting long in the tooth now.
But I got it recently in the January sale and have played the first two episodes. Man this game is right up there as the best for me, The characters, character introductions, music, situations are awesome.
I've played a half hour or so. Impressed with the production values mostly, but don't get much from the writing and characters. Teenage cocky banter bullshit imo, what's to like. We may try again.
How do I access TPS skins? It says I need the season pass for the Tales game, which I do and a Shift account for TPS which I do.. but I don't know how to get the character skins?
Just finished the game and it pretty much skyrocketed on my goty list taking the 2nd spot
Absolutely AMAZING experience, such a charming cast <3
I also went and grabbed Borderlands 2 & the pre-sequel since i never really cared about these games that much but i just needed more right now...crossing my fingers to see a Tales 2 at some point
It was my first telltale game what an amazing ride. I LOVED IT. Kudos to all the talented people who worked on this game. Where is mah season 2 though..
Just finished Chapter 2 today, and I'm absolutely hooked on the characters and the world. I legit laughed and smiled throughout the journey so far. Really enjoying the experience!
The main problem I've overall had with telltale games is that choices don't matter.
In this game I really didn't care about that because all I wanted to see was all the funny stuff that happens.