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Tales of Series | Community Thread | Localizing more games than Square Enix

I finally bought a PS3 which means I was able to start playing my LE Xillis copy today!
And damn, I love it so far but I always tend to love Tales intros.
Character introductions, fiddling with new combat mechanisms, a rush of weird jargon...definitely a Tales game!
It feels so good to play at last! :D


Tales of Innocence R is a pretty fun little game. Also kind of love the speed at which the game moves, it's gonna end up being the shortest Tales game yet for me (alongside ToD2 we'll see Which wins in the end) but it's refreshing.

That said, Iria is a terrible annoying character. I like Ange, and I love Ricardo's design and fighting style but he's pretty boring otherwise.


Neo Member
So, I finally cleared my app store account so that I could change my country on that to get Tales of Asteria. It's a fun little game, although not having the characters voicing most of the scenes means I am lost throughout most of the game.


Junior Member
Over my Christmas vacation I'm planning on picking up a new Tales game and I want some input on which to play. I'm trying to decide between ToP:NDX (currently leaning towards this), ToD Director's Cut(assuming I can get pcsx2 to work), and Tales of Rebirth.


Over my Christmas vacation I'm planning on picking up a new Tales game and I want some input on which to play. I'm trying to decide between ToP:NDX (currently leaning towards this), ToD Director's Cut(assuming I can get pcsx2 to work), and Tales of Rebirth.

Tales of Rebirth is in my top 3 Tales games. One of the best battle systems. NDX is also extremely fun and I love the class system. Never played Destiny unfortunately, but everyone says it's great.

I would go with Rebirth but with NDX you do get 2 games for the price of one (not sure if you're interested in Phantasia X at all).


Over my Christmas vacation I'm planning on picking up a new Tales game and I want some input on which to play. I'm trying to decide between ToP:NDX (currently leaning towards this), ToD Director's Cut(assuming I can get pcsx2 to work), and Tales of Rebirth.

Can't go wrong with either of those. I'm really biased to ToD. I like the cast, the sprites, and the battles. Probably the Tales game with the greatest emphasis on aerial combos, especially when you do New Game+. Combo system is extremely lenient in this game, and plus you get access to Blast Caliburs frequently.

ToR's great too if you're looking for something more traditional. Basically the last of its kind for the Tales series.
The 3 line system is a really nice take on the lmbs.

I haven't beaten or played NDX that much, so I can't give any input on that.


Over my Christmas vacation I'm planning on picking up a new Tales game and I want some input on which to play. I'm trying to decide between ToP:NDX (currently leaning towards this), ToD Director's Cut(assuming I can get pcsx2 to work), and Tales of Rebirth.

ToD and Rebirth sound like solid choices.

Haven't really played much of Rebirth or NDX, but ToD is just awesomeness.

Starts out kinda clunky (lack of CC), but once you get a good ways in, it's madness.


Tales of Xillia 2 Final Impressions

I would give the game an 8/10 probably. My third favorite Tales game behind Symphonia and Abyss. Considering I beat Xillia 1 a while ago, the reused assets and music didn't bother me too much but it was still fairly lazy of them to include only a few new areas. The debt system wasn't too bad imo, but I wish they had a bigger variety of quests. Luckily, you get gald super easy in the game so it's not that big of a deal. I actually really liked the story of the game. I think the darker feel of it is what drew me in. It was also kind of a nice change to not have a completely happy ending (I picked the ending where Ludger dies, which I felt was more proper). The battle system was really fun to me, and I loved how Ludger could use blades, guns, and hammers, really cool aspect when combined with the refinements they made in the battle system compared to ToX. I still have like 17 million left on my debt so maybe I'll go back and try to pay it off some other time. Gonna move on to other games though, might be having some Tales fatigue after playing this for nearly 50 hours.


Neo Member
All I know about Tales of Rebirth is "KUREEEEEAAAAA". However, I kind of want a remastering of that with dual audio (and have it finally released to a Western audience) of that game.

But then I remember Tales of Symphonia Chronicles and back pedal on that idea.

Young Magus

Junior Member
So if you don't know any Japanese at all how hard is Tales of Rebirth to get through?

Its not bad but you will need to read up more on the battle system to get the proper understanding of it.

Also, Tytree (Martial Arts dude) is a good character to play as.


Neo Member
So if you don't know any Japanese at all how hard is Tales of Rebirth to get through?

A quick google search shows a bunch of walkthroughs in English. So getting through the game will be easy with one of the walkthroughs and an explanation of the battle system like with any game really.

Understanding the story though, you can probably dig around for a scripted translation somewhere?


So if you don't know any Japanese at all how hard is Tales of Rebirth to get through?

Fairly simple, all things considered. The only thing you'll definitely need a walkthrough for are 2 puzzles which actually require you to input words in Japanese. Thank God for the Internet.

The Zestiria anime special looks gorgeous as expected. But isn't it a prequel to the game or were not all scenes from the anime? I thought Sorey and Alisha first meet during the game.


The Zestiria anime special looks gorgeous as expected. But isn't it a prequel to the game or were not all scenes from the anime? I thought Sorey and Alisha first meet during the game.
It's not a prequel. The anime special is just the prologue of Zestiria and shows how the story begins...


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
So if you don't know any Japanese at all how hard is Tales of Rebirth to get through?
With the translation guide, it isn't difficult at all. More tedious than a fully translated game, obviously, but very accessible.
I like how neither of Xillia 2's ending is 100% good. Hell, I'd argue that the good ending is actually sadder when you think about it.
Sure, it's good that Elle gets to live, but she's an orphan. In the bad ending they actually get to be a happy family, even if it's not the same Elle. Of course saving Elle would always be the right thing to do though. At least she's got the others to take care of her.

Really enjoyed the Xillia duology, great cast of characters, they all really grew on me. Lots of hilarious moments throughout.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I like how neither of Xillia 2's ending is 100% good. Hell, I'd argue that the good ending is actually sadder when you think about it.
Sure, it's good that Elle gets to live, but she's an orphan. In the bad ending they actually get to be a happy family, even if it's not the same Elle. Of course saving Elle would always be the right thing to do though. At least she's got the others to take care of her.

Really enjoyed the Xillia duology, great cast of characters, they all really grew on me. Lots of hilarious moments throughout.
Ludger living will always be the true good ending.


I like how neither of Xillia 2's ending is 100% good. Hell, I'd argue that the good ending is actually sadder when you think about it.
Sure, it's good that Elle gets to live, but she's an orphan. In the bad ending they actually get to be a happy family, even if it's not the same Elle. Of course saving Elle would always be the right thing to do though. At least she's got the others to take care of her.

Really enjoyed the Xillia duology, great cast of characters, they all really grew on me. Lots of hilarious moments throughout.

I picked Elle to live, I just felt it was better that way.

Is there an ending which is considered to be canon?


I've been looking all over the internet for compilations of Mutsumi's art.

I'm trying to find some art and designs for the minor characters like Fourier from Tales of Graces.

I went through her design works and the Tales of series works and found nothing.

I hope they publish more of her art, I'm quite fond of it.


I've been looking all over the internet for compilations of Mutsumi's art.

I'm trying to find some art and designs for the minor characters like Fourier from Tales of Graces.

I went through her design works and the Tales of series works and found nothing.

I hope they publish more of her art, I'm quite fond of it.

The Tales of Graces artbook from the european day 1 edition has a good amount of art and designs for minor characters like Fourier.


Went back to Xillia to finish up the extra bosses in anticipation of 2 coming in the mail today, and wow, there isn't much post-game content. I'd already done the Devil Arms and
Golden Knight
around my late level 50s (which made it really tense and fun), so there wasn't much else other than the mysterious jewels and Colosseum left to do. Not even a cameo fight. ;_;

Hopefully Xillia 2's a little more generous in terms of post-game.


Junior Member
Went back to Xillia to finish up the extra bosses in anticipation of 2 coming in the mail today, and wow, there isn't much post-game content. I'd already done the Devil Arms and
Golden Knight
around my late level 50s (which made it really tense and fun), so there wasn't much else other than the mysterious jewels and Colosseum left to do. Not even a cameo fight. ;_;

Hopefully Xillia 2's a little more generous in terms of post-game.

Don't worry, there is much more post-game in Xillia 2


that puzzling face
So I'm playing through Lineage and Legacies (the future arc of Tales of Graces) for the first time (previously did vanilla ToG) and geez this is a textbook example of how to stretch out a game way longer than its welcome.

Tacked on villains explained by tacked on lore in tacked on dungeons with a paper-thin plot reason to redeem the big bads with virtually nothing interesting to say at all for the setting.

Any improvements to combat kinda get smothered into how mind-bogglingly tedious the entire chapter is to play through. It literally is one overly convoluted dungeon after another*, all of which have final-dungeon-levels of hilariously large squads of damage-sponge enemies.

I felt like I was playing a sequel no one asked for, without the actual small pleasures can be derived from an actual sequel like Xillia 2 (sorta) and DotNW (I... can't believe I just said that)

This really could have been a 3-part OVA and nothing more. What were they thinking?

*holy hell all you people who bitch and whine about corridor dungeons this is your fault.
Fortunately I was entirely burned out on Graces by that point, I started up the future arc nearly a year after I actually finished the game still only lasted all of 2 hours, seemingly I made the right choice.

*holy hell all you people who bitch and whine about corridor dungeons this is your fault.

You're Welcome!
Lineage and Legacies was terrible just due to all the grinding I had to do to get the damn Nakiri Dolls materials to drop.

I don't think I even used them after I got them since I was sick of the game by then.


that puzzling face
This is honest-to-God the first time in the history of Tales that I'm actually skipping skits.

Why am I even doing this to myself.

edit: and now that I double-negative bitch about corridor dungeons,
Fodra's Core
appears to be one long zigzag approximately 5 miles long with literally no distinctive features to it. I swear this game is trolling me.

edit2: I am classifying Lineage and Legacies now as a potential health hazard as I strongly believe it can cause a person suffering depression to actually contemplate suicide.


So actually listening to the ToD2 opening again, I didn't know they really did say "don't need a fancy car".

For some reason I thought people were joking. lol

Edit: I didn't mind the Future arc. The story was definitely turned up a notch on its silliness though.
I'm not sure why I didn't find it boring though, since it sorta is.


This is honest-to-God the first time in the history of Tales that I'm actually skipping skits.

Why am I even doing this to myself.
I actually remember Lineage and Legacies being the point skits stopped being cringeworthy since the party stopped fucking moping, bitching and bickering and
Richard and Malik
got some room to lighten them up.

All of the skits are still trash compared to Vesperia's.


I actually remember Lineage and Legacies being the point skits stopped being cringeworthy since the party stopped fucking moping, bitching and bickering and
Richard and Malik
got some room to lighten them up.

All of the skits are still trash compared to Vesperia's.

I actually enjoyed Lineage and Legacies. Richard's interactions are good, and now you can play as him (and he's the only magic knight in the game).


that puzzling face
I dunno, I guess I feel like Graces really, really shined in its first 1/3. So much so that it unfortunately outshines the rest of the game, and the last 1/3 feels like it drags on way too long. And then Lineage and Legacies comes along, and while the premise mildly interesting, stretches on way too long and overstays its welcome long before you get through half the extremely obtuse dungeons. Entire
Fodra shaft
dungeon was rage-inducing. Actually in hindsight I probably should have caved in and just used a guide to speed through it.

The contrast hits me even harder now that I'm starting ToGf NG+.

Like I said, it would have made a great 3-part OVA. (based ufotable)

edit: If I could sum up my disappointment, it's probably looking back and remembering how much I enjoyed ToG, overlooking the fact that the latter portion of the game stretched out pointlessly, and then upon playing ToGf to see what was added, discovering that the future arc was pretty much an extension of the part of the game that I found a complete slog, which therefore made me feel like I completely wasted my time playing through the game again.

Combat additions were good though. I think I might have preferred it better if it were baked into the base game, sorta like a "Final Mix" or IZJS. Not playing as Richard would be a tradeoff I'd be glad to make.

edit2: Embarassingly enough, the first time I played ToG, it -was- ToGf and on PS3. I actually didn't know that the future arc was a thing. (It was also during a relatively busy period of my life)

Falk confirmed for worst Tales fan ever.


I loved the dungeons in Lineage and Legacies. I really enjoy long and complex dungeons that have some puzzles to solve. My favourite dungoens of Graces are Lastalia Shaft, Arcadia Garden and Fodra's Core. Really liked the length, puzzles and atmosphere of these dungeons. I may be the only one, but I hope the same style of dungeons return in Zestiria. I was not a fan of most of the Xillia dungeons which were just long, boring corridor's. Graces' dungeons were more integrated into the story and the world and not your ordinary cave, forest or canyon dungeon.

Lineage and Legacies was a nice adittion to the main game with a lot of fan service. And that's what it is for me. I mean even the game itself doesn't take itself to seriously in that entire arc. lol
I am done with Xilla 2 , got 3 endings outside of debt ending.

this is the most disappointing tales yet :( I don't really feel for glasses or the MC . There is not much interaction between them . The past cast are mostly useless to the story , Elize ,Leia and Alvin have no good reason to really join the party. I don't like that they don't really care about destroying alternates worlds , i am not asking for Star Ocean Emo scene but more of a depth to it.
ALt Milla
have NO reason to help and follow the cast after what they did . Victor is under developed as well. The post game is weak too and the side quests are boring . Th character quest are only Ok . skits sucks and there are so little of them.

hmm any way to easily earn Gald? i sucks at poker (till managed to unlocked the trophy ) and don't feel like beating the extra EX monster. If not i will leave the debt ending :/

IMO tos2 is a much better game, i actually feels that the cast grow during the game.(yes Xillia 2 is only 1 year later .....)
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